Expected Datasets from the
HLY-04-03 Process Cruise
1. Hydrographic Measurements Team: Lou Codispoti lead
(on board); Jim Swift, lead PI
Other team members: Kristin Sanborn, Robert Palomares,
Dan Schuller, Erik Quiroz
During this SBI
process cruise we completed 60 stations and 184 CTD casts. The data have been
edited and posted on the JOSS web site, and we have had time to plot data from
our sections in Bering Strait and Barrow Canyon and the East Barrow line. Our observations
include continuous vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, dissolved
oxygen, fluorometric “chlorophyll”, light transmission, Haardt fluorescence (an
index of terrestrial organic matter), and photosynthetically available
radiation (PAR). Discrete water samples collected from our 30 liter
rosette bottles have been analyzed for salinity, dissolved oxygen, ammonium,
nitrate, nitrite, urea, phosphate, silicate, chlorophyll and phaeophytin
concentrations, and members of the hydrographic team performed nutrient
analyses for several of the experiments that were conducted.
2. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data
Collection: Berit Rabe (on-board); Andreas Müenchow, lead PI
USCGC Healy has two independent Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP)
mounted in the hull of the ship: an Ocean Surveyor 75 kHz phased-array system
(OS75) and a Broadband 153 kHz discrete-array system (BB153). Both systems were
up and running, but the BB153 system was still being vetted to ascertain its
data collection reliability. The OS75 is functioning in both broadband and
narrowband mode. Both systems integrate acoustic data with the ship’s gyro, the
aft P-code Trimble Centurion GPS and the Ashtech attitude GPS data. All data
were collected onto local computers and then transferred to the networks
archiving computer (snap1) and to a Mac PowerBook G4 for both systems.
in comparison to the HLY04-02 spring cruise occurred in the form that the data
was transferred automatically to the snap1 server with the program VVScheduler
once a day instead of manually. The OS75 was also operated in dual-ping mode
most of the cruise instead of just single-ping mode.
3. Chlorophyll: Lead PI,
Dean Stockwell
Chlorophyll samples
have been collected from 56 service casts and 28 productivity casts covering
the 60 stations occupied. Six to ten depths per cast have been sampled and processed.
In addition, samples have been processed from 1 bio-optical station and 14
samples have been analyzed for underway analysis (Sharon Smith) and 3 samples
for Karl Kaiser.
4. Primary
Production, Bio-optics, and Remote Sensing of Ocean Color:
David Ruble
onboard lead; Victoria Hill and Xiaoju Pan: on-board team members
Measurement of primary
productivity using c14 and nutrient uptake (nitrate and ammonium) experiments
at 6 light depths (100%, 50%, 30%, 15%, 5%, 1%). Discrete optical measurements
of absorption of particulate and soluble material, continuous profile measurements
of absorption, attenuation, backscatter, upwelling radiance, and downwelling
irradiance. Samples filtered for later analysis of total suspended material and
pigments (HPLC). Surface measurement of incidence irradiance and surface
reflectance, sunphotometer and ozone.
5. Carbon and nitrogen cycling group: Megan Roadman, Kyle
Farmer (on-board team)
Dennis Hansell and Nick Bates, PIs
Type of samples: DIC, Total Alkalinity, DOC,
POC/PON, Total Dissolved Nitrogen (TDN)
The samples collected include dissolved
inorganic carbon (DIC), alkalinity (Alk) (as a water mass tracer), particulate
organic carbon and nitrogen (POM), and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen
(DOM). We have sampled at every station, at various depths as shown in the
table below. These samples are part of the complete suite of the carbon
and nitrogen pools and are an essential contribution to the project as they
relate to biogeochemical cycling, transport, and fluxes of carbon and
nitrogen. The samples will be brought back to the lab for post-cruise
Radium Isotopes: Mark Stephens and Adam Lucey (on-board team)
Dave Kadko, PI
During this cruise we
collected 114 large volume (200L) water samples from the upper water column.
