NAME Model Assessment Project
              (NAMAP: Pre-field Phase)                  

NAMAP Protocol

Basic model simulation period: May-October 1990

Domain of interest: NAME Science Plan Tier 2, 90-120W, 10-40N

Specified boundary condition: SST (weekly NCEP data OI.v2)

Other boundary conditions (e.g. land surface) as appropriate for each model simulated

Variables of special interest: [V=vector wind, qV=vector moisture flux]

-- Hourly Maps of the following in lat/lon format over NAME Tier 1: 105-115W, 20-35N

Surface: lg-scale & convective precip, net LW, SW rad, LH & SH fluxes,
SLP, sfc moisture z, V, T, Td, qV at surface, 925, 850 and 700 mb (or nearby levels)

Column: precipitable water, qV, lg-scale & convective cloud, CAPE TOA: OLR, albedo

-- Twice-daily (00Z, 12Z) maps of the following in lat/lon format over NAME Tier 2: 90-120W, 10-40N

SURFACE: precipitation, SLP
SLP, z, V, T, Td at surface, 925-850-700-500-300-250- 200-100mb


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