This page presents the posters and abstracts for the First (MILAGRO) Science Meeting
at the Millennium Hotel in Boulder, CO

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TitleCorresponding AuthorAbstractPoster
Mixing state of soot with sulfate and organic material from Mexico City: Analysis of individual aerosol particles using transmission electron microscopyAdachi, K. AbstractPoster
Organic Ambient Aerosol Analysis with the Aerodyne High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) in Mexico City during MILAGRO / MCMA-2006Aiken, A. AbstractPoster
In-Situ Measurements of Biomass Burning during the MILAGRO CampaignAlvarado, E. AbstractPoster
Atmospheric sources and sinks of acetonitrile: considerations of its budget and use as a tracer for biomass burning plumesApel, E. AbstractPoster
Measurements of VOCs during MIRAGE-MEX and INTEX-BApel, E. AbstractPoster
MTBE as a tracer for Asian and Mexican Megacity EmissionsApel, E. AbstractPoster
Scale lengths of Ozone, Water Vapor and Carbon Monxide Correlations measured During INTEX-B Avery, M.AbstractPoster
Measurements of VOCs in Mexico City during the MILAGRO campaignBaker, A. AbstractPoster
Determination of Area-Averaged Surface Albedo over the MCMA using G-1 DataBarnard, J. AbstractPoster
Evolution of particle properties and trace gas concentrations at the top of the Mexico City boundary layerBaumgardner, D. AbstractPoster
Characterization of Black Carbon Exported from the Valley of MexicoBaumgardner, D. AbstractPoster
VOC Measurements aboard the C-130 during MILAGROBeyersdorf, A. AbstractPoster
Nonmethane Hydrocarbons in Mexico City Outflow during INTEX-BBlake, N. AbstractPoster
Speciation of particulate matter in the Mexico City metropolitan area during MILAGRO campaign Blanco, S.AbstractPoster
Validation and interpretation of OMI tropospheric NO2 observations during INTEX-B and MILAGRO Boersma, K.F.AbstractPoster
Ozone and Aerosol Results Obtained by Airborne Lidar During INTEX-B/MILAGRO Field Experiment: Initial Resutls Browell, E.AbstractPoster
Polarimetric remote sensing of aerosols and clouds during MILAGROCairns, B. AbstractPoster
Observations of in situ CO and CO2 from the NSF C-130 during MILAGROCampos, T. AbstractPoster
Peroxy Radical Measurements using PeRCIMS aboard the C-130Cantrell, C. AbstractPoster
Aerosol optical depth retrieval with MODIS data and comparison with Microtops II sunphotometer network and CIMEL/AERONET during MILAGRO 2006 CampaignCastanho, A. AbstractPoster
Measurements of gases and particle optical properties during MILAGRO campaign at T1 site Castro, T.AbstractPoster
Summary of MILAGRO Measurement ComparisonChen, G. AbstractPoster
Airborne Observations of Aerosols over Mexico City and the Western Gulf RegionChen, G. AbstractPoster
Airborne Measurements of Aerosol Size Distributions and Related Physiochemical and Optical Properties During MILAGROClarke, A. AbstractPoster
Mixed Layer Evolution at T1Coulter, R. AbstractPoster
Atmospheric/Ambient Pollutant Dynamic Pathways into the Human Blood and Breast Epithelium Compartments: Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress to Model Cancer RiskCovington, C. AbstractPoster
A preliminary photochemical analysis of MILAGRO observationsCrawford, J. AbstractPoster
Fire and Air Quality in and Around Mexico City during MIRAGECrounse, J. AbstractPoster
Aerosol optical depth retrieval with MODIS data and comparison with Microtops II sunphotometer network and CIMEL/AERONET during MILAGRO 2006 Campaignde Almeida Castanho, A. AbstractPoster
Fast airborne aerosol size and composition measurements from the HR-ToF-AMS on board the C-130 during MILAGRODeCarlo, P. AbstractPoster
Trajectory Analysis of fixed site data using MM5/FLEXPARTde Foy, B. AbstractPoster
PIT-MS and GC-FID Measurements of VOCs at T1: Characterization of Emissionsde Gouw, J. AbstractPoster
Nitric acid and aerosol-associated soluble ions measured on the DC-8 during INTEX-B/MILAGRO Dibb, J.AbstractPoster
Fast-Response Observations of CO, CH4, N2O, CO2 and H2O over Mexico City during the INTEX-B / MILAGRO CampaignDiskin, G. AbstractPoster
The MAX-MEX T1-T2 Component of the MILAGRO CampaignDoran, C. AbstractPoster
Hydrogen Cycle in Mexico City: Diurnal Variation, Holiday Effect and Source FingerprintingDubey, M. AbstractPoster
