program create_qcstats c c program to process hires sounding data (in uniform height resolution) c creates a table of QC stats to be used by assign_qcf.f c c gfortran create_qcstats_hgt_L4.f -o create_qcstats_hgt_L4.x c c 1) read in data c 2) compute stats c 3) input from upaqf_stnid c 4) output to stats_stnid real xmis parameter (maxz=10000, ntmx=250, xmis=-999.) real pres(maxz), zs(ntmx) real z(maxz), p(ntmx,maxz), tc(ntmx,maxz), td(ntmx,maxz) real pp, zz, tt, dd, dir, spd, zinc real uc(ntmx,maxz), vc(ntmx,maxz) integer qp(ntmx,maxz), qh(ntmx,maxz), qt(ntmx,maxz) integer qd(ntmx,maxz), qw(ntmx,maxz) integer qqp, qqh, qqt, qqd, qqw integer nt, nz, nu, nv, nd integer idate(ntmx), itime(ntmx) real pave(maxz), psd(maxz) real tave(maxz), tsd(maxz) real tdave(maxz), tdsd(maxz) real uave(maxz), usd(maxz) real vave(maxz), vsd(maxz) real xlon, xlat, alt integer iyr, mon, idy, ihr, min integer imm, idd, ihh character fin*11, fstats*15, header(5)*64, resp*1 integer igood, iques, ibad, iint, iest, iunc, imis data igood, iques, ibad, iint, iest, iunc, imis 2 / 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9/ c ************************************************************ print *, 'read in stn number (i5) ...' read(5,'(i5)') istnid print *, ' istnid = ', istnid print *, 'Is this correct (y/n) ...' read(5,*) resp if(resp .eq. 'n' .or. resp .eq. 'N') then print *, 'incorrect cid and istnid' stop endif print *, 'read in height resolution (m) of data ...' read(5,*) zinc c initialize fields do i=1,ntmx do k=1,maxz p(i,k) = xmis tc(i,k) = xmis td(i,k) = xmis uc(i,k) = xmis vc(i,k) = xmis enddo enddo print *, 'enter stn elev ...>' read(5,*) zmax zstart = int(zmax)/zinc * zinc print *, zstart, zmax z(1) = zmax do k=2,maxz z(k) = ifix((zmax + (k-1)*zinc)/zinc)*zinc c print *, k, z(k) enddo write(fin, 8) istnid 8 format('upazi_',i5) open (20, file=fin, status='old', form='formatted') write(fstats, 9) istnid 9 format('stats_hgt_',i5) open (24, file=fstats, status='unknown', form='formatted') c read header information nt = 0 5 nt = nt + 1 do il=1,4 read(20,'(a64)',end=50) header(il) enddo read(header(2)(9:14),*) idate(nt) read(header(2)(16:19),*) itime(nt) read(header(3)(7:10),'(i4)') nlv c print *, idate(nt), itime(nt), nlv do k=1,nlv read (20,200,end=50) pp, zz, tt, dd, dir, spd, 2 qqp, qqh, qqt, qqd, qqw c print 200, pp, zz, tt, dd, dir, spd, c 2 qqp, qqh, qqt, qqd, qqw if(k .eq. 1) then izindex = 1 zs(nt) = zz print *, idate(nt), itime(nt), nlv, nt, tt else izindex = (zz - zstart)/zinc + 2 endif c print *, k, zz, izindex p(nt,izindex) = pp tc(nt,izindex) = tt td(nt,izindex) = dd call spdr_uv (spd, dir, uc(nt,izindex), vc(nt,izindex), xmis) qp(nt,izindex) = qqp qh(nt,izindex) = qqh qt(nt,izindex) = qqt qd(nt,izindex) = qqd qw(nt,izindex) = qqw enddo go to 5 50 continue 200 format(6f8.1,1x,5i3) 999 continue nsd = nt-1 print *, 'number of times read in ', nsd do k=1,maxz call mean(p(1,k), nsd, pave(k), xmis, nz) call