Post Science and Data Workshop
Salt Lake City, UT
5-6 Feb 2009

The Physics of Stratocumulus Top Science and Data Workshop was held in Salt Lake City, UT on 5-6 Feb 2009.
Agenda (PDF)
Click on the presentation title for the PDF file.
Thursday, 5 Feb 2009
08:30 Welcome Jim Steenburgh
08:35 Review of POST Issues and Goals
Gerber - Measurements, Krueger - Modeling
Gerber, Krueger
Data Status (20 min. each except as noted: includes discussion)
(describe collected data; data accuracy; archived data)
  A. Aircraft Data  
08:55 CIRPAS Data (25 min.) Haf Jonsson
09:20 Turbulence Measurements on CIRPAS Twin Otter during POST (25 min.) Djamal Khelif
Coffee Break
10:20 Ultra-Fast temperature measurements in POST campaign. Data processing - issues and solutions Szymon Malinowski
10:40 TBD Patrick Chuang/Dione LeeRossiter
11:00 NCAR Fast UV Hygrometer Stuart Beaton
11:20 DRI CCN spectrometer in POST Jim Hudson (students)
11:40 NRL Solar and IR Radiometric Measurements During POST Anthony Bucholtz
13:30 (did not attend) Roy Woods/Jesus Galvan
13:50 POST Data Status Steve Krueger (and student)
14:10 PVM Data Hermann Gerber
  B. Data Management and Archive Upate  
14:30 POST Data Management and Archiving Update Janine Goldstein/Steve Williams/Bob Rilling
Coffee Break
Analysis Plans (25 min. each; includes discussion)
(your POST scientific-issue focus; potential collaboration; preliminary results)
  A. Modeling  
15:30 POST Analysis and Modeling Steve Krueger (and student)
15:55 Stratocumulus Cloud Modeling Shouping Wang
16:20 Plan for Large-Eddy Simulations of POST Tak Yamaguchi
  B. Physical Processes  
16:45   Szymon Malinowski
Adjourn / Dinner
Friday, 6 Feb 2008
  B. Physical Processes (con't)  
08:30 POST Data Initial Analyses Qing Wang
08:55 Using remote sensing to understand entrainment processes in stratocumulus Rob Wood
09:20 Sounding plots of CCN and CAS conc and LWC, CIRPAS CN Jim Hudson (and students)
09:45 UC Santa Cruz PDI Data Patrick Chuang/Dione LeeRossiter
Coffee Break
10:40 Entrainment Interface Layer (EIL) Analysis Steve Krueger (and student)
11:30 VOCALS Update Rob Wood
12:00 Open Discussion
12:45 Future Meetings/Publication Plans
NSF Comments
"Wishing you and the POST team a good workshop later this week- - again, sorry that I'm not able to attend this round."
Brad Smull
13:00 Adjourn