Megacity Radiative Forcing: A Mexico City Case StudyDubey, M. AbstractPoster
Hydroxy and Hydroperoxy Radical Measurements by Laser-Induced Fluorescence at T0 during the MCMA-2006 Field CampaignDusanter, S. AbstractPoster
Downwind Measurements of Mexico City Plume by LidarEichinger, W. AbstractPoster
Boundary layer and meteorology at T0 siteEichinger, W. AbstractPoster
MOZART and MOPITT results for MILAGROEmmons, L. AbstractPoster
Partitioning of reactive nitrogen oxides at Tecamac, MX during MILAGROFarmer, D. AbstractPoster
The evolution of particulates and aerosol radiative forcing over Mexico using the WRF-chem fully-coupled meteorology-chemistry-aerosol modelFast, J. AbstractPoster
Ammonia Measurements at the T1 Site during MilagroFischer, M. AbstractPoster
Investigation of Fine Particle Size Distributions and Correlation with CO2 as Measured from the Twin OtterFisher, M. AbstractPoster
Analyses of Long-Range Transport from Mexico CityFuelberg, H. AbstractPoster
Natural Radioactivity Measurements in Fine AerosolsGaffney, J. AbstractPoster
Air Quality forecast and back trajectories during MILAGRO campaignGarcia, A. AbstractPoster
Airborne Spectral Measurements of Surface-Atmosphere Anisotropy over Different Surfaces in Mexico Gatebe, C.AbstractPoster
Measurements of Total Gaseous and Particulate Mercury at T0 and T1 sites during the MILAGRO Campaign González, R.AbstractPoster
Gradients of particles, radiation, ozone, and selected VOCs at T1 ground site during MILAGRO Greenberg, J.AbstractPoster
Flux measurement of trace gases and aerosols in Mexico City during the MILAGRO 2006 field campaign Grivicke, R.AbstractPoster
Scanning Actinic Flux Spectroradiometer Measurements during MIRAGEHall, S. AbstractPoster
Observations of hydrogen peroxide, methylhydroperoxide and formaldehyde vapors from the DC-8 during MILAGROHeikes, B.AbstractPoster
T0 vs Pico de Tres Padres: the first few hours of mixing and oxidationHerndon, S. AbstractPoster
Comparison of the natural and anthropogenic radioactive isotopes in aerosols collected at T1 during the MILAGRO campaignHerrera-Peraza, E. AbstractPoster
Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Observations of Aerosol Spatial Distribution and Optical Properties from MILAGROHostetler, C. AbstractPoster
HOx levels at the T1 site: Ozone Production and Sulfate FormationHuey, G. AbstractPoster
Thermodenuder-Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer System: Lab Characterization and Initial Field Deployment ResultsHuffman, J. AbstractPoster
Airborne measurements of aerosols and radiation during MILAGRO 2006Junkermann, W. AbstractPoster
Formaldehyde in the Mexico city basinJunkermann, W. AbstractPoster
MILAGRO/INTEX-B Coordinated Satellite + Sub-orbital Platform Experiments: March 06 & 10, 2006 Kahn, R.AbstractPoster
VOC measurements by PTRMSKarlAbstractPoster
Measurement of SO2, NO and HO2NO2 during INTEX-B Phase I on NASA DC-8Kim, S. AbstractPoster
Ozone Production Rates, Secondary Organic Aerosol, and Changes in Aerosol Light Absorption Based on Observations from the G-1Kleinman, L. AbstractPoster
Limits on Particulate Nitrate Contribution to NOy Budget During the MIRAGE CampaignKnapp, D. AbstractPoster
Comparison of the ambient concentrations of selected VOC's during the MCMA 2003 and 2006 Field CampaignsKnighton, B. AbstractPoster
Comparative measurements of the vertical profiles of black carbon size distributions and mixing fraction in air masses downwind of Mexico City and AsiaKok, G. AbstractPoster
Measuring Water-Aerosol Interactions at T1: Inferences about Chemical Composition, Mixing State and Aging of Ambient AerosolLance, S. AbstractPoster
Microscopy and microprobe studies of individual particles collected during MILAGRO 2006 study: Posters 1 and 2Laskin, A. AbstractPoster
Aerosol Chemical Composition Determined on the DOE G1 Aircraft during MAX-Mex in March 2006 Lee, Y.AbstractPoster
Impact of clouds and aerosols on photolysis frequenciesLefer, B. AbstractPoster
Characterizing ozone production in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area using Chemical Transport ModelLei, W.AbstractPoster
Solar Radiometry Studies of Mexico City PlumeLewandowski, P. AbstractPoster
