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First Meeting of the GEWEX/CLIVAR/VAMOS

La Plata Basin Implementation Steering Group.

18-19 September 2006

Clube dos 500 - Guaratinguetá - Brasil

Action items

1. Survey for the field experiment

Collect existing met/hydro information through the region in preparation for the field experiment.
Points of contact to find out availability of data (coordinator: Marcelo Seluchi):

- Argentina: Hydro - Carlos Paoli (Santa Fe) / Met - Olga Penalba
- Bolivia: Hydro - Edgard Montenegro (Tarija) / Met - name to provided by Meitín
- Brazil: Hydro - Walter Collischonn / Met - Marcelo Seluchi
- Paraguay: Hydro/met Roger Monte Domecq
- Uruguay: Met - Rafael Terra

2. Establishing a representative "supersite" for LPB

To determine an appropriate site to centralize hydro/met observations for a broader community.
Hydrology and meteorology working together
Foz do Iguazu - triple border transition area between monsoon and tropical systems, very intense rain activity.
No radar coverage
Important the size of the supersite, Oklahoma example (square of 100 km)
Hydro differences between sides of Parana River
Must be based on which have already
LPB document will provide insight on what we currently have
We will have to focus in Paraguay-Brazil border, also Argentina
Main idea for a supersite to have as much as possible, weather-hydro stations
Some stations from Brazilian Air Force
Matogroso do Sul side has almost nothing
Parana has very good observation network
Argentina has a group of stations downstream of the site
Itaipu & Yacireta have their own networks
People from Itaipu have expressed strong interest in participate on scientific projects
Yacireta contact Lucas Chamorro
Two persons from Itaupu at Foz do Iguazu meeting
Explore a meeting either at Yacireta  or Itaipu

3. Radar integration

A network of radar systems is being integrated in Southeastern Brazil. Integration of radars from Paraguay and Argentina using the same protocols is an objective.
Procedures to become integrated, need internet connectivity, real-time communication, compatibility.
Radar integration network text for: Frederico Angelis
Paraguay contact Miguel Vazquez
Argentine Air Force offer to become part of the network. Buenos Aires (SMN) Pergamino (INTA)
NCAR/EOL has a portable radar could be available for the experiment, find the best location
Season for the experiment 5 to 6 months starting September.
NCAR radar available for some 3 weeks, one year before has to be defined, proposed, approved. Sept 2009- March 2010
Coordinated observations needed
For the experiment, show regional model improvement with the  existing radar data
What is the spatial and temporal scale for the experiment?
The experiment is not limited to the supersite.
Take into consideration winter LLJ and MCS activity but the gap between systems is large - need good operational network for long term monitoring
Find people interested in inter-seasonal studies

4. Flux Towers

To select 1 to 3 flux towers to be used as reference sites representative of LPB for CEOP.
contacts: Otávio Acevedo (Brazil), Steve Williams (US)

5. Soil moisture measurements

To obtain soil moisture observations for model calibration and other agricultural purposes.
Assunção (Javier, Angelica)
Javier Tomasella (CPTEC), Rafael Terra (Uruguay), Armando Brizuela (in situ), Angelica Giarolla (satellite, aircraft)

6. Deadlines

The following deadlines need to be highlighted:
Deadline of contributions to LPB implementation Plan, October 30.
Late November a meeting with European partners for future joint proposal
Next LPB Group meeting late Feb 2007, early March in Buenos Aires
Deadline IAI - NCAR - EU proposals
IAI will help to support next LPB meeting (Argentine debt)
EU April 2007
NCAR proposal request - May 2008 (January 2008) - for a campaign in Nov 2009 - March 2010

7. Modeling

The issue on climate change scaling scenarios on LPB document is missing - Vicente Barros will help

Educational outreach and political implications need to be part of a proposal

Membership of LPB implementation steering group, need to reshape

8. Next meetings

Change of the name of the group:

It was concluded that the name ISG does not fully represent the scope of activities of the group leading LPB, and thus it was decided to rename it Science and Implementation Steering Group (SISG)

- EOL-CPTEC group for LPB data archive implementation (mirror sites) - first meeting September 20.
- February 2007 LPB SISG meeting in Buenos Aires
- September 2007 meeting in Yacireta/Itaipu
- VAMOS meeting 2 April 2007 (Chile) - endorsement of LPB - PLATEX

Chairs (Higgins, Marengo) of VAMOS to receive a report form LPB co-chairs
Climate change scenarios - Vicente Barros

Model intercomparison - Pedro Silva Dias (section 9.5)
Work in a better model for climate change scenarios:
Systematic errors, basic errors on physics (excess rainfall in western Argentina...)

Issues for next meeting:

  • Education and outreach
  • Data policy
  • Science and Implementation Steering Group - SISG
  • Rules for new projects to become a LPB project
  • "Teacher in the field" participation
