Subject: IHOP Update
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 17:04:16 -0700
From: Brigitte Baeuerle
Organization: NCAR

Dear IHOP Participants

Before giving you an update on the status of IHOP preparations, I start with some immediate action items:

If you haven't already, please sign up via reply to this email address for one or more of the following four IHOP working groups:

From the responses we got so far, we decided on a 19/20 April meeting date. The meeting will be here in Boulder and is scheduled for 1.5 days starting Thursday morning. We apologize to those of you who wont' be able to make it on these dates. We will provide more details as they become available. If you haven't already, please let us know whether you plan to participate, we will need to make reservations for hotel rooms.

In preparation for the April meeting, we need to get started on a draft operations plan. Please refer to the SOD for a list of requested instruments and aircraft. As a reminder, the document is available from We ask that you provide us hypotheses to be tested and suggestions for flight plans of your preferred flight scenarios. Please include desired aircraft, preferred location, flight altitude and length of flight legs. We also need suggestions for the placement and usage for the ground-based observing systems and preferred hours of operations.

Please send your material via email to To prepare the document for the meeting, we need everything by 1 April. The preferred format for text is Microsoft WORD and for imagery JPG or ps, but we will accept other formats as well.

Other updates:
The potential schedule and resource conflict between IHOP and BAMEX, both tentatively scheduled for spring 2002, has been resolved. Based on USWRP priorities, on the progress of IHOP through preliminary NSF reviews, and on the growing participation from agency and international partners for IHOP, Bob Gall and Dave Carlson asked the IHOP investigators to focus on a spring 2002 experiment and the BAMEX investigators to focus on a spring 2003 experiment.

Dave Parsons received five out of eight reviews of the IHOP Scientific Overview Document from NSF. The responses were mixed in that two had serious reservations (but implied they were fixable). Dave will need to respond to the concerns raised back to NSF by 15 March 2001. The reviews and his response will then be sent to the OFAP for the upcoming April meeting.

Thanks to Jim Huning at NSF, contacts with the FAA in DC have been re-established to raise the dropsonde issue with the ICAO North Atlantic Special Planning Group. We hope to arrange for a meeting with the necessary representatives later in March.

That's it