Aerosol optical depths from airborne sunphotometry in INTEX-B/MILAGRO as a validation tool for the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on AuraLivingston, J. AbstractPoster
Particle Morphology related to Size Distribution during the MILAGRO campaign at T1 site Mamani-Paco, R.AbstractPoster
Aerosol Optical PropertiesMarley, N.AbstractPoster
MCMA Boundary Measurements during the MILAGRO campaign.Martinez, A.P. AbstractPoster
Criteria pollutants and meteorological parameters automatic monitoring in boundary sites under QA/QC standardsMartinez, A.P. AbstractPoster
Measurements of OH, H2SO4, and MSA from the C-130Mauldin, L. AbstractPoster
Aerosol Absorption and Scattering in Mexico CityMazzoleni, C. AbstractPoster
CIMS Observations of Various Nitrogen Species During MILAGROMcCabe, D. AbstractPoster
Lagrangian Transport Time for C130 MIRAGE FlightsMcKenna, D. AbstractPoster
The Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) Views of Mexico City and the Southeastern United States during MILAGRO/INTEX-BMcMillan, W. AbstractPoster
Obtaining the Diameter Growth Rate and Particle Current during Nucleation and Growth Periods from Measurements of Charge Distributions and Aerosol Size DistributionsMcMurry, P. AbstractPoster
Entrainment of free troposphere Asian Dust/Pollution into the marine boundary layer North of Hawai`i during INTEX-BMcNaughton, C. AbstractPoster
Particle Size Characterization and VOCs Adsorbed in PM2.5 at the Naucalpan SiteMejia, G. AbstractPoster
The effect of Mexico City emission on regional ozone production regimesMena, M. AbstractPoster
Long-Path-DOAS Long Path Measurements of NO2, HONO, HCHO, Glyoxal, SO2, O3 and aromatic VOC during MCMA-2006Merten, A.AbstractPoster
Biogenic emissions from North America: What can we learn from INTEX-B/MILAGRO and OMI? Millet, D.AbstractPoster
Impact of fires on the Mexico City plume; Simulation using the WRF-Chem model Modronich, S.AbstractPoster
Meteorological modeling for two selected high SO2 episodes in Tula-Tepeji Industrial Corridor Mora, V.AbstractPoster
Preliminary analysis of fine PM during the 2006 MILAGRO (MIRAGE) field campaign. PART I: DATA VALIDATION FOR AEROSOL MODELINGMoya, M. AbstractPoster
Toxic metals in the atmosphere of Mexico CityMugica, V. AbstractPoster
CCN Activity and Thermodynamic Properties of Water Soluble Organics in Mexico City Nenes, A.AbstractPoster
Carbonaceous Aerosol Processing in the Mexico City Metropolitan AreaOnasch, T. AbstractPoster
Intercomparison of in-flight VOC concentrations using proton transfer mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) during the MILAGRO Campaign (March 2006): Battelle G-1 vs. NCAR C-130 coordinated flights Ortega, J.AbstractPoster
Correlations between AMS and PTR-MS Measurements Aboard the G1 Aircraft During the MILAGRO CampaignOrtega, J.AbstractPoster
Oxidative Potential of PM obtained at T0 and T1: An evaluation by EPR and DNA degradation Osornio Vargas, AAbstract Poster
The regional background of ozone and carbon monoxide from a synthesis of TES and RAQMS: implications for MILAGROOsterman, G. AbstractPoster
Initial results from TES validation studies using data taken during the MILAGRO campaign Osterman, G.AbstractPoster
Photoacoustic Measurements of Aerosol Light Absorption and Scattering at Four Sites in and Near Mexico CityParedes-Miranda, G.AbstractPoster
ASP Infrastructure Project Support of MAX-MEX Field CampaignPekour, M. AbstractPoster
C130 Measurements of Bulk Aerosol CompositionPeltier, R.AbstractPoster
In-Situ Measurement of Total Alkyl- and Mulitfuctional Nitrates During MILAGRO Perring, A.AbstractPoster
Characterization of Ambient Aerosols in Northern Mexico City with Single Particle Mass SpectrometryPrather, K.AbstractPoster
Deuterium in molecular hydrogen as a marker for H2 source apportionment: Preliminary Mexico City ResultsRahn, T.AbstractPoster
Preliminary results on the analysis of PAH's, by TD-GC-MS, collected from two different urban sites during the MILAGRO field campaignRamirez, S.AbstractPoster
AATS-14 on the J31 in INTEX-B/MILAGRO: Comparisons to data collected by aerosol sensors on Terra, Aqua, and suborbital platformsRedemann, J.Abstract Poster
HOx chemistry and ozone production during MILAGRO/INTEX-BRen, X. AbstractPoster
