SUBJECT : Meeting, Tuesday, 27 April 2010







Aguilar, Shannon


Baeuerle, Brigitte


Bell, Michael


Boynton, Henry  


Bosart, Lance


Cooper, Al


Davis, Chris


Haggerty, Julie


Herndon, Derrick  

  Univ Wisconsin

Heymsfield, Andy


Jensen, Jørgen


McClain, Scotty


Meitín, José


Moore, Jim


Schanot, Allen


Sharpe, Kathy


Stossmeister, Greg


Velden, Chris

Univ Wisconsin

Williams, Steve


Zucker, Shelley  





St Croix Logistics update

Forecast Team update

upcoming AMS Tropical Meteorology Conference (Tucson)
STX Evacuation Plan
Diplomatic Clearances
Update from Facilities




AI.58: Contact STX airport operations manager regarding storing seatainers near tarmac (Meitín).
AI.59: RAF to provide proper address for Bohlke Aviation
AI.62: Publish St Croix evacuation plan when approved by UCAR management

AI.63: Publish dropsonde frequency assignment document. (Meitín)
AI.64: Telecon with NSF, PI regarding special funds request (Sharpe/Meitín)


Previous/In Progress:

AI.4: Possibility of GISMOS install on GV during for PREDICT (Jensen)

AI.7: Determine/prioritize data for field catalog inclusion (Stossmeister)

AI.10: Discuss near real time data needs in more detail and make necessary arrangements (e.g., with NOAA) (Meitín, Jensen)

AI.14: Post Miami Meeting Summary on PREDICT website (Meitín, Davis)

AI.22: coordinate xchat servers among agencies (Bradford)  IN PROGRESS

AI.28: make Flight planning meeting ppt available on PREDICT website (Meitín/Davis)

AI.35: Share Draft Special Funds request with PIs (Baeuerle, Meitín) at NSF for consideration.

AI.37: Provide list of data products needed for diagnostics and field catalog (in development)
AI.38: Provide meeting minutes from GRIP Science meeting in L.A.(Meitín, Montgomery)
AI.39: Provide list of NASA instrumentation for GRIP (Montgomery)
AI.41: Confirm the dates for the PRE-GRIP exercise (Baeuerle)

AI.42: Identify PREDICT forecast team and schedule (IN PROGRESS)

AI.45: Contact NOAA AOC regarding authorization/paperwork to log into their chat server (Bradford) IN PROGRESS

AI.46: Complete design of PREDICT logo with EOL graphic artist (Davis, Montgomery)  Can we get this moving??

AI.51: Determine additional staff needed to cover 3 consecutive max missions (Jensen)
AI.52: RAF determine role of mission/ground coordinators (Jensen)
AI.53: RAF admin to contact hotel and rental cars in STX (Jensen, others)

AI.56: Set up data products telecon with forecasters/modelers (S Williams)
AI.57: Develop list of available graduate students for various support tasks. (Baeuerle)




AI.3: Link PREDICT from EOL front page (Meitín/Petro)

AI.13: Arrangements with NOAA to obtain LF data (Meitín) (action: likely negative)

AI.16: Website link to go to PREDICT page, not OFAP documentation (Meitín)

AI.21: EOL to provide needed information to Davis (various)
AI.25: send shipping info to RAF and make sure ISF is in the loop (Randy Klotz , RAF, is contact for shipping)

AI.26: finish and publish site survey report (Meitín)

AI.27: check on seat availability for second dropsonde operator (Schanot)

AI.29: put together and E&O outline (Rockwell)

AI.30: set up meeting with PREDICT PIs to discuss E&O opportunities (Rockwell)
AI.31: check on funding status for CVI (Jensen)

AI.32: arrange for conference call set up at IHC side meeting (Davis to Rob Rogers)

AI.23: Invite New York ATC folks to follow up meeting in either Savannah or Tucson (Meitín)
AI.33: determine what data are missing if Navy products from J. Hawkins cannot be obtained (C Velden (Wisc) has compiled a list of unique NRL products for NSF )

AI.34: Set up Data Display meeting after IHC (Stossmeister)

AI.36: Distribute draft of Operations Plan to key groups (Davis)

