IHOP 2002 Logistics Questionnaire Responses

  1. Kevin Knupp - University of Alabama in Huntsville (14 Feb)
  2. Geary Schwemmer - NASA GSFC (14 Feb)
  3. Chris Jennison - Dryden Flight Research Center (15 Feb)
  4. William L. Smith - NASA Langley Research Center (15 Feb)
  5. Frederic Fabry - McGill University (18 Feb)
  6. David Kingsmill - Desert Research Institute (19 Feb)
  7. LCDR Tom Strong - Naval Research Lab (20 Feb)
  8. Dr. Ed Browell - NASA Langley Research Center (20 Feb)
  9. David N. Whiteman - NASA/GSFC (22 Feb)
  10. Emmanouil N Anagnostou - University of Connecticut (22 Feb)
  11. Stephen Frasier - University of Massachusetts (24 Feb)
  12. Cyrille N. Flamant - Université Pierre et Marie Curie (25 Feb)
  13. Bruce Gentry - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (25 Feb)
  14. Ming Xue - University of Oklahoma (26 Feb)
  15. Gerhard Ehret - DLR Oberpfaffenhofen (27 Feb)
  16. John Braun - UCAR (28 Feb)
  17. Yvette Richardson and Josh Wurman - Penn State and OU (4 Mar)
  18. William Brown - NCAR/ATD (4 Mar)
  19. Mike Daniels - UCAR (5 Mar)
  20. Wayne F. Feltz - University of Wisconsin-Madison (6 Mar)
  21. Roger M. Wakimoto - UCLA (12 Mar)
  22. Janet Machol - NOAA-ET2 (14 Mar)
  23. Brigitte Baeuerle - for all ATD personnel located at Norman and Oklahoma City (18 Mar)
  24. Cyrille N. Flamant - Université Pierre et Marie Curie (19 Mar)
  25. Steven Koch - NOAA/FSL (27 Mar)
  26. Volker Wulfmeyer - Institut fuer Physik und Meteorologie (2 Apr)

Summary of Responses

(updated through 2 April responses)