Validation of TES Tropospheric Ozone Profiles with Airborne LIDAR Observations Richards, N.AbstractPoster
Observations at Tenango de Aire I (meterorologoy) Ruiz Suárez, L.AbstractPoster
Observations at Tenango del Aire II (chemistry) Ruiz Suárez, LAbstractPoster
Single Particle Organic Functional Groups on NCAR C130 and SIMAT Flux Tower during MILAGRO Russell, L.AbstractPoster
Submicron Particle Organic Functional Groups on NCAR C130 and SIMAT Flux Tower during MILAGRO Russell, L.AbstractPoster
Chemical Characterization of Ambient Aerosols at T0 during the MILAGRO field campaign using Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Comparison with the MCMA-2003 field campaign results Salcedo, D.AbstractPoster
Airborne Solar Spectral Irradiance Measurements during the MILAGRO field campaign Schmidt, K.AbstractPoster
Mixed Layer Evolution Observed by Radiosondes, Profilers, and LIDAR during MILAGRO Shaw, W.AbstractPoster
Assessing the Oxidative Capacity of the Atmosphere: MCMA-2003 as a Case Study Sheehy, P.AbstractPoster
Particulate absorption and its variation with mixing status observed in-situ over Mexico Shinozuka, Y.Abstract Poster
MAX-DOAS Measurements during MCMA-2006 Sinreich, R.AbstractPoster
The Chemical Composition of Particles formed by Nucleation in Tecamac, Mexico (T1 site) Smith, J.AbstractPoster
Tula's air quality characterization during MILAGRO Field Campaign Sosa, G.Abstract Poster
Research Flights of the DOE Research Aircraft Facility (G-1) during MILAGRO Springston, S.Abstract Poster
Measurement of Aerosol Size Distribution, Supermicron Aerosol Water Content, and New Particle Formation Events at T0-IMP Stanier, C.AbstractPoster
IONS-06 (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study) Ozone Profiles over Mexico City and Houston in March 2006: Mixture of Pollution and UT/LS Waves Thompson, A.AbstractPoster
Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Aerosol Active Surface Area in Different Environments of Mexico CityThornhill, D. AbstractPoster
Impact of fires on the Mexico City plume; Simulation using the WRFChem modelTie, X. AbstractPoster
Evolution of Aerosol Hygroscopicity within the Mexico City PlumeTomlinson, J. AbstractPoster
Measurements of CO2, H2O, and Particle Size Distributions from the USFS Twin Otter Toohey, D.AbstractPoster
Urban and semi-rural populations personal and micro-enviromental exposures to VOCs, ozone, CO and PM2.5 and nanoparticles during the MILAGRO-MCMA2006 campaignTovalin, H. AbstractPoster
Urban and semi-rural populations air pollution-related oxidative stress and health problems during the MILAGRO-MCMA2006 campaignTovalin, H. AbstractPoster
Characteristics of the Atmospheric CO2 Signal as Observed from the DC-8 during MILAGRO Vay, S.AbstractPoster
Chemical characterization of aerosols at Tula, HidalgoVega, E. AbstractPoster
Eddy covariance measurements of trace gases and energy fluxes from an urban district of Mexico CityVelasco, E.Abstract Poster
Evidence of long-range transport of Mexico City outflow based on CMET balloon trajectories during the MILAGRO 2006 campaignVoss, P. AbstractPoster
Aerosol size distribution and CCN spectrum observed at T0 site during MILAGROWang, J. AbstractPoster
IT-MS and GC-FID Measurements of VOCs at T1: Characterization of EmissionsWarneke, C. AbstractPoster
Bulk Fine Particle Composition Measured at T1Weber, R. AbstractPoster
NOy Budget Measured on the C130 during MIRAGEWeinheimer, A. AbstractPoster
Ground and aircraft measurements of hydroperoxides during the 2006 MILAGRO campaign Weinstein-Lloyd, J.AbstractPoster
Vertical profiles obtained by balloon measurements during MILAGROWöhrnschimmel, H. AbstractPoster
An initial look at particulate organic matter characteristics at the surface sites during the 2006 MILAGRO CampaignYu, X.Y.AbstractPoster
Carbon monoxide observations from space: How to evaluate and use these data to constrain surface emissionsYudin, V.AbstractPoster
Gas and Particle Measurements during MILAGRO-2006 using the ARI Mobile Laboratory Zavala, M.AbstractPoster
Ground Measurements of HNO3 and VOCs Using ID-CIMS and PTR-MS at the T0 Urban IMP Site during MCMA 2006 CampaignZhang, R.Abstract Poster
WRF/Chem Analyses and Comparisons with In Situ, Aircraft and Satellite Data during MILAGRO Zhang, Y.AbstractPoster