Each sample has been filtered through manganese-coated fibers (which absorbs
the radium), and analyzed for initial Radium-224 concentrations.
sampled include: Bering Strait (2 surface samples), Harold Valley (2
samples from 2 shallow stations), Alaska Coastal Water (1 surface sample), Barrow Canyon (27
samples from 8 locations), East Barrow (30 samples from 8 locations), East
Hanna Shoal (28 samples from 8 locations), and West Hanna Shoal (24 samples
from 7 locations).
twenty-two XCTDs were deployed between the 1000m and 3000m process stations on
the EB line (12 XCTDs) and the EHS line (10 XCTDs). The XCTDs are used to
improve the hydrographic data spacing and potentially help identify features
(e.g. eddies and jets) not fully resolved by the major process stations that
may be responsible for rapid transport of shelf water to the deep basin.
Microbiology: Matt Cottrell and Alex Parker (on-board team)
Dave Kirchman, PI
microbiology group concluded the second half of the SBI Summer 2004 cruise
having accomplished all research objectives. The main experimental work
addressed the bacterial growth efficiency, which is an important factor in
estimating the total bacterial carbon demand. Twelve bacterial
growth efficiency experiments were completed over the course of the cruise and
the average bacterial growth efficiency of 19%.
Biomarkers (I): Laura Belicka (on-board team)
Roger Harvey, PI
We collected particulate organic carbon in vertical profiles
throughout the water column along shelf to basin transects at 27 locations to
examine community structure, quantify marine and terrestrial carbon sources,
and evaluate particulate transport pathways. Additionally, we have
collected sediments and POM from the Colville River, a major source of terrigenous
material to this area of the Arctic Ocean. Box coring was attempted in
the basin off the East Barrow and Barrow Canyon and East Hannah Shoal transect
lines, and in shallow waters along the East Hannah Shoal line. Due to a
variety of mechanical problems, cores in deep water were unsuccessful, although
box coring in shallow water was completed without failure. Using the
multi-corer, courtesy of John Christensen, we collected sediment cores from the
deepest stations on the East and West Hannah Shoal transects. These cores
complement our 2002 collection of sediments and are essential in evaluating
both the sequestration of carbon in the Arctic Basin and variations in carbon
sources over long time scales. We also obtained four large-volume
particle samples from depths of 1000-1500m at stations 030, 037, 051, and 052
with the use of in-situ pumps from the Moran group, with help from Pat Kelly and
Elly Speicher.
Biomarkers (II): Karl Kaiser and Jenny Davis (on-board team)
Ron Benner, PI
We have been able to coordinate much of our sampling with that of
the bacterial production group and have collected O18 samples along with all
DOM samples. In addition to these samples we collected samples from
several experiments designed to follow the changes in these markers
during the degradation of natural DOM.
In addition to these samples, we collected
samples of dissolved and particulate matter during a sampling trip to the Colville
River. These river samples will provide valuable information on the composition
of terrestrially-derived material entering Alaska coastal waters.
The one disapointment is that our flash fluorometer
which provides a measure of the chromophoric component of DOM stopped working
early in the cruise.
10. Microzooplankton grazing, growth,
biomass and food for mesozooplankton: Ev Sherr (On-board PI) and Aaron Hartz
(on-board team)
Data summary:
Microzooplankton Grazing
Experiments (dilution assays)
completed 11 dilution assays during the summer 2004 cruise
2) Microzooplankton biomass and analysis of
phytoplankton community composition: Samples were collected at the 6 depths of the primary production assays
for 25 of the primary production casts during the summer cruise. Three
types of samples were collected: for flow cytometric analysis of phytoplankton
and heterotrophic bacteria, for epifluorescence microscopy, and for inverted
microscopy (Lugol fixed samples).
Mesozooplankton grazing
experiments: We have sampled
the Time 0 and Time Final bottles for the 11 mesozooplankton grazing assays
carried out during on the cruise. These samples will be analysed for
change in protist abundance and biomass to evaluate the grazing rate of microzooplankton
on heterotrophic protists.
