NAME 2004 Data Analysis Meeting and
Seventh Meeting of the NAME Science Working Group (SWG-7)
2:00 pm Welcome / Logistics, etc. - Miguel Cortéz
2:10 pm Reflections on NAME 2004 - Michel Rosengaus
2:20 pm Goals / Objectives / Special Recognition - Wayne Higgins
Session 1: NAME 2004 Overview
Chair: Art Douglas
2:40 pm NAME 2004 Overview - Wayne Higgins
3:00 pm NAME 2004 Forecast Operations Center - Erik Pytlak
3:20 pm NAME 2004 Project Office Activities - Gus Emmanuel
3:40 pm NAME 2004 Field Data Catalog - José Meitín
4:00 pm NAME 2004 Data Management - José Meitín, Scot Loehrer & Linda Cully
4:20 pm Break
Session 2: NAME 2004 Field Observations
Chair: David Gochis
4:40 pm Enhanced sounding network: Performance and results - Paul Ciesielski
5:00 pm NWS & SMN soundings / SMN Participation - Art Douglas and Miguel Cortéz
5:20 pm PIBAL network / special raingauge measurements - Mike Douglas
5:40 pm Research aircraft operations and results - Mike Douglas
6:00 pm Overview of wind/flux/radiation observations at the ETL/AL flux site - Leslie Hartten
6:20 pm Adjourn
Session 2: NAME 2004 Field Observations, cont.
Chair: David Gochis
8:30 am NAME Event Raingauge Network: Results and legacy issues - David Gochis
8:50 am NAME Simple Raingauge Network - René Lobato
9:10 am Profiler-based precipitation observations at the ETL/AL flux site - Christopher Williams
9:30 am Vegetation Feedback and Soil Moisture projects - Chris Watts, M. Douglas et al.
9:50 am SMEX04 - Tom Jackson and Dennis Lettenmaier
10:10 am Break
10:30 am Oceanographic measurements (R/V Altair) - Chris Fairall
10:50 am Oceanographic measurements (CICESE) - Mike Douglas, Miguel Lavin & Tereza Cavazos
11:10 am S-Pol radar data collection - Steve Rutledge
11:30 am SMN radar network - Tim Lang
11:50 am Overview of the observations made at the ETL/AL flux site - Christopher Williams, Clark King
12:10 pm Box Lunch
Session 3: NAME Diagnostics Studies
Chair: Richard Johnson
1:10 pm Assessment of NCEP data assimilation systems during NAME04 -Kingtse Mo
1:30 pm Diurnal cycle of cloudiness and precipitation using satellite observations - Pingping Xie
1:50 pm NAME Precipitation Assessment Project - Wei Shi
2:30 pm Climate Variability Studies over the American Warm Pools - Victor Magaña
2:50 pm Break
3:30 pm Moisture Surges during NAME: Eta model evaluation and diagnosis - Hugo Berbery
3:50 pm Relationships between gulf surges and tropical cyclones in the eastern Pacific basin - Wayne Higgins
4:10 pm The diurnal cycle of precipitation over the Americas based on CMORPH - Vern Kousky
Session 4: Executive Session
Chair: Wayne Higgins
4:30 pm Executive Session (SWG)
- NAME Data Analysis Panel Report assignments;
- BAMS Article
- SWG 2004 rotation
- New Business (Extending the NAME timeline; Next meeting)
6:30 pm Adjourn
Chair: Andrea Ray
8:30 am The NAME Hydrometeorology Working Group / Engaging the International Community - David Gochis.
8:50 am Hydroclimate in Mexico - Andrea Ray
9:10 am Water Management in Mexico - Margaret Wilder
Session 6: Plans for using NAME 04 Data in Modeling
9:30 am Summary of the VPM8 Session on NAME Modeling & NAMAP2 - Dave Gutzler
9:50 am Issues for global modeling / diurnal cycle activities - Siegfried Schubert
10:10 am Break
10:30 am NAME CPT / Issues for prediction - Jae Schemm
10:50 am NOAA Climate Test Bed - Wayne Higgins
11:30 am NAM biases in an NCEP reanalysis-like ('reforecast') model - Brian Mapes
11:50 am Effects of Assimilating Surface Measurements on the North American Monsoon: A Case Study Using a Regional Climate Model During the NAME 2004 - Kiran Alapaty
12:10 am
Brief discussion:
Summary and recommendations for NAME modeling - Kingtse Mo
12:30 pm Workshop Ends