SUBJECT : Meeting, Tuesday, 16 March 2010 |
Name |
Affiliation |
Name |
Affiliation |
Aquino, Janine |
Baeuerle, Brigitte |
Bell, Michael |
Boothe, Mark |
Davis, Chris |
Friend, Erin |
NASA Post Doc |
Jensen, Jørgen |
Meitín, José |
Montgomery, Mike |
Moore, Jim |
Ringleman, Ed |
Rockwell, Alison |
Schanot, Allen |
Slaten, Brandon |
Smith, Jonathan |
Howard Univ |
Stossmeister, Greg |
Thompson, Steve |
Thurn, Sandra |
Velden, Chris |
Univ Wisconsin |
Monthly PREDICT Meeting: |
New: AI.38: Provide meeting minutes from GRIP Science meeting in L.A.(Meitín, Montgomery) AI.39: Provide list of NASA instrumentation for GRIP (Montgomery) AI.41: Confirm the dates for the PRE-GRIP exercise (Baeuerle) AI.50: Prepare memo from pilots to FAA about TC research operations during Summer 2010 (Thompson) AI.51: Determine additional staff needed to cover 3 consecutive max missions (Jensen) AI.52: RAF determine role of mission/ground coordinators (Jensen) AI.53: RAF admin to contact hotel and rental cars in STX (Jensen, others) AI.55: Availability of large-flat monitor for forecasst team in STX (Slaten) AI.57: Develop list of available graduate students for various support tasks. (Baeuerle)
Previous/In Progress: AI.4: Possibility of GISMOS install on GV during for PREDICT (Jensen) AI.7: Determine/prioritize data for field catalog inclusion (Stossmeister) AI.10: Discuss near real time data needs in more detail and make necessary arrangements (e.g., with NOAA) (Meitín, Jensen) AI.14: Post Miami Meeting Summary on PREDICT website (Meitín, Davis) AI.22: coordinate xchat servers among agencies (Bradford) AI.25: send Seajet shipping info to RAF and make sure ISF is in the loop (Baeuerle) AI.28: make Flight planning meeting ppt available on PREDICT website (Meitín) AI.31: check on funding status for CVI (Jensen) AI.33: determine what data are missing if Navy products from J. Hawkins cannot be obtained (Davis, Williams) AI.35: Share Draft Special Funds request with PIs (Baeuerle, Meitín) AI.37: Provide list of data products needed for diagnostics and field catalog (Davis, Montgomery) AI.42: Identify PREDICT forecast team and schedule (science steering committee) AI.43: Contact Howard University regarding opportunities in forecast team (Baeuerle) AI.45: Contact NOAA AOC regarding authorization/paperwork to log into their chat server (Bradford) AI.46: Complete design of PREDICT logo with EOL graphic artist (Davis, Montgomery) AI.47: Forecast team telecon to determine schedules and staff assignments (Moore, Velden) AI.48: Assess if forecast team needs to run "exercise" during July dry-run (Velden, Bosart) AI.56: Set up data products telecon with forecasters/modelers (S Williams)
Completed: AI.3: Link PREDICT from EOL front page (Meitín/Petro) AI.13: Arrangements with NOAA to obtain LF data (Meitín) (action: likely negative) AI.16: Website link to go to PREDICT page, not OFAP documentation (Meitín) AI.21: EOL to provide needed information to Davis (various) AI.26: finish and publish site survey report (Meitín) AI.27: check on seat availability for second dropsonde operator (Schanot) AI.29: put together and E&O outline (Rockwell) AI.30: set up meeting with PREDICT PIs to discuss E&O opportunities (Rockwell) AI.32: arrange for conference call set up at IHC side meeting (Davis to Rob Rogers) AI.23: Invite New York ATC folks to follow up meeting in either Savannah or Tucson (Meitín) AI.34: Set up Data Display meeting after IHC (Stossmeister) AI.36: Distribute draft of Operations Plan to key groups (Davis) AI.40: Provide GV cabin layout and instrument payload (RAF) AI.44: Provide computer projection equipment and satellite speakers for Operations Center (EOL/CDS) AI.49: Satellite products telecon end of March (Stossmeister) AI.54: Pay-as-you-go cellular phones and hotel phone line(s) in Ops Center (Slaten)
