Project #2001-131 ACE-Asia

Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment

Barry Huebert, et al.

NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)

Aircraft Research Instrumentation

RAF-Supplied Instrumentation:

  1. Airborne Data System
    1. Acquisition:
      • EC-130Q ADS2 (VME Motorola 68040 Based, with vxWorks)
      • NCAR Distributed Sampling Modules (4 Units), One in Each Wing Pod and Two in Cabin
    2. Operator Station
      • Intel L440GX+ Motherboard with 2 Pentium III-500 CPUs, 512 MB Memory, Redhat Linux 6.2 OS
      • 9GB Disk Storage with RAID-1 (Hardware Mirroring Using 2 Drives)
      • General Digital 17" 1280x1024 TFT Flat Panel Color Monitor
      • IBM-DRHS36D 36GB Removable Disk Drives in Kingston Carriers (2 Units)
      • Exabyte Model EXB-8505 Tape Drives (2 Units)
      • UPS
    3. Forward Cabin User Display
      • Dell latitude Pentium III laptop with 15" display
      • HP1200C/PS DeskJet Printer
      • UPS
    4. Flight Deck Display
      • Dell Latitude Pentium III with 15" display
      • HP1200C/PS DeskJet Printer
      • UPS

  2. Aircraft Position, Velocity, and Attitude
    1. Honeywell Model HG1095-AC03 Laseref SM Inertial Reference System (Research)
    2. Trimble TANS III Global Positioning System (GPS)

  3. Static Pressures
    1. Rosemount Model 1501 Digital Pressure Transducer - Fuselage Port (PSFD, PSFDC)
    2. Ruska Model 7885 Digital Pressure Transducer - Fuselage Port (PSFRD, PSFC)
    3. Rosemount Model 1201F1 Pressure Transducer - Cabin (PCAB)

  4. Dynamic (Pitot) Pressures
    1. Rosemount Model 1221F1VL - Radome (QCR)
    2. Rosemount Model 1221F1VL - Fuselage Pitot (QCF)

  5. Temperatures
    1. Rosemount Type 102 Non-deiced Sensor - Rosemount Model 510BF Amplifier - Right Radome Mount (TTRR, ATRR)
    2. Rosemount Type 102 Non-deiced Sensor - Rosemount Model 510BF Amplifier - Left Radome Mount (TTRL, ATRL)
    3. Rosemount Type 102E Deiced Sensor - Rosemount Model 510BF Amplifier - Left Inboard Wing Access Plate (TTWH, ATWH)

  6. Flow Angle Sensors, Radome
    1. Attack - Rosemount Model 1221F1VL Differential Pressure Transducer (ADIFR)
    2. Sideslip - Rosemount Model 1221F1VL Differential Pressure Transducer (BDIFR)

  7. Dew Point and Humidity
    1. General Eastern, Model 1011B Dew Point hygrometer - Starboard Radome Mount (DPT)
    2. General Eastern, Model 1011B Dew Point Hygrometer - Starboard Radome Mount (DPB)
    3. NCAR Model Crossflow Lyman-Alpha Hygrometer - Left Radome Mount (VLA, MRLA, RHOLA)
    4. NCAR Model "Stub" Lyman-Alpha Hygrometer - Right Radome Mount (VLA1)
    5. SpectraSensors, Inc., Laser Hygrometer (TDL) - Right Pod (MRLH)

  8. Cloud and Aerosol Physics
    1. Rosemount Model 871FA Icing Rate Detector - Right Inboard Wing Access Plate (RICE)
    2. PMS Liquid Water Sensor (King Probe) - Left Outboard Wing Access Plate (PLWC, PLWCC)
    3. PMS Liquid Water Sensor (King Probe) - Right Outboard Wing Access Plate (PLWC1, PLWCC1)
    4. Particle Measuring Systems Model PCASP, Size Distribution, 0.12 to 3.12 µm - Right Pod, Inboard
    5. Particle Measuring Systems Model FSSP-300 [Droplet Measurement Technologies (DMT) - Modified SPP-300, Serial; S/N 305], Size Distribution, 0.3 to 20.0 µm - Left Pod, Inboard
    6. Particle Measuring Systems Model FSSP-100 (S/N 76), Size Distribution, 3.0 to 45.0 µm - Right Pod, Center
    7. Particle Measuring Systems Model FSSP-100 [Droplet Measurement Technologies (DMT) - Modified SPP-100, Serial; S/N 109], Size Distribution, 0.5 to 7.5 µm - Left Pod, Center
    8. Particle Measuring Systems Model OAP 260X (S/N 06), Size Distribution, 40.0 to 620.0 µm - Right Pod, Outboard
    9. Gerber Liquid Water Probe Model PVM-100, Left Pod, Outboard
    10. TSI Model 3760 CN Counter, Size Distribution, 0.01 to 3.00 µm - Fuselage (Belly) Inlet (CONCN)