varc(p(1,k), nsd, var, psd(k), pave(k), xmis) call mean(tc(1,k), nsd, tave(k), xmis, ntc) call varc(tc(1,k), nsd, var, tsd(k), tave(k), xmis) call mean(td(1,k), nsd, tdave(k), xmis, nd) call varc(td(1,k), nsd, var, tdsd(k), tdave(k), xmis) call mean(uc(1,k), nsd, uave(k), xmis, nu) call varc(uc(1,k), nsd, var, usd(k), uave(k), xmis) call mean(vc(1,k), nsd, vave(k), xmis, nv) call varc(vc(1,k), nsd, var, vsd(k), uave(k), xmis) c print *, p(k), nsd, nz, ntc, nd, nu, nv c write(22,222) k, pres(k), zave(k), zsd(k), nz, tave(k), tsd(k), c 2 ntc,tdave(k), tdsd(k), nd, uave(k), usd(k), c 3 nu, vave(k), vsd(k), nv enddo c remove outliers in data fields (> fac*std) and recompute stats fac = 4. do k=1,maxz do i=1,nt if(p(i,k) .ne. xmis) then dif = abs(p(i,k) - pave(k)) if(dif .gt. fac*psd(k)) then p(i,k) = xmis endif endif if(tc(i,k) .ne. xmis) then dif = abs(tc(i,k) - tave(k)) if(dif .gt. fac*tsd(k)) then tc(i,k) = xmis endif endif if(td(i,k) .ne. xmis) then dif = abs(td(i,k) - tdave(k)) if(dif .gt. fac*tdsd(k)) then td(i,k) = xmis endif endif if(uc(i,k) .ne. xmis) then dif = abs(uc(i,k) - uave(k)) if(dif .gt. fac*usd(k)) then uc(i,k) = xmis endif endif if(vc(i,k) .ne. xmis) then dif = abs(vc(i,k) - vave(k)) if(dif .gt. fac*vsd(k)) then vc(i,k) = xmis endif endif enddo call mean(p(1,k), nsd, pave(k), xmis, nz) call varc(p(1,k), nsd, var, psd(k), pave(k), xmis) call mean(tc(1,k), nsd, tave(k), xmis, ntc) call varc(tc(1,k), nsd, var, tsd(k), tave(k), xmis) call mean(td(1,k), nsd, tdave(k), xmis, nd) call varc(td(1,k), nsd, var, tdsd(k), tdave(k), xmis) call mean(uc(1,k), nsd, uave(k), xmis, nu) call varc(uc(1,k), nsd, var, usd(k), uave(k), xmis) call mean(vc(1,k), nsd, vave(k), xmis, nv) call varc(vc(1,k), nsd, var, vsd(k), uave(k), xmis) if(nz.eq.0 .and. ntc.eq.0 .and. nd.eq.0 .and. nu.eq.0) then go to 9989 endif write(24,222) k, z(k), pave(k), psd(k), nz, tave(k), tsd(k), 2 ntc,tdave(k), tdsd(k), nd, uave(k), usd(k), 3 nu, vave(k), vsd(k), nv enddo 9989 continue close(24) 222 format(i5,f7.0,1x,3(f6.1,f6.2,i4),2(f7.1,f6.1,i4)) 223 format(3i6,f8.1) end SUBROUTINE VARC(DATA, N, VAR, SDEV, XMEAN, XMIS) c c routine to compute the standard deviation and variance c REAL DATA(1), VAR, XMEAN M = 0 SUM = 0. VAR = -99. SDEV = -99. DO 20 I=1,N IF(DATA(I) .EQ. XMIS) GO TO 20 M = M + 1 SUM = SUM + (DATA(I) - XMEAN)**2 20 CONTINUE if(m .gt. 1) then VAR = SUM / FLOAT(M-1) SDEV = SQRT(VAR) endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE MEAN(DATA, N, EZMEAN, XMIS, nn) C C THIS CALCULATES THE MEAN OF A SET OF DATA C REAL DATA(1) c ********************************************* SUM = 0. nn = 0 ezmean = xmis DO 10 I=1,N if(data(i) .ne. xmis) then SUM = SUM + DATA(I) nn = nn + 1 endif 10 CONTINUE if(nn .gt. 1) then EZMEAN = SUM/FLOAT(NN) endif RETURN END subroutine fil121(fld, n, ffld, xmis) c c filter data with 1-2-1 filter c real fld(n), ffld(n), xmis c ******************************************************************* ffld(1) = fld(1) ffld(n) = fld(n) do