Project #2001-181 DYCOMS-II

Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus-II

Bjorn Stevens, et al.

NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)

Data Quality Report

Prepared by: Krista Laursen (NCAR/RAF)

11 October 2001

This document is intended to provide an overview of problems, limitations, and features to be found in the DYCOMS-II C-130 data set. Two sections are included in this summary. Section I contains an outline of general problems and limitations common to all of the project flights. Section II details specific flight-by-flight problems and comments.

Every attempt has been made to be as thorough and complete as possible during the quality checking of the DYCOMS-II C-130 data set. However, given the significant number of variables in the processed data files, it is possible that some problems within the data set were not detected. Users of these data are encouraged to notify the RAF should they discover additional problems and/or limitations within the data set. Information regarding such problems should be brought to the attention of Jørgen Jensen, (303)497-1058
Allen Schanot, (303)497-1063
the RAF project-management staff, or Ron Ruth) (303-497-1084), the RAF data manager.

Section I: General Data Set Quality and Limitations

  1. In general, measurements of ambient temperature made on the C-130 using the two radome-mounted sensors (ATRL, Ambient Temperature Radome Left; ATRR, Ambient Temperature Radome Right) were in agreement with each other within a range of approximately 0.1 °C throughout the DYCOMS-II project. Ambient temperature data obtained from the heated, wing-mounted sensor (ATWH, Ambient Temperature, Deiced Wing) were, however, typically offset from the ATRL and ATRR data by a few tenths of a °C during each of the project flights. Based on a careful review of the ATRL, ATRR, and ATWH data and a comparison with dewpoint temperature data during in-cloud segments, it was determined that ATRL yielded the most reliable ambient temperature data. Consequently, the reference ambient temperature variable, ATX, was set to ATRL for each of the DYCOMS-II test, ferry, and research flights. Users are advised to use ATX in any calculations requiring ambient temperature data.

  2. Measurements of dewpoint temperature obtained from the two General Eastern hygrometers on the C-130 (DPBC, Dewpoint Temperature, Bottom Corrected; DPTC, Dewpoint Temperature, Top Corrected) were typically in good agreement (within 0.1 to 0.2 °C of each other) for each of the DYCOMS-II flights. Based on a comparison of DPBC and DPTC data with ambient temperature data during in-cloud passes, the decision was made to set the reference corrected dewpoint temperature variable, DPXC, to DPBC for the majority of the DYCOMS-II flights. The exception to this was RF03, in which case DPXC was set to DPTC due to problems encountered with the DPBC sensor during the first quarter of the flight.

    It should be noted that, during those periods in which the aircraft was flying at higher altitudes in regions of colder temperatures, DPBC (and hence DPXC for all flights but RF03) frequently displayed significant oscillatory behavior. However, since most of the critical DYCOMS-II data were collected at lower altitudes at which such oscillatory behavior did not occur, it is the opinion of the RAF that DPBC still yields the most consistently reliable dewpoint temperature data. Consequently, users are advised to use DPXC in any calculations requiring dewpoint temperature data. In those cases for which dewpoint temperature data are needed for higher altitude/cold temperature flight path segments, it is perhaps advisable for investigators to use DPTC data.

  3. Mixing ratio data were obtained from three sensors during DYCOMS-II: the General Eastern hygrometer (MR), the "stub" Lyman-Alpha (MRLA), and the cross-flow Lyman-Alpha (MRLA1). In general, agreement between the three mixing ratio variables was quite good throughout the project. However, users of the data set will notice that the variable MR periodically displays "overshooting" and offsetting from MRLA and MRLA1. This behavior is attributable to periodic (and short-term) saturation of the General Eastern hygrometer. Figure 1 shows an example of this behavior in MR during RF07.