Agenda item 1: IHC coordination meetings Attended by C Davis, M Montgomery, S Thompson, J Meitín, C Velden, L Bosart. Two meetings were held : Monday March 1: primarily a meeting with FAA and CARCAH and AOC Representatives from all these outfits as well as PIs from GRIP, IFEX, PREDICT Outcome: plan to coordinate with ATC to reserve boxes (lat/long ) at specific altitude without submitting flight tracks at long lead times (24-36 hours prior to take-off) This proposal will go forward and try to get agreement from ATC 24 hours file for a box, box about 600 miles square, file for 43,000 ft (for NSF GV). Release of dropsondes will be cleared individually (frequent communications). Request to go down to lower altitudes (29K for anvil work) and if NOAA P3 are not flying at 10,000 ft ; until the end of the on station time and then ferry back to St Croix. Flying at lower altitudes means max flight duration of 9 hours otherwise 10 hours. Hank Tracy (FAA Miami) is looking into organizing a meeting with key ATC centers (NY, others), planned for early summer, small contingent travel to New York to present research activities planned for Aug-Sept.
Tuesday March 2 evening meeting: Further discussions on flight tracks and coordination strategies amongst science investigators, largest uncertainty is GlobalHawk coordination, stagger jet aircraft in time (GV, GIV, DC8) in about the same altitude (43K, 41K, 38K ft), GV flight coordinated with NOAA P3 12 UTC .Different flight patterns for various aircraft: NOAA/GIV in star pattern, NSF/GV has two flight tracks that will be adapted (lawnmower survey, square spiral), NASA/DC-8 will do something similar, but can modify embedded convective patterns. Not clear about Global Hawk basic flight patterns.
PREDICT Forecasting team: Staffing is in decent shape (AI.42) but don't have a lead forecaster for first couple of weeks of PREDICT. There are ongoing discussions with Frank Marks (NOAA/HRD) about availability of HRD staff to support PREDICT, need to clarify funding issue (AI.47) and firm up forecaster schedules. (AI.48) Forecast team should get together as a group for one of the weeks during dry run (begins Jul 19 for 2 weeks) and try to assemble in Albany or Boulder to do an exercise and do a forecast game suggested by Velden
NOAA/IFEX will begin daily map discussions on Mon July 12. All-hands dry run will begin Mon July 19 between IFEX, GRIP and PREDICT, using GoToMeeting webconferencing , simulate daily planning process for all aircraft, the dry run could be extended for a second week, one daily planning meeting at 16 UTC (12 noon East Coast) If we want to be part of CARCAH TC PoD, need to notify them of research flights by 10:30 EDT about 18 hour ahead of take off time. During the early genesis stages the research projects are on their own, if there are no named storms, CARCAH may not be staffed.
Aircraft Coordination with FAA at IHC: Steve Thompson (RAF pilot) is drafting a memo to FAA (AI.50) ; will share with NOAA and NASA pilots. Provide introduction to operations, explain that more than just NOAA and USAF flights this summer, that PREDICT will conduct flight missions during early stages of storms and not just during hurricanes. Commercial traffic is not usually diverted during genesis stages, so it would be more challenging to operate. The expectation is to formalize protocol so that we only need to alert FAA for ~600 (300x300) miles box and can adjust patterns within that area. ATC will communicate when there is no commercial traffic below for dropsonde releases. Amongst research aircraft, dropsondes will be announced/cleared through shared frequencies, XChat, etc. East and South from St Croix is foreign (PIARCO) air space- we will need coordination support from FAA Routine contact with ATC done via HF and/or SatCom telephone. Some discussion of a research coordinator at ATC center- this has been done during other field campaigns, relay through Ops Center from St Croix. There are several options that need to be discussed, the difficulty is that several FAA centers are involved, so no one ideal location. FAA will explore the use of a DEN line (domestic event network) which is dedicated telephone number for hurricane flights only.