AI.40: Provide GV cabin layout and instrument payload (RAF)
AI.43: Contact Howard University regarding opportunities in forecast team (Baeuerle)

AI.44: Provide computer projection equipment and satellite speakers for Operations Center (EOL/CDS)

AI.47: Forecast team telecon to determine schedules and staff assignments (Moore, Velden)

AI.48: Assess if forecast team needs to run "exercise" during July dry-run (Velden, Bosart)

AI.49: Satellite products telecon end of March (Stossmeister)
AI.50: Prepare memo from pilots to FAA about TC research operations during Summer 2010 (Thompson)

AI.54: Pay-as-you-go cellular phones and hotel phone line(s) in Ops Center (Slaten)
AI.55: Availability of large-flat monitor for forecasst team in STX (Slaten)
AI.60:Meitín has received forms for fingerprint/background check for SIDA ID badges
AI.61:Coordinate dropsonde frequency assigments amongst all participating agencies. (Meitín)



St Croix Logistics update:

Shipping: Randy Klotz (RAF) will coordinate EOL shipping with Kerry Slaven (UCAR/SaSS) , will send out request to instrument providers, what hazardous material, if any, are to be shipped. RAF plans to ship 2-3 seatainers, including air conditioner, power cart, ISF dropsondes, cylinders for Twohy/CVI.
(AI.58) STX Airport Operations Manager - Arnie Golden - no response yet, Meitín tried to contact, seeking approval for placing seatainers near aircraft parking area, if GV is not in hangar.  Additional FREE SPACE, if any, will be available in seatainer for scientists. Bohlke Aviation will accept shipment deliveries of scientific equipment.
  • (AI.59) RAF to provide participants correct address for Bohlke Aviation.

(AI.53) Internal EOL meeting last week to divide up responsibilities - Shannon Aguilar (RAF) will provide admin support during the project in St Croix, she is EOL lead to contact Buccaneer Hotel for EOL staff; provide list of staff arrival/departure time.  Buccaneer Hotel point of contact is Nadia Bougouneau.  Information is available on PREDICT web site <>  An alternate hotel is available for a 15% PREDICT discount (Holger Danske) see web site for details.

Rental Cars: Shannon has contacted Hertz in St Croix and also Boulder Travel; will do a comparison of rates.  Approximately 30 minutes drive from airport to the Buccaneer/Ops Center.  Hotel is ~3 miles East from Christiansted town center, but road is not 'pedestrian-friendly'.  Point-to-point fixed price taxis are available throughout St Croix.

Airport Security Access
(AI.60) Meitín has received forms for fingerprint/background check for SIDA ID badges, only essential EOL staff will be badged, all others will be escorted to the aircraft.
REMINDER: St Croix is a considered a "Point of Entry" by TSA, passport or birth certificate (proof of citizenship) is required to reenter to US mainland. You will clear US Customs and Immigration before boarding a return flight from St Croix.

PREDICT Forecasting team:
A couple of telecons have taken place to iron out details of who is going to be in Tucson.  Side meeting planned for PREDICT forecasting discussion and campaign scheduling.
Lance Bosart will be in STX 28 Aug-15 Sept, to lead forecast activities. Meeting in Tucson - (AI.42, 47, 48) plan for forecasting team to get together, Lance B ,C Velden and J Moore have prepared an agenda: work schedules, planned PREDICT forecast exercise in Boulder, 19-21 July, concurrent with tri-agency dry-run daily briefing, mock daily forecast activities and work through integration with the other projects. Determine naming convention of invest area, with University of Wisconsin, special products needed from forecasters for planning, nowcasting updates and information valuable to aircraft while in flight.
(AI.55) EOL has identified a dedicated large monitor, looking to configure dedicated forecaster work station/laptop for display of weather products,
Tentative schedule for Tucson is to meet immediately after first meeting (GRIP/IFEX/PREDICT) to the forecasting team meeting approximately 5 to 5:30pm, Sun 9 May, hold out possibility to meet for breakfast at 7 am the next morning 10 May.

(AI.42) STX Forecast team staffing for last two weeks of the project is not complete - depends a bit on students available. M Montgomery has a list of potential leads.

