T-28 Pilot Report
020612 (actually 13 June in UT time)(Wednesday)
Flight Time:
00:03:50 – 00:35:00 UT
Tom Warner
Greeley, CO
Heading = 320; North departure
6:03:00 Tom’s time
Take off:
Engine looks good
Computer Time |
Video Time |
Comments |
00:05:12 |
Indicator of some kind of
recycle on the electricity (?) |
00:05:37 |
Heading to 320 |
00:07:21 |
Flying toward Cheyenne, WY |
00:08:12 |
Everything looks good on
the fuel |
00:08:34 |
Finished FM test |
NO is ON, Pilot |
00:08:52 |
Heading toward Cheyenne, WY |
00:09:27 |
Good oxygen check |
00:12:12 |
Shifted in high blower,
looking good |
00:13:46 |
Small precipitation core
ahead, try to get under it; 13,500 ft |
00:17:56 |
Base of the cloud, a little
precipitation. NO is looking dead |
00:18:24 |
NO switch is ON, but he had
a power recycle at the beginning of the flight |
00:18:55 |
Few counts on the 2DC,
confirming pp region |
00:20:44 |
180-220° heading, 18,500 ft., out of cloud |
00:21:06 |
Best echo 2:00 his position |
00:21:28 |
Turn around to go back in
the cloud |
00:22:10 |
18,200 ft., out of cloud
for a little bit |
00:22:43 |
Cloud base 18,500 |
00:23:18 |
In cloud |
00:23:33 |
Low reading on 2DC, get out
of cloud |
00:24:21 |
In cloud at 110 heading |
00:25:51 |
Mechanical problem
reported; permission to go to Cheyenne |
00:26:18 |
Warning light on, will go
to Cheyenne; was not holding power |
00:27:05 |
Turn off electrical staff |
00:27:37 |
Do not declare emergency
yet, keep the position |
00:29:40 |
Pressure disp in the oil
chamber, losing oil. Tom declares emergency landing (indicator shows only 2
gallons of oil left) |
00:31:40 |
Engine idle, lost oil, will
be able to land safely |
00:33:28 |
Over the airport in
Cheyenne, turn left to land |
00:34:28 |
Gear coming down |
00:34:48 |
Landed; on the ground at
6:35 pm |