SUBJECT : Meeting, Tuesday, 25 May 2010







Aguilar, Shannon


Aquino, Janine


Baeuerle, Brigitte


Bell, Michael


Boothe, Mark


Boynton, Henry


Bradford, Mark


Davis, Chris


Hanson, Mary


Herndon, Derrick  


Heymsfield, Andy


McClain, Scotty


Meitín, José


Moore, Jim


Salazar, Vidal


Slaten, Branden


StMartin, Briesa


Stossmeister, Greg


Tudor, Laura


Velden, Chris

Univ of Wisconsin

Williams, Steve


Zucker, Shelley





    Tri-agency meetings during AMS Tropical Conf (Tucson)
    Forecasters Mock Exercise
    Education and Outreach
    Update from Facilities.

Tri-agency coordination meeting (Tucson):
Attended by Jim Moore and Steve Williams from EOL - Coordination issues related to project interactions before the field deployments were discussed, as well as on a daily basis basis - such as the daily planning teleconference, this will take place 7 days a week 16 UTC/local noon (Florida, USVI).  There will be a schedule of rotating project facilitator and weather briefing team.  Begin weekly tri-agency coordination telecons with project principals. 

Dropsondes: Need to figure out how aircraft operations can be coordinated so that dropsondes will be launched to be effective for modeling efforts at synoptic times. Dropsondes from GV need to get into GTS as soon as possible. EOL has a procedure (used during RAINEX and T-PARC, automated for VOCALS) for auto QC using ASPEN in batch mode, but there is some interest from IFEX and GRIP (point of contact Michael Black NOAA/HRD) to have a team performing manual quality control on the ground using students PRIOR to submittal into GTS. Needs further discussion (AI.65)

FAA coordination : NCAR pilots (and others) drafted a message describing this summer's research aircraft operations, (AI.50) submitted through Hank Tracy (hurricane coordinator, Miami FAA) to be forwarded to NY Oceanic. Plan is to have a pilots/FAA briefing in July with group at NY (largest ATC area in domain)  Need to finalize meeting dates (AI.66) due to busy summer schedule for pilots (S McClain attempted to contact Tracy, but no updates)

Satellite coverage:  C Velden reported that rapid scan from GOES satellites will be available during the project with coverage over entire basin - major development region, GOES-13, current operational satellite will do special scan sequence every hour to cover tropical domain, 15-min frequency.  Velden is exploring what flexibility do we have to call rapid scans - default will be to have it on at all times, NWS can override this schedule if they are interested in something else (e.g. severe weather over CONUS), Velden is confident that we have 15-minute real time continuous coverage from west coast of Africa, on a band ~5° N to 35° N. CIMSS in the process of installing servers that will store all these data. Encouraging colleagues at NOAA and NASA to access so we can include in all field campaigns. Additionally, METEOSAT data with coverage from eastern Atlantic and all of continental Africa will be saved.  Question about merging GOES and METEOSAT - Extra step needed at Wisconsin, also need to synchronize scan times, off sets but there is a basic schedule that could be matched. Data servers will be set up within a couple of weeks and have operational before the July "dry run" to test out. Eventhough METEOSAT images are open to projects, prefer that it no t be widely distributed.

Other Tucson meetings:

PREDICT forecasters: PREDICT forecast team will conduct a mock exercise, expect 10-15 people will converge in Boulder for 3 days, idea is to go through the full forecast preparation and daily planning meeting, talk about flight strategies and plans as if deployed.

Expect to begin PREDICT forecast on 12 August at St Croix operations center with planning for potential flight operations as early as 15 August.
also expected to start flight operations on 15 August, they will have test flights through the 10 August, out of Palmdale not Fort Lauderdale.

Data Management: Meeting held to discuss real time data sharing and also archives.  PREDICT has created a list of products that we expect to put into field catalog - There appear to be a fair amount of overlap with GRIP.
NASA will demonstrate their collaborative website during Thursday GRIP telecon and also during the July dry run. Svetla to get input on improvements.
Currently, there are two NASA websites, stil;l need discussion as to where to share forecast products.
Michael Goodman to send a list of what will be available from Huntsville web site. Steve Williams plans to put together a spreadsheet to see where overlap exists.
We are updating PREDICT
forecasters email distribution list to send out the list of field catalog products and also finalize forecasters schedule (AI.42) in St Croix, at the moment, only the forecast team leads are shown on staffing schedule.

