Port-side wing pod showing the Gerber PV-100 probe (top),
PMS/DMT SPP-100 probe (middle) and
PMS FSSP-300 probe (bottom).

Starboard-side wing pod showing the PMS-260X probe (top),
PMS FSSP-100 probe (middle) and
PMS PCAS Probe (bottom).

View of port-side fuselage just behind the nose radome
showing (top to bottom) non-deiced Rosemount temperature
probe (TTRL), Lyman-alpha humidity probe (stub version,
RHOLA), Lyman-alpha humidity probe (cross-flow version,
RHOLA1) and a pitot tube.

Port side fuselage showing the two solid diffuser inlets
(top and middle, forward), Denver University's Low-Turbulence
inlet--LTI (middle, aft) and Drexel University's inlet (bottom).

Starboard side fuselage showing Denver University's
Low-Turbulence inlet--LTI (top), the University of
Hawaii's Total Aerosol Sampler (TAS) inlet (middle) and
RAF's solid diffuser inlet (bottom).

Close-up view of the University of Hawaii Total Aerosol
Sampler (TAS) inlet on the fuselage starboard side.

Drexel University venturis on port side of fuselage.

Bottom hemispheric radiometer array (visible, infrared,
ultraviolet from left to right) and the hydrocarbon sampling
inlet tube.

Mercury "double" inlet and exhaust,
RAF's CN counter inlet and exhaust,
RAF Chen inlets.

Drexel University's venturis and Low-Turbulence Inlet
(LTI) exhaust, port side of fuselage.