PRODUCTION MASS STORE BITFILE LOG Project no.: 1999-102 Project name: INDOEX (INDian Ocean EXperiment) Aircraft: N130AR Scientist(s): Antony Clarke, et al. Data type: HRT Programmer(s): Chris Webster Processor used: NIMBUS Project Mgr(s): R. Friesen, A. Schanot, K. Laursen Output format: netCDF Production Proc.: R. Ruth MSS path name: /EOL/1999/indoex/aircraft/c130_n130ar/hrt/fltno.cdf MSS format: Transparent A few of the measurements do not have proper definitions nor units listed in their netCDF headers. Please use the following: Measurement long_name units ___________ ________________________________________ _____ XDAFSTA User Variable Vdc XDAFSTB User Variable Vdc CONC2C_OBR PMS-2D-C Concentration N/L CONC2P_IBR PMS-2D-P Concentration N/L XTSURF Corrected Radiometric Surface Temperature C IAS Aircraft Indicated Airspeed Kt CVINFLAG Inlet; 0=CVI, 1=Whole, 2=Interstitial None -------------------------------------------------------- Start Date Start End File Size fltno mm/dd/yyyy Time UTC Time UTC (Mbytes) -------------------------------------------------------- RF01 02/16/1999 06:51:15 14:55:13 590.250456 RF02 02/18/1999 04:37:15 13:39:49 661.709640 RF03 02/20/1999 02:38:04 11:28:52 647.360896 RF04 02/24/1999 02:34:22 11:40:37 662.005352 RF05 02/25/1999 03:48:49 13:02:07 670.548260 RF06 02/27/1999 04:21:05 13:19:05 652.008332 RF07 02/28/1999 05:16:26 11:32:04 455.258900 RF08 03/04/1999 02:57:51 11:49:15 644.010716 RF09 03/07/1999 04:06:13 12:57:31 643.889544 RF10 03/09/1999 03:27:42 12:19:10 644.091500 RF11 03/11/1999 03:15:23 12:14:42 653.603816 RF12 03/13/1999 03:46:34 12:30:49 635.346632 RF13 03/16/1999 02:20:52 11:47:42 686.947412 RF14 03/18/1999 03:36:58 11:02:20 539.758968 RF15A 03/19/1999 03:32:08 09:06:41 405.475760 RF15B 03/19/1999 10:08:10 12:11:18 149.289500 RF16 03/21/1999 03:46:43 12:50:54 659.501052 RF17 03/24/1999 03:31:34 13:02:09 691.491516 RF18 03/25/1999 03:28:17 13:16:02 712.293392 -------------------------------------------------------- Note: HRT data have not been fully quality checked, but differences from the LRT data should be minimal. --------------------------------------------------------
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As of 10 June 2002 RAF updated its naming convention for netCDF files.
The extension "cdf" has been changed to "nc".
The netCDF files in this catalog have the obsolete "cdf"
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will be used for one of these files, you may have to rename the file
with the "nc" extension for the software to recognize it.