The MIRAGE/MILAGRO Workshop was held 17 April 2007 at the NCAR Foothills Campus in Boulder, CO.

Click on the presentation title for the slide show.
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
08:30 VOC Measurements at T1: Diurnal Variations, Emissions Fingerprint andhotochemical Production Joost de Gouw
09:00 MILAGRO/PTRMS Thomas Karl
09:30 Aerosol composition and volatility measurements at the T0 site Allison Aiken
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 NOy Partitioning Observed on the C130 during MIRAGE: Partitioning and Evolution on 20060319 (RF07) Andy Weinheimer
11:00 Ozone Evolution in the Mexico City Plumes during the MIRAGE-Mex Field Campaign Xuexi Tie
11:30 Survey of Trace Organic Gas Analyzer (TOGA) Measurements (and others) of VOCs During MIRAGE. (PDF) Eric Apel
12:00 Lunch Break
13:30 Measurements of HO2 and RO2 during MIRAGE (and INTEX) aboard the NSF/NCAR C-130 Rebecca Anderson
14:00 Aerosol composition measurements from the C-130 (PDF) Peter DeCarlo
14:30 Vertical profiles of ozone, VOC, particles and solar radiation at T1 Alex Guenther
15:00 Coffee Break
16:00 Discussion
17:00 Adjourn

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