Upcoming AMS Tropical Meteorology conference- Tucson
Tri-Agency coordination meeting, Sunday 9 May at Tuscon Ballroom from 4-6 pm; not a science meeting, informal, there is a proposed agenda items from PREDICT team.

possible topics: how will the July dry-run be conducted?, who will host/coordinate discussion? what data products will be shared?, data policy, real time products from NASA , 1600 UTC daily phone call - what other telecons do we need between Operations, Aircraft, Forecasters?
Need to confirm agenda with Montgomery, Zipser and R Rodgers.
The next NASA/GRIP science telecon is scheduled for May 6- will try to raise these issues.


St Croix evacuation plan: We have checked with the Buccaneer Hotel who remains open during most hurricane warnings, though they encourage tourists to leave St Croix,  typically they gather all guests in the lobby of the main building which also has a basement. Resort provides their own electricity and water, they serve food; hotel staff may go to their homes to take care of their own belongings.
The EOL DRAFT plan: Plan applies to UCAR employees only, can't be responsible for other participants, but will help with arrangements. GV will be evacuated/repositioned if winds forecast over 30 knots, cross runway winds effect evacuation at lower threshold.
Personnel evacuation, if forecast for STX is within track cone for Hurricane Cat 1 - option for non-essential staff to leave 72 hours before predicted landfall, but assume most people will ride it out. if forecast for strike of Cat 2 or greater - non essential staff evacuated 72 hrs prior to expected landfall, keep operations running for another possible research flight. At 48 hours before expected landfall - all UCAR staff will be evacuated by commercial air services, admin staff will monitor commercial air schedules if hurricane threat is imminent. Backup option (no scheduled airlines) is, with verbal approval from NSF, to use a charter air service, or can use the GV if it gets really bad. More details are in the evacuation plan which will be published once approved by UCAR management (AI.62) PREDICT Forecast team needs to be watchful; more likely to reposition GV aircraft ahead of staff evacuations. Probability of evacuation - twice per year STX is within the cone for 2-3 days each; 5 days in the cone each year; probably two to three days during the 6-week campaign therefore ~5% chance of staff evacuation.

Update from EOL Facilities:
Computing, Data and Software (CDS) facility:  PREDICT Field Catalog: (AI.49) telecon took place last month to discuss satellite products, everybody willing to share products, priority are GOES imagery and microwave products. Complete list by May, currently generating a list of the products (AI.37) for consideration, need some feedback from NASA/GRIP as well, Greg Stossmeister will be part of forecast exercise scheduled in Boulder 19-21 July.
PREDICT data policy will be discussed at Tucson meeting (AI.56)
System Administrator is in the process of purchasing some Operations Center equipment- wireless hubs, data server, video graphics card, etc.

In-Situ Facility: Dropsonde staff have submitted a schedule for technicians (3 staff to cover deployment). Overall frequency allocation for all participating aircraft was discussed at the AVAPS users workshop in Boulder, agreement was reached on block frequency assignments and sent out to all aircraft operators. Have received no complains so far, so we will operate under the proposed scheme (AI.61).  Frequency assignemnt plan to be published on web site (AI.63).

Field Project Services: 
FPS has begun scheduling student assistants for dropsonde and forecast teams.(AI.57)
Need to finalize NSF special funds request.  Propose telecon with NSF program officer, FPS and Chris Davis. (AI.64)

Research Aviation Facility: RAF has completed wing layout- all cabin instrumentation information needed by the end of May from PIs.
2D (?) micron probe is questionable, ragged edges problems. RAF has contacted DMT.
RAF pilots have submitted a draft memo to FAA Miami (
AI.50) about next summer's aircraft coordination, procedures and protocols.  Waiting for FAA decision to brief other ATCs.  Steve Thompson (RAF pilot) will follow up with Hank Tracy (FAA Miami).
Due to start of flight operations under a "night schedule" (5:00 am take-off, 3:00 am preflight), Saturday 14 August is the "change over to night schedule" day; therefore, the GV will ferry to St Croix one day earlier than originally proposed (now Thurs, 12 Aug).
Please check the Calendar on the PREDICT web site for other milestones and timelines.