11. Exchange of Plankton and Particles between the Shelf
and Basin: Carin Ashjian (PI) and Philip Alatalo, on-board team members; Scott Gallager
(PI) and Mark Benfield (PI)
The purpose of
this project is to document shelf-basin exchange of plankton and
particles. The project is composed of two components: shipboard
estimates of plankton and particle abundance from a Video Plankton Recorder
during the two process cruises and long-term observations of particle/plankton
abundance from moored acoustic Doppler current profilers. Only the first
component is conducted on the present cruise.
12. Mesozooplankton Process Studies: Carin Ashjian, and
Bob Campbell (On-board PIs), Philip Alatalo
The purpose of
this project is to determine the grazing rates of the dominant copepod
species/life stages on phytoplankton and microzooplankton food at locations
both on the shelf and in the basin. The ultimate goal is to couple these
measurements with estimates of total abundance and food availability to
describe the role of mesozooplankton in processing carbon (both primary
production and microzooplankton) in the two regions. The relative
condition of the plankton populations in the two regions also is assessed
through measures of carbon and nitrogen content (CN), RNA/DNA (an indicator of
metabolic activity), and, for actively reproducing species, egg production
rates (EPR).
A total of 11 grazing and 23
egg production experiments for the dominant species at each location have been
carried out (see table below for experimental and sample inventories).
13. Zooplankton
Distribution and Abundance: Sharon Smith (On-board PI)
Other Team Members, Peter Lane, Alex Osuna and Leopoldo Llinás
abundances and depth-stratified distributions of pelagic zooplankton over the
shelf, slope and basin of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas
distribution of copepod nauplii at the surface in the study area using
molecular techniques
Quantify egg
production by dominant copepods in the study area
Table of
Data Collected.
Vertical Bongo
Tows: 5
Surface Map
Samples: 691
14. Carbon and nitrogen
isotope dynamics: Susan Schonberg and Craig Aumack (On-board team)
Ken Dunton, PI
Carbon and
nitrogen isotope signatures can provide information about the trophic links
between pelagic and benthic components of the shelf and slope.
Our objective
is to collect biological material from four trophic levels on the Arctic shelf
and ocean basin to determine the natural abundance of d13C and d15N.
- POM, sampled
by filtering water collected from 10m or the chlorophyll maximum onto
glass fiber filters.
- Pelagic zooplankton caught
with plankton nets, sorted by species and dried.
- Benthic invertebrates
collected using sediment cores, sieved, sorted by species and dried.
- Epibenthic invertebrates
collected using a dredge in the rock substrates of the Barrow Canyon
or an otter trawl in the mud bottom at East Barrow 1 (EB1) station.
The dried
samples will be taken back and analyzed using a mass spectrometer at The
University of Texas Marine Science Institute upon return from the expedition.
15. Water/sediment
tracers, sediment metabolism and benthic community structure; Jackie Grebmeier
and Lee Cooper (on-board PIs) Other team members: Arianne Balsom. Catherine Lalande,
Rebecca Pirtle-Levy
Sixty stations
were occupied during HLY-04-03 for various data collections within our
component, both water and sediment samples (Table 1). Water from all
depths on the hydrographic CTD casts were collected for O-18 measurements, in
addition to collections from other selected casts, particularly those made for
biomarkers. These mass spectrometric analyses will be accomplished following
the cruise in Tennessee. A sub-sample of water from the surface and
chlorophyll max was collected by Dean Stockwell (service cast) and Victoria
Hill (productivity cast) and preserved in Lugol’s solution for phytoplankton
identification by Dr. Mickle Flint of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology in Russia as
part of our core project. Bottom water was collected from the service CTD for
sediment respiration experiments.
Sediments were collected at
27 of these stations using both a 0.1m2 van Veen grab (all27
stations) and a 0.0133 m2 HAPS benthic corer (22 of the benthic
stations). Four van Veen grabs were used up to a 500 m depth interval to
collect replicate quantitative samples for benthic population studies. Sediment
was sieved through 1 mm screens and retained animals preserved in 10% buffered
formalin for analysis on land. A separate study by M.S. student Rebecca Pirtle-Levy
is investigating the 0.5 mm fraction from these cores. Cores used from
respiration experiments were sieved through a 1mm mesh with a 0.5mm mesh screen
inserted to catch the smaller size fraction of animals. These samples
will be analyzed at the University of Tennessee to determine the extent of biases associated with
use of the 1 mm versus 0.5 mm screens.