  9. Radiation Fluxes
    1. Visible Radiation - RAF-Modified Eppley Model PSP Pyranometers (2 Units in Multipurpose Radiometer Housings on Top and Bottom of Fuselage)
      • Upward Looking (SWT, SWTC)
      • Downward Looking (SWB)
    2. Ultraviolet Radiation - RAF-Modified Eppley Model TUVR Pyranometers (2 Units in Multipurpose Radiometer Housings on Top and Bottom of Fuselage)
      • Upward Looking (UVT)
      • Downward Looking (UVB)
    3. Infrared Radiation - RAF-Modified Eppley Model PIR Pyrgeometers (2 Units in Multipurpose Radiometer Housings on Top and Bottom of Fuselage)
      • Upward Looking (IRT, IRTC)
      • Downward Looking (IRB, IRBC)
    4. Remote Surface Temperature - Heimann Model KT19.85 Radiometers (2 Units, Downward Looking) - RSTB, RSTB1

  10. Chemistry (T. Campos)
    1. TECO Slow Response Ozone (O3) - Fuselage (Belly) Inlet Mount (TEO3C)
    2. NCAR Fast Response Ozone (O3) (NO Chemiluminescence) - Fuselage (Belly) Inlet Mount
    3. NCAR High Precision Carbon Dioxide (CO2) (IR) - Fuselage (Belly) Inlet Mount
    4. Aero-Laser Fast Response Carbon Monoxide (CO) (UV resonance fluorescence) - Fuselage (Belly) Inlet Mount

  11. Geometric Altitude
    1. Stewart-Warner Model APN-232(v) - Fuselage Mount, 0 to 15,000 Meters AGL (HGM232)

  12. Photography
    1. Sony XC-999 SVHS Color Camera with JVC Model HR-S4700U Super VHS Recorder (3 Pairs) - Forward Looking (Cockpit Mount), Down Looking, and Left Side Looking
    2. Horita GPS Video Titler

  13. Lidar
    1. RSF SABL Up/downlooking Lidar; 2 wavelength [532 nm (green) and 1064 nm (infrared)], back-scatter lidar - Left Pod


User-Supplied Instrumentation:

  1. University of Hawaii (B. Huebert, S. Howell, et al.)
    1. Total Aerosol Sampler (TAS) - Right Aft Aperture Fuselage Mount, F.S.317
    2. TSI Model 3020 Aerodynamic Particle Sizers (APSs) - 3 Units
    3. Radiance Research Model M903 Integrating Nephelometers - 4 Units
    4. Modified LAS-X Optical Particle Counter (OPC)
    5. Solid-Diffuser/Curved-Tube Inlet, 3 inlets (SD)
      • Left Forward Fuselage Aperture F.S.310
      • Left Center Fuselage Aperture, F.S.350,
      • Right Fuselage Aperture, F.S.307 (CAI inlet plate)
    6. 1 µm Teflon Filter Impactor System

  2. University of Denver (R. Seebaugh, B. LaFleur, and J. Wilson)
    1. Low-Turbulence Inlet (LTI), 2 inlets
      • Left Aft Fuselage Aperture, F.S.370 (LTI #1)
      • Right Forward Fuselage Aperture, F.S.277 (LTI #2)

  3. Arizona State University (J. Anderson)
    1. Pixe International Streakers with Nuclepore Filters (For SEM Analyses) - 3 Units

  4. Drexel University (A. Bandy and B. Blomquist)
    1. Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometer (APIMS) for Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Measurements - Left Forward Window Blank Inlet Mount

  5. Princeton University (L. Russell, et al.)
    1. PIXE Impactor for Single-Particle Organic Classes - SD Manifold Connection
    2. High-Flow Particle Concentrator and Dual Impactor for Bulk Organic Classes - SD Manifold Connection
    3. Radially-Classified Aerosol Detector (RCAD) for Submicron Particle Size Distributions - SD Manifold Connection

  6. Georgia Institute of Technology (R. Weber and D. Orsini)
    1. PILS Fast Anions and Cations - Right LTI #2

  7. Scripps Institute of Oceanography (F. Valero, A. Bucholz and S. Pope)
    1. MSR, multi-channel 400-700 nm flux radiometer, up/down looking - forward belly plate, radiometer boat
    2. TSBR, Total Broadband Solar Radiometer, up/down looking - forward belly plate, radiometer boat
    3. FSBR, near infrared Fractional Solar Broadband Radiometer, up/down looking - forward belly plate, radiometer boat

  8. (T.Chen)
    1. Can sampler for NMCHs and CFCs - Inlet on belly RAF radiometer plate

  9. NASA Ames (P.Russell, et al.)
    1. Six-Channel Tracking Sun Photometer (AATS-6) - Aft 16" Up-looking Aperture, Top of Fuselage

  10. University of Washington (D. Covert, T. Anderson, et al.)
    1. TSI nephelometers (3 wavelength) - Right LTI #2
    2. PSAP (Total and sub-micron aerosol light absorption at 565 nm) - Right LTI #2

  11. University of Hawaii (T. Clarke, S. Howell)
    1. TSI 3010,3025 (Total aerosol number, heated and ambient, including nano-particles)
    2. Radiance Research nephelometers (2) with 1 and 10 µm impactors, 545 nm only
    3. Tandem DMPS and APS system size distribution (size distribution: 5 to 10,000 nm diameter)

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    Last update: Tue Jun 11 14:16:54 MDT 2002