Project no.:  2000-143    Project name:  TOPSE (Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox)
       Aircraft:  N130AR      Scientist(s):  Elliot Atlas, et al.
      Data type:  LRT        Programmer(s):  Chris Webster
 Processor used:  NIMBUS    Project Mgr(s):  Allen Schanot, Krista Laursen
  Output format:  netCDF  Production Proc.:  Allen Schanot

  MSS path name:  /EOL/2000/topse/aircraft/c130_n130ar/lrt/
     MSS format:  Transparent

                        Start      End
 fltno   Start Date   Time UTC   Time UTC    File Size
         mm/dd/yyyy  (Sh:Sm:Ss) (Eh:Em:Es)    (Mbytes)
RF01    02/04/2000   15:25:00   22:16:00    41.784688
RF02    02/07/2000   15:44:00   22:41:00    42.393808
RF03    02/09/2000   18:45:00   01:02:01    38.334700
RF04    02/21/2000   15:00:00   23:59:58    54.877384
RF05    02/23/2000   13:28:00   19:39:15    37.749268
RF06    02/25/2000   14:50:00   21:25:00    40.160368
RF07    02/27/2000   16:42:56   23:33:32    41.744080
RF08    03/05/2000   14:57:00   21:51:50    42.173848
RF09    03/07/2000   13:25:00   18:33:55    31.421188
RF10    03/08/2000   17:10:00   23:18:00    37.419328
RF11    03/19/2000   14:50:00   23:28:12    52.667632
RF12    03/21/2000   12:54:49   18:39:22    35.038684
RF13    03/23/2000   13:23:10   19:39:40    38.282248
RF14    03/24/2000   14:30:23   20:43:26    37.932004
RF15    03/26/2000   17:03:40   00:24:28    44.809984
RF16A   04/02/2000   15:35:00   18:53:58    20.259064
RF16B   04/02/2000   23:34:00   02:00:41    14.951260
RF17    04/04/2000   11:52:00   17:35:00    34.881328
RF18    04/06/2000   12:55:00   16:50:00    23.917168
RF19    04/07/2000   14:54:00   19:58:30    30.972808
RF20    04/10/2000   14:21:00   20:48:30    39.398968
RF21    04/11/2000   13:50:00   20:19:12    39.571552
RF22    04/23/2000   15:30:00   00:34:01    55.288540
RF23    04/25/2000   11:42:49   18:12:57    39.666304
RF24    04/27/2000   11:56:10   18:25:52    39.622312
RF25    04/28/2000   13:56:28   20:29:13    39.931948
RF26    04/30/2000   15:55:00   22:50:40    42.258448
RF28    05/15/2000   16:39:28   00:52:19    50.094100
RF29    05/18/2000   11:48:15   17:59:20    37.732348
RF30    05/19/2000   11:53:23   17:41:39    35.416000
RF31    05/22/2000   13:14:13   21:08:45    48.234592
RF32    05/23/2000   15:55:59   20:15:31    26.407792

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