    In similar fashion to the MR data, "overshooting" and offsetting also appear at times in the MRLA data. As with the General Eastern sensor, this problem is attributable to temporary saturation of the "stub" Lyman-Alpha sensor. Figure 1 also shows an example of the effect of temporary saturation on collected MRLA data. The cross-flow Lyman-Alpha sensor performed extremely well throughout the DYCOMS-II project. Consequently, the RAF recommends that MRLA1 data be used in any analyses requiring mixing ratio data. Similarly, it is advisable to use RHOLA1 (cross-flow Lyman-Alpha absolute humidity) rather than RHODT (General Eastern hygrometer-derived absolute humidity) or RHOLA ("stub" Lyman-Alpha absolute humidity) in calculations requiring absolute humidity data.

  4. Due to the marine environment in which the majority of the DYCOMS-II flights were conducted, the decision was made to use the humidity-corrected true airspeed variable (TASHC) in the processing of the C-130 data. In dry atmospheric conditions (e.g., for the test flights in Colorado and for the ferry flights to and from NAS North Island), TASHC differs from the reference true airspeed (TASX, set to the radome true airspeed, TASR) by a few hundredths of a meter per second (m/s). However, during the test and research flights conducted from North Island, TASHC differed from TASX in some cases by a few tenths of a m/s. In view of the latter differences, it was deemed important to use TASHC in the processing of all of the DYCOMS-II flight data. Users are, therefore, advised to use TASHC in all calculations requiring true airspeed data, especially for those studies being conducted on those flights flown from North Island.

  5. Aircraft altitude data are available from the following three sources recorded on the aircraft data system during the project: GPS altitude (GALT), pressure altitude (PALT, in meters, and PALTF, in feet), and a RAF-derived reference altitude (ALTX). Outputs of all three variables have been included in each of the processed flight data files. According to Trimble (the manufacturer of the TANS III GPS unit deployed on the C-130), an accuracy of 24 meters (RMS) in the vertical (altitude) data from the GPS can be expected. The Inertial Reference System (IRS) altitude data (ALT) are generally considered by the RAF to be of questionable quality. Consequently, the decision was made to remove the variable ALT from each of the final flight netCDF files.

    Geometric height (HGM232) data are also available for each of the DYCOMS-II flights. It should be noted, however, that interrupt code added to the RAF data acquisition software for the purposes of recording the Drexel APIMS digital data introduced spiking into the HGM232 and PSFDC (static pressure) data recorded on the C-130 data system. A multi-point despiking algorithm was used during the final processing of the DYCOMS-II data, and this removed the majority of the spikes from the HGM232 and PSFDC data. Nevertheless, users of the data set will note that some spiking remains in the HGM232 data. (Most notably at the beginning and end of flights and for a brief number of seconds during some research flights.) It is the opinion of the RAF, however, that the overall quality of the HGM232 data is very good.

    In general, it is recommended that investigators use either ALTX or GALT for measurements of altitude and HGM232 for geometric height data when performing analyses using the DYCOMS-II data set.

  6. As was mentioned in 5 above, interrupt code added to the RAF data acquisition software introduced spiking into the PSFDC (Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage Digital Sensor) data collected during the project. The multi-point despiking algorithm used during the final processing of the data set successfully removed the majority of these spikes from the PSFDC data. Nevertheless, because some small amount of spiking remained, the decision was made to set the reference corrected static pressure variable, PSXC, to PSFC (Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage Sensor) for all of the DYCOMS-II flights. Consequently, PSFC was used in the processing of all collected C-130 data requiring corrected static pressure data as input. Users requiring corrected static pressure data for calculations are advised to use the variable PSXC.

  7. Aircraft position data obtained from the Trimble GPS on the C-130 (the latitude and longitude variables GLAT and GLON, respectively) are considered to be of higher accuracy than position data obtained from the aircraft's IRS (the latitude and longitude variables LAT and LON, respectively). An accuracy of 16 meters (RMS) in the horizontal can be expected in the GPS position data. Furthermore, the GPS system performed very well throughout the DYCOMS-II deployment. Therefore, users are advised to use GLAT and GLON in all analyses requiring aircraft position data.

