NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Flight Report -- ACE-Asia RF04

Project No:2001-131

Pilot:GenzlingerCo-Pilot: Boynton
Flt. Engineer:CusackProj. Manager: Friesen

Data and Video Tape Information

 StartEnd Duration (Hrs)
Data23:34:49 09:48:2610.2
Video-- ----
Data Tape No.R1547

Calibration Maneuvers Data

Rvrs. Hdg.-- --
Pitch-- --
Speed Var.----

Flight Hours Data

Block Out00:30
Block In09:49
Flight Hours9.3

Navigation Data

Navigation Start Time23:38
Navigation Off Time09:50
Time in Nav. Mode (Hrs)10.2

Coordinates Data

(+ = N; - = S)
(+ = E; - = W)
Departure34°8.96' 132°13.76'RJOI
Destination34°8.9' 132°13.8'RJOI

IRU Data

(+ = N; - = S)
(+ = E; - = W)
IRU Unit 1 (S/N --) Destination Readout 34°12.4' 132°18.0'
IRU Unit 2 (S/N --) Destination Readout --°--' --°--'

Final Alignment and IRU Error Data

 Alignment True Hdg. Terminal Lat. Error (+=N;-=S)Terminal Lon. Error (+=W;-=E) Position Error (NM/Hr)
IRU Unit 1--° 3.5'-4.2'.48
IRU Unit 2--° --'--'--

Flight/Data Comments:

No PCASP data this flight -- probe removed from aircraft.

SABL ceased working approximately 20 minutes into the flight and was inoperable for the remainder of the flight.