Data policy: EOL has drafted a policy for PREDICT (AI.67), plan to distribute to steering committe and publish on website. Can propose similar data policy to be adopted by GRIP and IFEX but didn't get to that in Tuscon because the right players weren't in attendance.

PREDICT Forecasting team "mock exercise":
Continue with plans for forecasters exercise in Boulder- Begin 7am MDT on Monday 19 July- make preparations in time for 1600 UTC Daily Planning Meeting "dry run" (10 am MDT) running concurrently. Plan to include NCAR pilots during second day to make forecasters aware of what pilots need before or during mission (Boynton and Ringleman may be available).  Expect up to 15 participants during 3 days.  Have reserved work room at Foothills Lab (FL-1 2037).  Field Catalog will be operational and CDS will also have available a forecaster workstation that will be deployed to St Croix (AI.68).
Real time displays that are available, overlays of satellite data with aircraft tracks and dropsonde position, location of track positions, will need software and display capabilities to easily produce and transmit to aircraft for mission coordination. Some software applications have been discussed, NASA has one, EOL uses Google, are there other products out there? Need forecasters to suggest viable software applications (not ideas).

Shelley Zucker has checked rates at Residence Inn, Boulder Inn, Golden Buff, Courtyard Marriot - block of rooms for forecast team. Will post the information when it is complete.

Outreach: - Rockwell
Will soon publish pages on the EOL field projects website. PREDICT specific pages will link from there.
Plan to develop a PREDICT 20-30 min
in length documentary, so we will be recording video and interviews during the forecast exercise in July.
EOL is in the process of laying out a PREDICT story line  - will need help from PIs.

Updates from Facilities:

Logistics: Buccaneer Hotel- UCAR contract is in place (AI.53).  Individual guests will pay; credit cards will be charged weekly, therefore make sure you receive a travel advance. UCAR contract spells out 48 hr cancellation policy and early departures.  Need to provide the hotel with expected EOL guest list by July 28/29.  Shannon Aguilar and Briesa StMartin (RAF) will provide administrative support in STX from 12 Aug through 15 Sept.  All PREDICT participants should notify Shannon <> of their travel dates to STX.
EOL will use the UCAR corporate agreement with Hertz rental cars when booking travel with Boulder Travel. 
Airfare rates continue to rise so make arrangements promptly.

Shipping: target date for RAF seatainers is July 12.  Priority is RAF, CDS and ISF equipment
Addresses for FBO and hotel for independent shipping have been posted on website (AI.59).

Dropsonde: 500 PREDICT dropsondes have been delivered to Foothills Campus.  We have identified 3 grad students 
(AI.57) who will assist with dropsondes and the Ops Center in STX, some are  interested in forecasting and others GV in situ data processing.  Their primary assignment will be dropsonde quality control.

CDS Systems Administration: Only one sys admin will be in STX for the 1st 2 weeks and the last 2 weeks.  2 Sys Admin will cover the double crew period in early September.

EOL Field Catalog will be running for forecasting exercise in July.

XChat: M Bradford has contacted Sean McMillan and John Hill at NOAA/AOC (AI.45) to tie their chatserver into our EOL network, this has not been tested yet, but should work OK.
Global Hawk, GRIP and PREDICT will log on NCAR chat server; AOC, HRD/IFEX and CARCAH can log into AOC chat server and see all the "chatrooms" for all projects.

RAF:  No RAF representatives were in attendance (except pilots).  Diplomatic clearances continue through the system-



AI.65:  Coordinate droposnde QC procedure (manual, auto) with other agencies prior to submittal to GTS (Meitín, M Black)
AI.66:  Schedule FAA briefing between pilots and NY Oceanic ATC prior to field deployment (NCAR pilots)
AI.67:  EOL draft and distribute PREDICT data policy (Williams)
AI.68:  CDS to identify and configure forecaster workstation (Slaten)


In Progress:

AI.4: Possibility of GISMOS install on GV during for PREDICT (Jensen)

AI.7: Determine/prioritize data for field catalog inclusion (Stossmeister) (IN PROGRESS)

