From: Brigitte Baeuerle
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 11:07:35 -0600

Dear IHOP enthusiasts,

Thank you all for your participation and valuable input at the IHOP planning meeting 24-25 April. We are pleased that the various components are coming together. Significant progress was made on the experimental design. We will begin to draft an experimental design document using the information from the meeting and will ask for your feedback when it's at the appropriate stage.

At this time, we ask for your prompt response to this email (preferably prior to 2 May) on two funding issues:

1) If you're planning to submit a science proposal to do IHOP research, please tell us the funding agency from which you'll make your request. Please respond even if you believe we already know about your plans. As a reminder, within your proposal, it's important that you mention the IHOP instruments and platforms required to do your research and to rate their importance. We do not require the latter information at this time but please keep it in mind while writing your proposal.

2) If you're an instrument or platform representative, please help us to complete the attached table. Please tell us the funding agency to which you're submitting a proposal and tell us the IHOP deployment cost for your instrument. Also please inform us if there are any mistakes on the PI lists for the deployment pool-related instruments that are currently the table.

Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.

Best regards,
Dave & Tammy