Coordination with NOAA P3s: PREDICT would like to access lower fuselage radar products in real-time. Very difficult to get those, it is a low priority for NOAA/HRD, will require some software development and it iss unclear who can do this, doesn't look good right now. Strategy will be to concentrate on maximum use of satellite products to guide GV aircraft. Real time guidance of aircraft is unlikely if can't access lower fuselage radar images, more opportunities if we can upload imagery to GV.
Agenda Item 3: Status from Facilities:
Research Aviation Facility: 5 am (LT) take off puts PREDICT operations on night schedule for length of project. PIs would like to follow cloud system over multiple days (3 days), With max crew duty day on first 2 mission days, then max duration is reduced to 7 hr flight on third day. If we add extra crew, then 3 pilots to leapfrog, then could work third day for 14 hours. (AI.51) If extra staffing needed, all other flight crew positions need to add extra personnel, including scientists. With additional crew, we may be able to fly a fourth consecutive day.
Cabin layout: There will be a dedicated gas rack so that will free up one rack, get LAMS on, frees up location for another display laptop.
(AI.4) GISMOS: no decision until May, but suggest they provide certification paper anyway
(AI.27) Additional seats for dropsonde operator is available, GISMOS does not require an additional operator
(AI.31) CVI update still pending, also, what is the status on the CVI operator for the second part of the project
Mission Coordinator : RAF needs to define/refine the role and staffing of the in-flight mission coordinator and interactions with ground-based/aircraft coordinator (AI.52)
RAF admin staff will contact the Buccaneer Hotel regarding EOL reservations. Also negotiate with local (STX) Hertz representative for EOL rental vehicles. (AI.53)
Computing, Data and Software Facility: Ops Center infrastructure.- We have received quotes (2 Mb or 5 Mb, will request 5 Mb dedicated line) for networking at the St Croix Ops Center. We are looking into local cell phones and (2) landline in ops center (AI.54), CDS has begun network design and hardware purchases for Ops Center. Buccaneer Hotel has separate 2 MB network in their guest rooms. CDS plans to provide print service, wireless access, data storage at Ops Center. CDS will provide a couple of general use laptops (internet café) to check e-mails, etc. Forecast team has asked about availability of a large-scale monitor for the forecasters to use(AI.55)
Data Issues: Satellite group will hold a separate telecon next week to discuss products (AI.33) (AI.49). NRL satellite support (M Montg and B Smull) -M Montgomery will talk to Simon Chang and Jeff Hawkins about NRL participation (AI.13).
Real time products There will be a second follow up telecon (AI.56) to discuss what the forecasters and modelers need. Interagency sharing- What data are NASA and NOAA bringing to the projects ? Modeling groups already get data on their own -so which data can't they get and focus on that, don't need duplication of efforts (e.g ECMWF (Roger Smith) who may be able to bring those data to PREDICT).
PREDICT Field Catalog will not be operational during the July dry run. Likely that field catalog will be up by 1 August. Need PREDICT forecasting to begin on 12 August.
IRC Chat servers: Mark Bradford (AI.45) has been in contact with NASA and NOAA Will work out how to access NOAA/AOC chat servers for P-3s and GIV, may have to limit into participation in CARCAH chatroom. Determine if any type of signed authorizaion paperwork is needed.
Miscellaneous Shipping: (AI.25) RAF shipping coordinator will handle EOL shipments, including ISF dropsondes
Temporary staffing : Develop list of graduate students (and schedules) available for various tasks (AI.57)
(AI.46) C Davis, M Montgomery and SSC finalize PREDICT logo with EOL graphic artist.