Participant Listing |
Click on the presentation author for the slide show. |
Thursday, 17 August 2006 |
09:00 |
Opening Remarks (D. Gochis) |
09:05 |
Results, lessons and discussions from NAMAP-II (J. Schemm) |
10:00 |
NAME Diagnostics, Modeling Data Impact/Data Assimilation Studies
What we know and don't know about local influences on convective rainfall in the southern Gulf of Mexico region
from the NAME2004 data (R. Carbone) |
On Air-sea interactions at the mouth of the Gulf of California (P. Zuidema) |
Land sea thermal contrast and monsoon precipitation (T. Cavazos) |
Multi-scale variability of the flow during NAME(R. Johnson) |
Objective Analysis for NAME) (P. Ciesielski) |
Data Impact, Data Assimilation (K. Mo) |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:00 |
NAME Forecasting Session (E. Pytlak) |
14:00 |
Reports from the Monsoon Region Applications Workshop and NHWG
(A. Ray and D. Gochis) |
15:00 |
Break |
15:30 |
NAME Plenary Overview (D. Gochis) |
15:45 |
NAME Plenary Discussion I: Observing System Needs |
Sounding data quality issues (P. Ciesielki) |
GPS water vapor measurements (R. Kursinski) |
Rain gauge networks (D. Gochis) |
SST Datasets (P-P. Xie) |
17:00 |
NAME Poster Session (Various) |
Friday, 18 August 2006 |
08:00 |
NAME Plenary Discussion II: Advancing Predictions of the NAM |
Potential predictability of monsoon precipitation (B. Anderson) |
Creating seasonal forecasts at SMN (A. Douglas) |
Regional modeling and predictability of the NAM (H. Berbery) |
09:30 |
Break |
09:45 |
NAME SWG Executive Meeting |
12:30 |
Adjourn |