  8. Steep banked turns (such as those executed during spiral ascents and descents with roll angles greater than 25 degrees) compromise the quality of the C-130 wind data (RAF variables UI, VI, WI, etc.) due to the adverse effects of the prolonged turns on the aircraft's IRS unit. Users are, therefore, advised to use the processed wind data corresponding to such turn segments with caution.

  9. It is recommended that investigators use the GPS-corrected wind variables (UIC, VIC, WIC, WDC, and WSC) in any studies and/or calculations requiring wind speed and/or direction measurements. These variables are, generally, considered to provide the most reliable wind vector measurements.

  10. During a review of the downwelling and upwelling shortwave and ultraviolet radiometer data collected during the project (RAF variables SWT, SWB, UVT, and UVB, respectively), offsets in each of the four variables were found. An analysis of the SWT and SWB data collected during the nighttime flight legs was carried out to quantify the offset present in each of the two variables. These offsets were then removed (i.e., subtracted out) during final processing of the SWT and SWB data. Reprocessing of the UVT and UVB data with the post-project calibration coefficients for these two variables yielded downwelling and upwelling ultraviolet radiometer data with no visible offsets. Consequently, the post-project calibration coefficients for UVT and UVB were used in the final processing of these two variables.

  11. Modelling studies were conducted for some of the DYCOMS-II flights to derive values needed to correct the downwelling shortwave radiometer data (SWT) for the effects of aircraft attitude. A simple radiative transfer model was used to determine shortwave direct and diffuse radiation fractions, both of which are used in the correction algorithm used in routine processing by the RAF. Direct and diffuse fractions were derived for two different cases: for the nocturnal flights from North Island carried out in the marine environment, and for the daytime flights from North Island carried out in the marine environment. Direct and diffuse fractions for the flights conducted at higher latitudes and less humid conditions (e.g., the test flights in Colorado) were taken from modelling studies conducted for a previous C-130 project supported by the RAF. The appropriate fraction values were then applied during the processing of the DYCOMS-II C-130 data in order to generate attitude-corrected downwelling shortwave radiometer data (RAF variable SWTC) for each flight.

  12. In general, good agreement (i.e., overlap) is found between the concentration spectra for the SPP-200, SPP-300, SPP-100, 260X, and 2D-C probes flown on the C-130 for the project. Specific problems encountered with the SPP-100 probes deployed on the aircraft during DYCOMS-II are outlined in item 13 below. Also, additional problems experienced with the various PMS probes are detailed as needed in Section II below.

    Users should note that calibration and processing information (e.g., depth of field, beam diameter, cell sizes, etc.) for each of the RAF PMS 1-D probes deployed on the C-130 is included in the netCDF header for each flight. Specifically, this information is found in the raw accumulations variable in the header for each 1-D probe. These accumulations variable names are as follows: SPP-200 -- AS200_RPO; SPP-300 -- AS300_RPC; SPP-100 -- AS100_LPI; 260X -- A260X_RWO. Interested users should examine the low-rate example production output netCDF file header to see an example of the calibration and processing data included in each of the above probe accumulations variables.

    Users should be aware that periodic discrepancies between SPP-200 and SPP-300 concentrations appear in the concentration spectra in the droplet/particle diameter range of 1 to 3 µm. In these instances, the recorded SPP-200 concentrations are significantly higher than the recorded SPP-300 concentrations. For droplet/particle diameter sizes of less than 1 µm, agreement between the recorded SPP-200 and SPP-300 concentrations is, typically, quite good.

  13. Some problems were encountered during DYCOMS-II with the RAF SPP-100s deployed on the C-130. For TF01 through TF03, FF01, RF01 and RF02, SPP-100 serial number (S/N) 109 was flown on the aircraft. It was determined after careful reviews of the S/N 109 probe data that this probe was sizing droplets too large by approximately two bins. Users of the SPP-100 data collected during the first six flights of the project are, therefore, advised that these data (specifically, the SPP-100 size spectra derived concentrations, etc.) are slightly questionable.

