The context
Basic points
CSRMs interlink Tier 1 observations, regional mesoscale modeling and parameterization goals of the NAME
PPT Slide
Cross-scale linkages
Over-arching objectives of MM-OBS
Specific objectives of MM-OBS
Diurnal cycle and convective organization in NAME
Processes in complex coastal terrain
Convective triggering: sea-breeze dynamics
Convective triggering: low-level flow and shear
Orographically and convectively coupled gravity waves
Low-Froude-number lee vortices
Easterly waves and ITCZ ‘flares’
Gulf surges
Interlinking NAME Tier 1 observations, CSRMs and parameterization: The GATE legacy
Soundings, radar networks and CSRM simulations
Deployment Issues
Convection and easterly waves: the GATE simulation
Easterly-wave-modulated convection
Convection and GATE easterly waves: A snapshot
CSRM convective mass fluxes
CSRM clouds and radiation
Interlinking RMMs and CSRMs: Hierarchical modeling
CSRM-derived parameterization issues
Easterly waves, ITCZ ‘moist flares’ in TRMM monthly composites
Far-field influences
Total condensate
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