AI.10: Discuss near real time data needs in more detail and make necessary arrangements (e.g., with NOAA) (Meitín, Jensen)

AI.14: Post Miami Meeting Summary on PREDICT website (Meitín, Davis)

AI.28: make Flight planning meeting ppt available on PREDICT website (Meitín/Davis)

AI.37: Provide list of data products needed for diagnostics and field catalog (in development)
AI.38: Provide meeting minutes from GRIP Science meeting in L.A.(Meitín, Montgomery)
AI.39: Provide list of NASA instrumentation for GRIP (Montgomery)

AI.42: Identify PREDICT forecast team and schedule (IN PROGRESS)

AI.46: Complete design of PREDICT logo with EOL graphic artist (Davis, Montgomery)  Can we get this moving??

AI.52: RAF determine role of mission/ground coordinators (Jensen)
AI.56: Set up data products telecon with other agencies (S Williams)
AI.62: Publish St Croix evacuation plan when approved by UCAR management




AI.3: Link PREDICT from EOL front page (Meitín/Petro)

AI.13: Arrangements with NOAA to obtain LF data (Meitín) (action: likely negative)

AI.16: Website link to go to PREDICT page, not OFAP documentation (Meitín)

AI.21: EOL to provide needed information to Davis (various)

AI.22: coordinate xchat servers among agencies (Bradford)  IN PROGRESS
AI.25: send shipping info to RAF and make sure ISF is in the loop (Randy Klotz , RAF, is contact for shipping)

AI.26: finish and publish site survey report (Meitín)

AI.27: check on seat availability for second dropsonde operator (Schanot)

AI.29: put together and E&O outline (Rockwell)

AI.30: set up meeting with PREDICT PIs to discuss E&O opportunities (Rockwell)
AI.31: check on funding status for CVI (Jensen)

AI.32: arrange for conference call set up at IHC side meeting (Davis to Rob Rogers)

AI.23: Invite New York ATC folks to follow up meeting in either Savannah or Tucson (Meitín)
AI.33: determine what data are missing if Navy products from J. Hawkins cannot be obtained (C Velden (Wisc) has compiled a list of unique NRL products for NSF )

AI.34: Set up Data Display meeting after IHC (Stossmeister)
AI.35: Share Draft Special Funds request with PIs (Baeuerle, Meitín) at NSF for consideration.

AI.36: Distribute draft of Operations Plan to key groups (Davis)

AI.40: Provide GV cabin layout and instrument payload (RAF)

AI.41: Confirm the dates for the PRE-GRIP exercise (Baeuerle) (19-30 July)
AI.43: Contact Howard University regarding opportunities in forecast team (Baeuerle)

AI.44: Provide computer projection equipment and satellite speakers for Operations Center (EOL/CDS)
AI.45: Contact NOAA AOC regarding authorization/paperwork to log into their chat server (Bradford) IN PROGRESS

AI.47: Forecast team telecon to determine schedules and staff assignments (Moore, Velden)

AI.48: Assess if forecast team needs to run "exercise" during July dry-run (Velden, Bosart)

AI.49: Satellite products telecon end of March (Stossmeister)
AI.50: Prepare memo from pilots to FAA about TC research operations during Summer 2010 (Thompson)
AI.51: Determine additional staff needed to cover 3 consecutive max missions (Jensen)
AI.53: RAF admin to contact hotel and rental cars in STX (Jensen, others)

AI.54: Pay-as-you-go cellular phones and hotel phone line(s) in Ops Center (Slaten)
AI.55: Availability of large-flat monitor for forecasst team in STX (Slaten)
AI.57: Develop list of available graduate students for various support tasks. (Baeuerle/Meitín)

AI.58: Contact STX airport operations manager regarding storing seatainers near tarmac (Meitín).
AI.59: RAF to provide proper address for Bohlke Aviation

AI.60:Meitín has received forms for fingerprint/background check for SIDA ID badges
AI.61:Coordinate dropsonde frequency assigments amongst all participating agencies. (Meitín)
AI.63: Publish dropsonde frequency assignment document. (Meitín)
AI.64: Telecon with NSF, PI regarding special funds request (Sharpe/Meitín)