    For the remaining project flights (RF03 through RF10 and FF02), RAF SPP-100 S/N 122 was deployed on the C-130. While this probe sized droplets correctly (with the exception of RF05; see flight-by-flight comments for RF05 below), it nevertheless displayed a significant problem with "falling asleep" (i.e., not responding) for various time periods during several research flights. (See Section II below for detailed information regarding when this problem occurred.) In some cases, it was possible to "wake up" the S/N 122 probe by cycling left wing pod power to the probe. However, these sequences of the probe falling asleep and then being awakened by power cycling introduced periods of missing data followed by large spikes in the collected S/N 122 SPP-100 data. These episodes of missing data and spikes appear in all of the recorded SPP-100 variables, including the concentration, derived liquid water content, DBZ, and other SPP-100 data values. Unfortunately, it was not possible to remove this spiking from the S/N 122 SPP-100 data using existing RAF despiking algorithms.

    Consequently, investigators using the SPP-100 data for RF03 through RF10 and FF02 are advised to be vigilant and to scrutinize the SPP-100 data for the presence of such spikes before proceeding with analyses of the data. To aid users in identifying episodes of spiking in the processed SPP-100 data, Figure 2 shows an example of such spikes in S/N 122 SPP-100 data recorded during RF03.

  14. Related to the problems encountered with the S/N 122 SPP-100 probe and the need to cycle power to the left wing pod in order to revive the probe, users are advised that these episodes of power cycling also led to periods of missing/bad data in other left wing pod instrument variables. Specifically, such periods of missing/bad data appear in the Gerber PVM-100 variables (XGLWC, XGSFC, and XGRFF) recorded on the C-130 data system. Users should consult Section II of this document (below) for information regarding those flights during which power was cycled to the left wing pod and, consequently, missing/bad data and spiking appear in left wing pod instrument variables recorded on the C-130 data system.

    The episodes of left wing pod power cycling may have also introduced periods of missing/bad data in the collected data stream from the French Fast FSSP, for which data were recorded on a separate, stand-alone data system. Users of the Fast FSSP data are, therefore, advised to scrutinize the Fast FSSP data for missing/bad data periods prior to using these data in analyses.

  15. It was decided by the RAF to remove three of the TDL hygrometer variables (MRLHS, Mixing Ratio, TDL Hygrometer Strong Line; MRLHW, Mixing Ratio, TDL Hygrometer Weak Line; ATLH, Total Temperature, TDL Hygrometer) recorded on the C-130 data system from the final netCDF files generated for the project. This decision was made due to the fact that the quality of the data contained in each of the three variables appeared to be inconsistent and questionable. The output of a fourth TDL variable recorded on the C-130 data system (PSLH, Raw Static Pressure, TDL Hygrometer) was, instead, left in each of the final project data files after it was determined that the PSLH values tracked other measurements of static pressure made on the aircraft quite well during each of the project flights.

    It should be noted that the exclusion of the above three TDL variables from the final netCDF data files does not mean that TDL data will not be available for the project. During DYCOMS-II, TDL hygrometer data were also recorded on a separate, stand-alone data system for the instrument. Teresa Campos of the RAF will be processing the TDL data recorded on this separate data system and will oversee distribution of these data to the DYCOMS-II investigators and the scientific community. Questions regarding the quality and availability of the TDL data collected during the project should be directed to Teresa Campos.

  16. The Ophir III radiometric thermometer deployed on the C-130 for the project did not perform satisfactorily during any of the project flights. Consequently, the output of all Ophir III variables recorded on the C-130 data system was removed from the final, processed data files, and no Ophir III data are available for this project.

    Similarly, the French refractometer mounted on the C-130 for DYCOMS-II did not perform correctly during any of the project flights. As a result, the output of all of the refractometer variables recorded on the C-130 data system (CABRT, CAVRT, REFRACI, REFRACP, and REFRACT) was turned off during the production of the final project data files, and no refractometer data are available for this project.

