Project no.:  1999-102    Project name:  INDOEX (INDian Ocean EXperiment)
       Aircraft:  N130AR      Scientist(s):  Antony Clarke, et al.
      Data type:  LRT        Programmer(s):  Chris Webster
 Processor used:  NIMBUS    Project Mgr(s):  R. Friesen, A. Schanot, K. Laursen
  Output format:  netCDF  Production Proc.:  R. Friesen, A. Schanot
                    Ferry Production Proc.:  R. Ruth

  MSS path name:  /EOL/1999/indoex/aircraft/c130_n130ar/lrt/fltno.cdf
     MSS format:  Transparent

A few of the measurements do not have proper definitions nor units listed
in their netCDF headers.  Please use the following:

  Measurement   long_name                                  units
  ___________   ________________________________________   _____
  XDAFSTA       User Variable                              Vdc
  XDAFSTB       User Variable                              Vdc
  CONC2C_OBR    PMS-2D-C Concentration                     N/L
  CONC2P_IBR    PMS-2D-P Concentration                     N/L
  XTSURF        Corrected Radiometric Surface Temperature  C
  IAS           Aircraft Indicated Airspeed                Kt
  CVINFLAG      Inlet; 0=CVI, 1=Whole, 2=Interstitial      None

         Start Date     Start      End       File Size
 fltno   mm/dd/yyyy   Time UTC   Time UTC     (Mbytes)
 FF01    02/04/1999   20:32:02   00:00:48      0.958036
 FF02    02/05/1999   19:45:47   03:33:09      2.137252
 FF03    02/07/1999   17:57:08   01:17:04      2.012156
 FF04    02/08/1999   03:01:57   07:29:37      1.226620
 FF05A   02/09/1999   21:49:32   04:51:08      1.928556
 FF05B   02/10/1999   05:24:04   07:53:04      0.685500
 FF06A   02/12/1999   01:02:45   04:23:19      0.920644
 FF06B   02/12/1999   04:33:53   08:05:20      0.970272
 FF07    03/28/1999   00:42:44   08:30:26      2.026236
 FF08    03/29/1999   23:43:13   10:16:41      2.742348
 FF09    03/31/1999   22:12:34   02:58:34      1.241292
 FF10    04/01/1999   20:55:00   04:11:39      1.892100
 FF11    04/03/1999   15:55:49   01:57:55      2.606844
 RF01    02/16/1999   06:51:03   14:56:01     57.563800
 RF02    02/18/1999   04:37:03   13:40:37     64.511416
 RF03    02/20/1999   02:37:52   11:29:40     63.116360
 RF04    02/24/1999   02:34:10   11:41:25     60.744540
 RF05    02/25/1999   03:48:37   13:02:55     61.526244
 RF06    02/27/1999   04:20:53   13:19:53     59.829780
 RF07    02/28/1999   05:16:14   11:32:52     41.826564
 RF08    03/04/1999   02:57:39   11:50:03     59.097972
 RF09    03/07/1999   04:06:01   12:58:19     59.086888
 RF10    03/09/1999   03:30:00   12:19:58     58.828164
 RF11    03/11/1999   03:15:11   11:40:43     56.118996
 RF12    03/13/1999   03:46:22   12:31:37     58.305180
 RF13    03/16/1999   02:20:40   11:48:30     63.026820
 RF14    03/18/1999   03:36:46   11:03:08     49.558600
 RF15A   03/19/1999   03:31:56   09:07:29     37.271244
 RF15B   03/19/1999   10:07:58   12:12:06     13.831184
 RF16    03/21/1999   03:46:31   12:51:42     60.515392
 RF17    03/24/1999   03:31:22   13:02:57     63.442624
 RF18    03/25/1999   03:28:05   13:16:50     65.346060
Note:  Ferry flight data have not been fully quality

Click here to order data files for this project.

As of 10 June 2002 RAF updated its naming convention for netCDF files. The extension "cdf" has been changed to "nc". The netCDF files in this catalog have the obsolete "cdf" extension. If current versions of RAF's software tools will be used for one of these files, you may have to rename the file with the "nc" extension for the software to recognize it.