Project no.: 2005-135 Project name: RICO (Rain In Cumulus over the Ocean)
Aircraft: N130AR Scientist(s): Bob Rauber, Harry Ochs, et al.
Data type: Diff_GPS Programmer(s): Pavel Romashkin
Processor used: Unk. Project Mgr(s): Allen Schanot, Pavel Romashkin
Output format: ASCII Production Proc.: Pavel Romashkin
MSS path name: /EOL/2004/rico/aircraft/c130_n130ar/dgps/fltno.yyyymmdd.ShSmSs_EhEmEs.asc
MSS format: Transparent
Start End
fltno Start Date Time UTC Time UTC File Size
mm/dd/yyyy (Sh:Sm:Ss) (Eh:Em:Es) (Mbytes)
RF01 12/07/2004 16:09:56 21:51:15 1.907492
RF02 12/08/2004 14:15:00 16:24:00 0.722839
RF03 12/09/2004 14:01:00 22:19:30 2.784334
RF04 12/10/2004 14:04:00 22:31:50 2.837265
RF05 12/13/2004 14:47:00 22:13:40 2.505620
RF06 12/16/2004 13:55:00 22:08:00 2.749130
RF07 12/17/2004 13:49:00 22:22:15 2.875712
RF08 12/19/2004 11:10:00 19:54:00 2.934704
RF09 12/20/2004 10:56:00 19:05:40 2.741620
RF10 01/05/2005 14:44:00 23:18:25 2.880434
RF11 01/07/2005 13:55:00 22:21:00 2.837755
RF12 01/11/2005 13:58:00 22:31:30 2.877769
RF13 01/12/2005 14:17:00 22:46:30 2.849093
RF14 01/14/2005 14:57:00 23:25:55 2.849099
RF15 01/16/2005 14:12:10 22:27:00 2.768077
RF16 01/18/2005 11:28:44 19:11:57 2.588302
RF17 01/19/2005 11:47:00 20:19:00 2.857890
RF18 01/23/2005 10:00:00 18:31:00 2.866310
RF19 01/24/2005 10:00:00 17:42:00 2.590857
Notes: Original file names are of the form: RICO_DGPS_fltno.dat
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