  17. Two Heimann radiometers were deployed on the C-130 for DYCOMS-II for the purpose of obtaining surface temperature measurements during the project. The two corresponding variables recorded on the C-130 data system are RSTB (Radiometric Surface Temperature, Sensor 1) and RSTB1 (Radiometric Surface Temperature, Sensor 2). During post-project review of the collected data, it was determined by the RAF that, while the two variables track each other well during each flight, RSTB1 yields data of slightly better quality. The latter decision was reached after RSTB and RSTB1 data were compared with ambient and dewpoint temperature data collected during in-cloud passes; RSTB1 consistently displayed temperature values that were in better agreement with the in-cloud ambient and dewpoint temperature data. Also, less noise is present in the recorded RSTB1 data than appears in the recorded RSTB data. Consequently, users interested in using surface temperature data in their analyses are advised to use the variable RSTB1 in their studies.

  18. Hermann Gerber has advised the RAF that, because of the dependence on XGLWC in the equations used to calculate the PVM-100 quantity XGRFF (Gerber PVM-100 Effective Droplet Radius) and the CIN quantity CING (Gerber CIN Asymmetry Parameter), both XGRFF and CING have no value when XGLWC < 0.05 g/m3. Thus, users are advised that, during processing of the DYCOMS-II data set, both XGRFF and CING were assigned no value whenever the condition of XGWLC < 0.05 g/m3 was met.

    Hermann has also advised the RAF that, during time segments after sunrise, the Gerber CIN channels CINB and CINCB (Gerber CIN Backscatter and Gerber CIN Cosine of Scattering Angle Times Backscatter, respectively) display substantial offsets. He believes this problem to be attributable to maladjusted synchronous detector circuits which permit some DC light level to pass through. Offsets in CINB and CINCB do not appear in data collected during nighttime flight segments. Prior to final processing, Hermann provided the RAF with offsets for each of the raw CIN and PVM-100 signals recorded on the C-130 data system, and these offsets were removed during processing. Nevertheless, users of the CIN data are advised to be aware of the possible presence of small, residual offsets in the CINB and CINCB data, per Hermann's communication with the RAF as outlined above.

  19. Information on the calibration history of the PVM-100 deployed on the C-130 for DYCOMS-II is available in an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) document (called "pvmcut.pdf") prepared by Hermann Gerber. Users can click here to download and view a copy of this PDF document.

  20. The data outputs from several user-supported instruments were recorded on the C-130 data system during the project. In almost all cases, the recorded output variables are included in the final processed netCDF files for the project. While the RAF has processed and distributed these user variables in the final data files, it should be noted by all investigators that the RAF is not responsible for the quality-checking and data quality analysis for any of the user variables recorded on the C-130 data system. Investigators with any questions regarding the quality, correct usage, etc. of any of the user-supplied variables recorded on the C-130 must contact the responsible investigator directly.

    In order to aid investigators with determining who should be contacted with questions regarding user-supported instrumentation data products, the following table outlines the user-supported instrumentation flown on the C-130 for which data were recorded on the C-130 data system and lists the appropriate contact person and contact information.

    Instrument Contact Person(s)
    Drexel APIMS Alan Bandy or
    Don Thornton
    LAS-AIR Analog Signals Cindy Twohy
    Streaker Samplers (Analog Signals) Jim Anderson
    Princeton Organic Filter Concentrator and Streaker Sampler Analog Signals Lynn Russell
    Wyoming CCN/CN Equipment Jeff Snider
    Warsaw Univ. UFT-F Kris Haman or
    Szymon Malinowski
    Gerber PVM-100* and CIN Hermann Gerber
    NCAR/RAF RDMA Dave Rogers
    LTI** Dave Rogers or
    Bernie LaFleur
    * The PVM-100 deployed on the C-130 for DYCOMS-II is a unit owned by the RAF but specially modified for ultra-high rate sampling by Hermann Gerber for the project. Questions regarding the processing and data quality of the DYCOMS-II PVM-100 data can be addressed to either Hermann Gerber or the RAF.
    ** It is anticipated that the particle concentration enhancement factors derived from the LTI data processing will be archived to both the NCAR Mass Store System (MSS) and to the NCAR/EOL DYCOMS-II data archive.