i=2,n-1 ip = i + 1 im = i - 1 if(fld(ip).ne.xmis .and. fld(i).ne.xmis 2 .and. fld(im).ne.xmis) then ffld(i) = 0.25*(fld(im)+fld(ip)) + 0.5*fld(i) else ffld(i) = fld(i) endif enddo return end subroutine dattim(iyr, mon, idy, ihr, min, imm, idd, ihh) integer iyr, mon, idy, ihr, min, imm, idd, ihh c add one hour to sonde time (sondes are typically launched 1 hr c prior to time that obs are needed) ihh = ihr + nint(float(min)/60.) + 1 imm = mon idd = idy if(ihh .eq. 24) then ihh = 1 idd = idy + 1 if(mon .eq. 6 .and. idd .gt. 30) then imm = 7 idd = 1 elseif(mon .eq. 7 .and. idd .gt. 31) then imm = 8 idd = 1 elseif(mon .eq. 8 .and. idd .gt. 31) then imm = 9 idd = 1 endif elseif(ihh .gt. 25) then print *, 'error in dattim', ihh, imm, idd stop endif return end subroutine spdr_uv (spd, dir, u, v, xmis) c c convert u and v wind components into speed and direction c pi = acos(-1.0) degran = pi / 180. u = xmis v = xmis if ( .or. .or. then return else u = -1.* spd * sin(dir*degran) v = -1.* spd * cos(dir*degran) endif return end subroutine spd_dir(u, v, spd, dir, xmis) c c convert u and v wind components into speed and direction c pi = acos(-1.) ran2deg = 180. / pi if( .and. then spd = sqrt (u*u + v*v) if (spd .eq. 0.0) then dir = 0. else if(u .eq. 0.) then if (v .ge. 0.) then dir = 180. else dir = 360. endif elseif(v .eq. 0.) then if (u .ge. 0.) then dir = 270. else dir = 90. endif else dir = acos(-v/spd) * ran2deg if(u .gt. 0) dir = 360. - dir endif endif else spd = xmis dir = xmis endif return end subroutine layave(p, pinc, fld, nl, pi, fldi, np, xmis) c this routine computes a smooth profile by taking layer averages c c maximum interval over which to do linear interpolation c real pmax, imis parameter (pmax = 50., imis=-999.) c raw fields real p(nl), fld(nl) c interpolated fields real pi(np), fldi(np) c missing value flag real xmis c ********************************************************************** c set surface value to first raw value fldi(1) = fld(1) do 70 il=2,np c set field to missing but fill in if possible fldi(il) = imis pa = pi(il) - pinc/2. if(pa .lt. p(nl)) then pa = p(nl) endif pb = pi(il) + pinc/2. if(pb .gt. p(1)) then pb = p(1) endif sum = 0. nobs = 0 do iraw = 1,nl if(p(iraw) .lt. pb .and. p(iraw) then if(fld(iraw) .ne. xmis) then sum = sum + fld(iraw) nobs = nobs + 1 endif endif enddo if(nobs .gt. 0) then fldi(il) = sum / float(nobs) endif 70 continue return end subroutine interp(p, fld, nl, pi, fldi, np, xmis) c this routine linearly interpolates a field in log pressure c c maximum interval over which to do linear interpolation c real pmax, imis parameter (pmax = 50., imis=-999.) c raw fields real p(nl), fld(nl) c interpolated fields real pi(np), fldi(np) c missing value flag real xmis c ********************************************************************** c set surface value to first raw value fldi(1) = fld(1) do 70 il=2,np c set field to missing but fill in if possible