collections from both the van Veen and multiple-HAPS corer are being analyzed
for chlorophyll pigment content (both fluorometric and HPLC), total organic
carbon and nitrogen content, grain size, and various radioisotopes,
particularly Be-7, which is being used a tracer for transport of sea ice rafted
materials to the sea floor. Surface sediments were collected in whirl pack bags
and frozen. Large volume surface sediments were also collected in Marinelli
beakers for gamma counting. In addition to sediments collected for our
component, we provided sediment to Brad Moran for Th-232 and Pb-210
Two additional HAPS cores
were collected at each station for sediment metabolism experiment. Overlying
water was replaced with bottom water and flux rates determined for oxygen,
carbon dioxide and nutrients over a 12-24 hr period at in situ bottom water
temperatures (-1.6 to 1 deg.C). In addition, dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
flux measurements were made in these cores in collaboration with Ron Benner.
Once the experiment is completed, cores were sieved to retain the benthic
organisms, which were preserved as outlined above.
Finally, we deployed on an opportunistic
basis floating sediment traps for studies of particle export. Unlike in the
spring, when it was relatively easy to deploy the traps from ice floe anchors,
we had to deploy the traps directly into the ocean and this has proven to be
more risky, as we anticipated. The traps were successfully deployed at six
stations during the cruise, but one set of traps was lost during a third
attempted deployment, probably as a result of ice knocking over the radio locator
beacon mounted on a pole attached to the system. Adequate spare equipment
was brought onboard for us to continue sampling as opportunities become
available. Samples for POC/PON, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton,
zooplankton fecal pellets, 234Th, 7Be and d13C were taken at the depths of
30, 40, 50, 60 and 100m. These measurements will give an estimation of
the vertical export fluxes of organic matter and will be compared with the
fluxes measured by the 234Th pumping (University of Rhode Island).
A fecal pellet production experiment was
undertaken for every station where sediment traps were deployed. The estimation
of the production rate at each station and the amount of fecal pellets caught
in the sediment traps will allow the estimation of the percentage of fecal
pellets sinking in the water column.
16. Benthic Denitrification:
Allan Devol and John Christensen (On-board PI) Melanie Lettau, team member
Using an Ocean Instrument’s
multiple corer, sediment cores were collected at 17 sites ranging in water
depths from 50 to 3700 m. The sediments captured in these cores have been
between 20 and 50 cm in depth with clear overlying water, indicating minimal
disturbance of the sediments during coring. Cores have been incubated for
1 to 5 days (depending on the magnitude of the fluxes) in incubation chambers
sealed from the atmosphere. Samples are withdrawn periodically from the
water overlying each core for measurement of the key gases, nutrients and
metabolites. We are using a gas chromatograph coupled to quadrapole mass
spectrometer to determine the ratio of nitrogen gas to argon and the ratio of
oxygen gas to argon. The flux samples showed consistent changes in these ratios
with increasing incubation time, so that we will be able to calculate
sedimentary oxygen consumption and denitrification. Fluxes of total CO2 out of
the sediments were measurable at all sites that were attempted. Thus total
carbon oxidation rates from these cores will be evaluated. Silicate fluxes out
of the sediments were measured on board and the other dissolved nutrients will
be measured when samples are returned to Bigelow Laboratory.
17. Particle-reactive radionuclides: Pat Kelly, Elly Speicher,
and Stephen Schmidt, onboard investigators
Moran, PI
Project Objectives:
Quantify the flux of particulate
organic carbon (POC) from the surface water to the deep waters of the Chuckchi Sea using 234Th
as a tracer of particle export.
2) Determine POC/234Th ratio values for
multiple size fractions of particles, and different types of particles at
specific depths
3) Compare 234Th-tracer derived POC fluxes w/
sediment trap derived fluxes of POC.
4) Compare 234Th export from surface water
with 234Th accumulation in sediments.
5) Improve 234Th sample resolution from
HLY-02-0X using newly developed small volume technique.