  21. Related to 20 above, it should be noted that the data streams from several user-supported instruments deployed on the C-130 were recorded on separate (stand-alone) data systems. The data products recorded on these data systems will not be archived by the RAF but will, instead, be submitted for archival to the NCAR/EOL DYCOMS-II Data Management Web Site. Users with questions regarding the availability, quality, and usage of data products recorded on stand-alone data systems must contact the investigator responsible for a specific instrument and data set directly. Further, users wishing to obtain copies of data products recorded on independent data systems must visit the NCAR/EOL site listed above for information and instructions on downloading available data products.

    In order to aid users with determining who should be contacted with questions regarding independently recorded data sets, the following table outlines the user-supported instrumentation flown on the C-130 for which data were recorded on a stand-alone data system and lists the appropriate contact person and contact information.

    Instrument Contact Person(s)
    Drexel APIMS* Alan Bandy or
    Don Thornton
    CVI and LAS-AIRs Cindy Twohy
    Streaker Samplers Jim Anderson
    FTIR Filter Concentrator, XRF Filter Concentrator, and X-Ray Streaker Sampler Lynn Russell
    Wyoming Cloud Radar (WCR) Gabor Vali
    Cloud Water Collector Derek Straub
    CNRM Fast FSSP-100 Jean-Louis Brenguier
    NCAR/RTF SABL Bruce Morley or
    Eric Loew
    NCAR/RTF GPS Dropsonde System Terry Hock or
    Dean Lauritsen
    NCAR/RAF TDL Hygrometer Teresa Campos
    LTI** Dave Rogers or
    Bernie LaFleur
    * Two digital signals from the APIMS (XDCNT and XDMASS) were recorded in the primary data (ADS) files on the C-130 data system during DYCOMS-II. However, the raw APIMS data were also recorded to separate data files on the C-130 data system, and these raw data files have been provided to A. Bandy's group at Drexel University for processing and analysis. It is anticipated that A. Bandy's group will provide final, separate APIMS data files to the NCAR/EOL archive for DYCOMS-II.
    ** It is anticipated that the particle concentration enhancement factors derived from the LTI data processing will be archived to both the NCAR Mass Store System (MSS) and to the NCAR/EOL DYCOMS-II data archive.

  22. RAF 2D-C probe data recorded during the project have been archived in separate data files to the NCAR Mass Store System (MSS). One can obtain copies of these 2D-C data files from the RAF PMS-2D Archive Catalog.

  23. The RAF RDMA data recorded on the C-130 during DYCOMS-II have yet to be processed into separate ASCII files for each project flight. The raw RDMA files have been archived to the NCAR MSS. Contact Dave Rogers for more information.

  24. Multichannel cloud radiometer (MCR) data obtained during the project will require separate calibration, processing, and data quality review procedures prior to release. It is anticipated that the final processed MCR data files will be archived to both the NCAR MSS and to the NCAR/EOL DYCOMS-II Data Management Web site. Questions regarding the availability and quality of the MCR data collected during DYCOMS-II should be addressed to Julie Haggerty of the RAF.

Section II: Flight-by-Flight Summary and Discussion

Note: All times listed below are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

TF01 (06/26/2001) TF02 (06/29/2001) FF01 (07/05/2001) TF03 (07/07/2001) RF01 (07/10/2001) RF02 (07/11/2001) RF03 (07/13/2001) RF04 (07/17/2001) RF05 (07/18/2001) RF06 (07/20/2001) RF07 (07/24/2001) RF08 (07/25/2001) RF09 (07/27/2001) RF10 (07/28/2001) FF02 (07/30/2001)
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