15 October 2010 Hosted at the Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center |
Friday, 15 October
8:00 am: Welcome & logistics, meeting goals (Steering Committee)
8:15 am: Discussion of Y2 data collection and any issues with Y1 data; if the field catalog accurately describes your data collection, there is no need to report anything; if you'd like to show examples, please bring them to present; we will divide the time amongst those who have significant information beyond that noted in the field catalog.
10:00 am: Break
10:15 am: Scientific research plans, research objectives, datasets required, priority days, collaborations ongoing, planned or desired; these can be simple updates of last year's presentations with the desired cases from Y2 added (15 min each).
12 pm: Lunch
10:15 am: Scientific research plans, research objectives, datasets required, priority days, collaborations ongoing, planned or desired; these can be simple updates of last year's presentations with the desired cases from Y2 added (15 min each, Cont.).
2:00 pm: Discussion of collaborations, resolution of conflicts.
3:00 pm: Workshop Adjourns; informal discussions may continue in the room until 5.