E-mail from Brigitte Baeuerle, 2/11/2005
Re: NRL P-3 Dropsonde System Installation
Sam Kogel and I talked on the phone earlier today to check where
we stand with respect to the P-3 dropsonde installation:
- Terry and Errol decided to install the dropsonde system in a single rack,
which will be installed on the inboard, starboard side of the P3.
- The rack will include the dropsonde receiver system as well as a bolted
down metal box for secure storage of about 30 sondes.
- RTF will ship the completely packaged rack (including base plate, overhead
ceiling attachment hardware) to NRL (Sam's attention) around 7 March with
intended arrival date of 10 March.
- Mike Spowart confirmed that all PVC cabling (power, video, RS32) needs
to be replaced with Teflon cabling. This has to be done before we ship
the equipment to Pax River.
- PSI will do the floor loading analysis.
- As requested, I sent Sam another copy of the "structural analysis for
the NRL 587 ELDORA cabin installation" that Mark Lord produced for IHOP.
- Sam has the funds to fabricate a dropsonde launch tube. The design is
based on an already exisitng design that has previously flown on a NRL P-3.
Certification should therefore be fairly straight forward. No preliminary
launch tube design exists yet on paper. We had hoped that Terry could
review the design before his visit to Pax later this month.
- Terry's, Jack's and Hal's visit to Pax River is confirmed for 23
February; the paperwork to obtain access to the base has been submitted.
- Once PSI has done the floor loading analysis, Sam will have the tube
and rack installed in the airplane and signed off by a local NAVAIR
inspector. RTF staff should be able to conduct the actual ground testing of
the fully installed system around 16-18 March at Pax River.
- So far, Sam if fairly certain that we do not have to conduct any test
flights at Pax River to look at proper separation of the dropsonde from the
aircraft. Flight tests for the dropsonde system will therefore be done in
conjunction with the ELDORA test flights shortly before the start of the
- Starting next week, we will conduct weekly phone calls with Sam.