fldi(il) = imis c this loop gets fld if interpolated pressure level is a raw data level do iraw = 1,nl if(pi(il) .eq. p(iraw)) then if(fld(iraw) .eq. xmis) go to 10 fldi(il) = fld(iraw) c print *, p(il), fldi(il) go to 70 endif enddo c this loop get fld if interpolated pressure level is not a raw data level c then interpolated value in linearly interpolated in log of pressure c find iplv - pressure level in raw data closest to p(il) 10 continue pdif = 1.e4 do iraw = 1,nl dp = abs(p(iraw) - pi(il)) c if(iraw .lt. 20 )print *, iraw, p(iraw), pi(il), dp, pdif, iplv if(dp .lt. pdif) then pdif = dp iplv = iraw endif enddo c print *, il, pi(il), p(iplv) c find first level below pi(il) in which data is not missing do 20 ip=iplv,1,-1 if(p(ip) .lt. pi(il)) go to 20 if(fld(ip) .ne. xmis) then ipb = ip go to 30 endif 20 continue go to 70 30 continue c find first level above pi(il) in which data is not missing do 40 ip=iplv,nl if(p(ip) .gt. pi(il)) go to 40 if(fld(ip) .ne. xmis) then ipa = ip go to 50 endif 40 continue go to 70 50 continue if(abs(p(ipb)-p(ipa)) .gt. pmax) go to 70 ap = alog(pi(il)) apb = alog(p(ipb)) apa = alog(p(ipa)) c print *, il, iplv, ipb, ipa c print *, pi(il), p(ipb), p(ipa) c print *, fld(ipb), fld(ipa) sl = (ap - apb) / (apa - apb) fldi(il) = fld(ipb) + sl*(fld(ipa) - fld(ipb)) c print *, fld(ipb), fldi(il) 70 continue return end subroutine readupa(iun, lvl) c c read in data for one time parameter (m=10000, pmis=9999.) real time, rh, wc, wspd, wdir, dz, xln, xlt, rng integer iyr, mon, idy, ihr, min common /header/ xlon, xlat, alt, iyr, mon, idy, ihr, min common /data/ p0(m), z0(m), t0(m), d0(m), u0(m), v0(m), 2 qp(m), qt(m), qh(m), qu(m), qv(m) character hline*130, dline*130 c ************************************************************* c c routine to read in uncorrected souding data c iflag = 0 10 read (iun,'(a82)',end=100) hline if (hline(1:10) .eq. 'Launch Loc') then c read in lon, lat, alt info read (hline(61:70),*) xlon read (hline(72:78),*) xlat read (hline(81:81),*) alt c read in date / time information read (iun,'(a82)') hline read (hline(38:39),*) iyr read (hline(42:43),*) mon read (hline(46:47),*) idy read (hline(50:51),*) ihr read (hline(53:54),*) min c read remainder of header lines do i=1,10 read (iun,'(a82)') hline enddo else go to 10 endif C------- read in data --------------------------------------------------- lvl = 0 nl = 0 20 read (iun,'(a130)',end=100) dline nl = nl + 1 read (dline,*) time, pres if(pres .ne. pmis) then lvl = lvl + 1 if(lvl .gt. m) go to 100 read (dline,*) time, p0(lvl), t0(lvl), d0(lvl), rh, 2 u0(lvl), v0(lvl), wc, wspd, wdir, dz, xln, xlt, rng, 3 z0(lvl), qp(lvl), qt(lvl), qh(lvl), qu(lvl), qv(lvl) c print 702, p0(lvl), z0(lvl), t0(lvl), d0(lvl), c 2 u0(lvl), v0(lvl), qp(lvl), qt(lvl), qu(lvl) endif go to 20 100 continue print 222, xlon, xlat, alt, 2 iyr, mon, idy, ihr, min,nl,lvl,p0(lvl) 222 format (2f7.2,f4.1,7i5,f7.2) 702 format (9(1x,f7.1)) return end