T-28 Participation in the Precipitation Augmentation for Crops Experiment (PACE)


The T-28 research aircraft participated in the Precipitation Augmentation for Crops Experiment. Research was conducted from 5/5 - 5/30, 1989 within a project area in Illinois within a 100-mile radius of Champaign.

The purpose of the T-28's participation was to provide a dataset from penetrations of cloud regions normally inaccessible to conventional research aircraft. The emphasis was on microphysical observations, but supporting thermodynamic, kinematic, and electrical data were also obtained. The data will assist in the determination of possible seeding effects, as well as providing information about precipitation mechanisms.

The standard package of instruments provided for the determination of temperature, vertical wind, electric fields, water content, etc. During PACE the T-28 carried a PMS 2D-C optical probe.

Research Flights


T-28 participation in the 1989 precipitation augmentation for crops experiment in Illinois (IAS Report R-89/08)

Operations Manual: The Precipitation Augmentation for Crops Experiment (PACE) Phase II: Exploratory Modification

The 1989 Precipitation Augmentation for Crops Experiment (PACE) Data Book

Data Access

PACE 1989 Data Access

Other Project Web Pages

None known.