PRODUCTION MASS STORE BITFILE LOG Project no.: 1992-722 Project name: FIRE II - Cirrus (Sabreliner) Aircraft: N307D Scientist(s): Andrew J. Heymsfield, et al. Data type: LRT Programmer(s): Ron Ruth Processor used: GENPRO Output format: GENPRO-II HEADER FILE INFORMATION: Logical record size: 640 bits Physical record size: 6400 bits No. of logical records per physical record: 10 No. of physical records: 45 DATA FILE INFORMATION: Logical record size: 3392 bits Physical record size: 10176 bits No. of logical records per physical record: 3 No. of seconds per logical record (GENPRO cycle time): 1 MSS path name: /EOL/1991/fireii-cirrus/aircraft/sabreliner_n307d/LRT/NetCDF MSS format: Transparent ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Start End File Size fltno mm/dd/yyyy Time Time (Mbytes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RF01 11/17/1991 19:10:27 21:03:15 2.932736 RF02 11/18/1991 20:00:28 20:24:28 0.651264 RF03 11/21/1991 18:57:09 20:53:33 3.022848 RF04 11/22/1991 13:30:11 15:35:16 3.248128 RF05 11/24/1991 20:49:26 22:51:32 3.170304 RF06A 11/25/1991 16:33:54 16:50:24 0.462848 RF06B 11/25/1991 16:55:45 17:02:03 0.200704 RF06C 11/25/1991 17:35:22 18:54:52 2.076672 RF07 11/26/1991 15:36:34 17:53:04 3.538944 RF08 11/26/1991 19:42:43 22:15:25 3.952640 RF09 11/28/1991 17:07:46 19:23:22 3.514368 RF10 11/30/1991 15:22:45 16:50:57 2.301952 RF11 12/03/1991 15:19:45 17:52:45 3.960832 RF12 12/04/1991 15:46:17 17:44:47 3.076096 RF13 12/05/1991 15:27:07 17:52:55 3.776512 RF14 12/05/1991 20:02:37 22:21:13 3.592192 RF15 12/06/1991 14:48:08 17:11:50 3.723264 RF16 12/06/1991 19:14:34 20:49:40 2.478080 RF17 12/07/1991 19:33:48 21:35:54 3.170304 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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