PRODUCTION MASS STORE BITFILE LOG Project no.: 1990-876 Project name: HaRP (Hawaiian Rainband Project) Aircraft: N308D Scientist(s): Mitchell Moncrief, et al. Data type: HRT Programmer(s): Celia Chen Processor used: GENPRO Output format: GENPRO-II HEADER FILE INFORMATION: Logical record size: 640 bits Physical record size: 6400 bits No. of logical records per physical record: 10 No. of physical records: 107 DATA FILE INFORMATION: Logical record size: 83296 bits Physical record size: 83296 bits No. of logical records per physical record: 1 No. of seconds per logical record (GENPRO cycle time): 1 MSS path name: /EOL/1990/harp/aircraft/electra_n308d/HRT/NetCDF MSS format: TransparentClick here to retrieve all data files for this project in NetCDF format.
Instructions to convert these files to netCDF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Date Start End File Size fltno mm/dd/yyyy Time UTC Time UTC (Mbytes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RF01 07/19/1990 15:00:00 19:45:11 178.802688 RF02A 07/20/1990 14:56:14 18:24:10 130.392064 RF02B 07/20/1990 18:41:23 20:24:17 64.573440 RF02C 07/20/1990 20:29:15 20:48:00 11.837440 RF03A 07/22/1990 02:04:02 02:26:00 13.852672 RF03B 07/22/1990 02:36:10 06:01:13 128.585728 RF03C 07/22/1990 06:01:13 09:03:50 114.528256 RF04A 07/23/1990 15:02:37 17:15:03 83.079168 RF04B 07/23/1990 17:19:58 20:44:28 128.241664 RF05A 07/24/1990 14:17:12 18:01:18 140.521472 RF05B 07/24/1990 18:01:18 21:12:33 119.939072 RF06A 07/27/1990 00:54:54 02:30:46 60.162048 RF06B 07/27/1990 02:38:17 06:54:28 160.628736 RF07 07/27/1990 20:26:33 23:20:46 109.264896 RF08A 07/28/1990 14:16:07 17:54:05 136.679424 RF08B 07/28/1990 17:54:05 20:27:39 96.321536 RF09A 07/30/1990 14:30:51 18:10:04 137.474048 RF09B 07/30/1990 18:10:05 20:48:23 99.287040 RF10 08/02/1990 02:02:04 06:00:24 149.442560 RF11 08/02/1990 15:16:22 19:57:57 176.545792 RF12 08/03/1990 01:58:19 06:12:24 159.313920 RF13 08/03/1990 14:56:35 19:58:20 189.181952 RF14 08/05/1990 02:01:35 05:01:47 113.012736 RF15A 08/06/1990 15:48:43 18:44:20 110.141440 RF15B 08/06/1990 18:44:20 21:49:14 115.957760 RF16 08/08/1990 07:07:32 11:48:25 176.107520 RF17 08/08/1990 13:56:26 17:35:53 137.609216 RF18A 08/09/1990 14:56:34 18:35:47 137.474048 RF18B 08/09/1990 18:35:48 20:45:00 81.051648 RF19 08/10/1990 05:57:51 10:07:48 156.721152 RF20A 08/10/1990 15:08:06 17:39:35 95.019008 RF20B 08/10/1990 17:56:56 18:16:49 12.546048 RF20C 08/10/1990 18:19:32 18:35:49 10.293248 RF20D 08/10/1990 18:46:10 19:03:40 11.055104 RF20E 08/10/1990 19:05:56 19:18:20 7.860224 RF20F 08/10/1990 19:20:28 19:34:37 8.953856 RF20G 08/10/1990 19:36:58 19:52:00 9.506816 RF20H 08/10/1990 19:54:33 20:13:17 12.140544 RF21A 08/11/1990 14:00:55 17:42:08 138.715136 RF21B 08/11/1990 17:42:08 20:53:00 119.697408 RF22A 08/14/1990 15:03:46 17:15:12 82.534400 RF22B 08/14/1990 17:24:01 20:46:23 126.902272 RF23 08/15/1990 15:08:26 18:38:52 131.960832 RF24 08/16/1990 15:09:14 20:17:38 193.351680 RF25A 08/17/1990 15:31:00 19:10:13 137.474048 RF25B 08/17/1990 19:10:14 20:45:17 59.654144 RF26 08/18/1990 17:01:43 19:43:24 101.408768 RF27A 08/20/1990 15:01:05 18:40:18 137.474048 RF27B 08/20/1990 18:40:19 20:13:24 58.421248 RF28A 08/21/1990 14:57:19 18:36:32 137.474048 RF28B 08/21/1990 18:36:33 20:51:00 84.344832 RF29A 08/22/1990 15:03:42 19:00:43 148.619264 RF29B 08/22/1990 19:00:43 21:50:29 106.475520 -----------------------------------------------------------------------