No formal update meeting was scheduled during June Updates from Facilities: Field Project Services: The TSA security badge applications have been submitted (AI.60) to the Virgin Islands Port Authority. Those requesting SIDA badges will need to be fingerprinted in STX at least 3 days prior to the required airfield driving training. (currently scheduled for Aug 25, but we'll check to see if special class can be formed AI.69). (AI.65) Dropsonde data flow meeting was held at EOL and a report has been distributed amongst the PREDICT/IFEX/GRIP participants. A mock forecast exercise is scheduled for Mon July 19 through Wed July 21 (AI.48). Forecasters will meet in room 2037, Foothills Lab # 1 (the ISF classroom). They will be participating on the "dry-run" Daily Planning Meeting webconference daily at 1600 UTC (10 am MDT). Additionally, forecasters will meet with NCAR pilots and mission coordinators to discuss real-time weather support during the campaign and also meet with CDS data and field catalog staff. St Croix staffing schedule for forecasters and scientists continues- Please check the website (AI.47) Education and Outreach: (AI.29 & 30) Development of the PREDICT outreach website continues, it should be ready for publication soon. If you are a PREDICT participant, please respond to Alison Rockwell's (EOL field campaign outreach coordinator) request for biographical sketches, etc (rockwell AT Alison is also preparing the PREDICT logo (now final) and outreach website information in order to print project stickers. Shipping: Three seatainers have been delivered to RAF. Loading will begin on Thurs July 8. Pick up is scheduled for July 12. (AI.70) SeaJet (freight forwarder) needs the physical location at St Croix airfield to have the seatainers dropped off. NCAR pilots will contact Bohlke Aviation to confirm location where the GV will be parked on the tarmac and location on the grass infield (AI.58) to place the 3 seatainers. Dropsonde: AVAPS rack has been moved to RAF to begin upload on GV. Three students are being hired to assist the dropsonde technicians. They are scheduled to overlap in STX to provide coverage onboard the GV and quality control dropsonde data from the STX Operations Center. CDS has identified a laptop to be used for dropsonde quality control in STX. Computing, Data and Software: Systems Administration: (AI.68) CDS has configured a MacBook for the forecasters workstation to be used during the July exercise and in STX. Ops Center printer, monitors, hubs, extension cords, power strips and other support infrastructure has been packed to be shipped in the seatainers XChat: M Bradford, with D Flanigan and S Norman are testing the NOAA/AOC chatserver configuration (AI.22 & 45) to tie into EOL IRC server. (AI.7 & 37) A skeleton field catalog has been initiated in preparation for the forecast exercise. (AI.71) CDS data group will investigate how to distribute specific location and track of NPS-analysed INVEST areas. (AI.56) Bi-weekly data management telecons have begun with GRIP data team Research Aviation Facility: NCAR pilots held a teleconference with FAA/Miami and NY Oceanic (AI.66) to discuss procedures for requesting air space reservations, submitting flight plans, dropsonde notifications (NOTAMS), etc. Similar discussion has been proposed with PIARCO FIR. They are awaiting confirmation from ATC. GV instrument upload has begun, check the PREDICT calendar on the website. The diplomatic clearances requests continue through NSF and the State Department. AI.4 GISMOS has been approved for PREDICT- installation of antennas and rack has begun END OF REPORT |
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