Project no.:  2003-113    Project name:  2003-113 IDEAS-3 (Instrument Development and Education in Airborne Science, Phase 3)
       Aircraft:  N130AR      Scientist(s):  Jeff Stith, et al.
      Data type:  Raw CPI    Programmer(s):  
 Processor used:  none      Project Mgr(s):  Allen Schanot
  Output format:  special
  MSS path name:  /EOL/2003/ideas-3/aircraft/c130_n130ar/raw_cpi/fltno.yyyymmdd.ShSmSs.roi
     MSS format:  Transparent
Note: This page has all the CPI data files available for download. (Click on the link below.) Once you have the files, the CPI data can be viewed with special software available here.

Click here to retrieve the data files for this project.

                        Start      End
 fltno   Start Date   Time UTC   Time UTC    File Size
         mm/dd/yyyy  (Sh:Sm:Ss) (Eh:Em:Es)    (Mbytes)
 RF01    08/19/2003   21:02:00   22:00:59    57.395197 
 RF01    08/19/2003   22:01:00   22:09:59    94.372218 
 RF01    08/19/2003   22:10:00   22:27:59    94.374915 
 RF01    08/19/2003   22:28:00   22:58:29    29.112454 

                        Start      End
 fltno   Start Date   Time UTC   Time UTC    File Size
         mm/dd/yyyy  (Sh:Sm:Ss) (Eh:Em:Es)    (Mbytes)
 RF04    08/29/2003   18:47:00   20:56:59    94.375723 
 RF04    08/29/2003   20:57:00   22:19:00    62.048928 
 RF05    09/04/2003   14:51:00   16:23:00    14.100778 
 RF06    09/05/2003   19:26:00   20:09:59    94.390607 
 RF06    09/05/2003   20:10:00   20:16:59    94.374882 
 RF06    09/05/2003   20:17:00   20:30:59    94.383320 
 RF06    09/05/2003   20:31:00   21:32:59    94.375471 
 RF06    09/05/2003   21:33:00   21:45:59    94.420708 
 RF06    09/05/2003   21:46:00   22:11:48    64.302579 

                        Start      End
 fltno   Start Date   Time UTC   Time UTC    File Size
         mm/dd/yyyy  (Sh:Sm:Ss) (Eh:Em:Es)    (Mbytes)
 RF07    09/11/2003   18:37:00   18:39:59    95.271290 
 RF07    09/11/2003   18:40:00   18:40:59    95.250404 
 RF07    09/11/2003   18:41:00   18:41:59    95.250612 
 RF07    09/11/2003   18:42:00   18:42:59    95.251134 
 RF07    09/11/2003   18:43:00   19:34:59     9.422032 
 RF07    09/11/2003   19:35:00   22:18:00    73.340327 

                        Start      End
 fltno   Start Date   Time UTC   Time UTC    File Size
         mm/dd/yyyy  (Sh:Sm:Ss) (Eh:Em:Es)    (Mbytes)
 RF09    09/17/2003   19:27:00   20:34:59    94.377283 
 RF09    09/17/2003   20:35:00   20:40:59    95.045546 
 RF09    09/17/2003   20:41:00   21:06:59    94.386369 
 RF09    09/17/2003   21:07:00   21:20:59    94.422611 
 RF09    09/17/2003   21:21:00   21:28:59    94.396348 
 RF09    09/17/2003   21:29:00   22:31:59    94.400434 
 RF09    09/17/2003   22:32:00   22:33:59    39.761925 
 RF09    09/17/2003   22:34:00   22:49:59     2.435463 
 RF09    09/17/2003   22:50:00   22:59:00     3.280732 

Click here to retrieve the data files for this project.