Agenda for RAINEX Conference Call                      JAM 2/14/05

15 February 2005 (1500 EST, 1300 MST and 1200 PST)


Items to be Discussed

General Introduction and Project Update(Bob Houze/Shuyi Chen)

Proposed project timeline (Bob Houze, Jim Moore)


Update on HRD Activities (Rob Rogers)


Update on AOC Activities (Jim McFadden)


Update on radar processing/product generation (Chris Burghart/Mike Daniels)

Update on Dropsonde system installation on NRL P-3 (Carl Newman, Brigitte Baeuerle)


Dropsonde Expendables (types and ordering) (Brigitte B)


EOL/RAF data system on NRL P-3 (Pavel Romashkin)


RAINEX Web page (Greg Stossmeister)


RAINEX ZEBRA and set-up at RSMAS (Stacy Brodzik)


Operations Plan Preparation (Houze/Moore)


Other Items (All)


Next Call Schedule (Moore)