* Provide access to comprehensive in-situ, remote sensing and model output data sets for use in GCIP research and as a benchmark for future studies.The GCIP Data Management and Service System (DMSS) is shown in Figure 8-1 as a user service configuration based on accessing the GCIP Home Page on the World Wide Web through the URL address: http://www.ogp.noaa.gov/gcip/
The GCIP Data Management and Service System (DMSS) implementation strategy makes maximum use of existing data centers which are made an integral part of the GCIP-DMSS through four data source modules that specialize by data types (i.e., in situ, model output, satellite remote sensing, and GCIP special data). These four data source modules are connected to a GCIP central information source that provides "single-point access" to the GCIP-DMSS. The primary responsibilities for the data source modules along with their major functions and activities were described in Volume III of the GCIP Implementation Plan (IGPO, 1994b).
(1) During the course of GCIP, the GCIP data management system will compile information on the data that are collected in the data centers to produce special data sets for GCIP users and to provide a single-point access to service user requests for GCIP data.The topic of GCIP data management is divided into strategic and tactical planning efforts. The strategic portion of the GCIP data management plan is covered in Volume III of the GCIP Implementation Plan (IGPO, 1994b). A tactical data management plan is prepared for each definable data set produced by the DMSS.(2) At the completion of GCIP, the GCIP data management system will turn over the composite data set documentation (metadata) to a permanent archiving agency for continuing use in climate-related studies.
Figure 8-1 GCIP DMSS user services configuration.
Data management will incur costs primarily for the collection of information on the data and the reproduction costs to compile data sets. The costs incurred for the initial compilation of information on the data will be borne by the Project. Costs for data sets that are compiled for general use by researchers involved in the Project will also be borne by the Project. Costs for data sets to individual specifications will, in general, be borne by the user making the request for the data. This topic is described further in Section 10 and was also described in Section 3 of Volume III of the GCIP Implementation Plan (IGPO, 1994b).
A number of GCIP initial data sets (GIDS) were prepared to provide the data services support during the build-up period before the Five-year Enhanced Observing Period (EOP). Preparation of the GIDS started in 1993, and the data sets were compiled for on-line access by GCIP investigators to the extent that is technically feasible. They were also published on a CD-ROM for wide distribution, especially to international persons interested in performing initial diagnostic, evaluation, and modeling studies on GCIP-related topics. Further details on the GIDS data sets are available through the GCIP/DMSS In-Situ Module at the URL address:
The EOP started on 1 October 1995 and is continuing for five years. The start date of 1 October was in part chosen to correspond to the start of a "water year" as used by the Water Resources groups in organizations such as the U.S Geological Survey. The availability of water data including streamflow data from the USGS National Water Information System is based on the water year. Such data are normally available from this system about six to nine months after the end of the water year. The availability date of these data becomes a primary determining factor in the schedule for the completion of EOP data sets by the GCIP data management system. The data collected during each EOP year are being compiled into a number of standard and custom data sets.
The overall plans for compiling GCIP data sets are depicted in Figure 8-2. A summary of the status of GCIP data sets is given in Table 8-1.
The plans for compiling the LSA-NW EAOP data set are described in a draft document entitled "Tactical Data Collection and Management Plan for the LSA-NW Enhanced Annual Observing Period".
Period GCIP Data Set Available
1 April - 30 September 1999
July 2000
1 October 1999 - 30 September 2000
July 2001
1 October 2000 - 31 March 2001
July 2002
It should be noted that these are the projected dates for the temporal
component of the two-year data set to be completed. However, portions of
the component data set will become available earlier than the projected
completion dates shown above. Information on such data availability can
be obtained through the GCIP Home Page (Data Access) at the URL address:
Figure 8-2 Compiled and Planned Standard Data Sets
for GCIP Research.
GEWEX Continental- Scale International Project |
GCIP Initial Data Set (GIDS-1)/1 Feb - 30 April 1992/Atmospheric, hydrologic, satellite and radar composites, and surface data for the Central Mississippi Basin. GCIP Reference Data Set (GREDS)/No time period/Topography,
land use and other types of data which are expected to change little, if
any, during the next several years.
GIDS-3/1 April -31 August 1994/Consists of data collected
during the GCIP Integrated Systems Test (GIST) in the Large Scale Area
- SW (Arkansas Red River Basin) and provides an initial data set for the
warm season.
GIDS-4/1 April - 30-Sept 1995/ Consists of data collected
during the Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period (ESOP-95) as a second GCIP
warm season data set in the Large Scale Area-SW (Arkansas-Red River Basin)
ESOP-96/1 April - 30-Sept 1996/ Consists of data collected
during the Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period for a third GCIP warm season
data set in the Large Scale Area-SW (Arkansas-Red River Basin)
ESOP-97/ 1 Oct 1996 - 31 May 1997/ Consists of data collected
during the Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period for a GCIP cold season data
set in the Large Scale Area-NC (Upper Mississipi River Basin)
ESOP-98/ 1 Oct 1997 - 31 May 1998/ Consists of data collected
during the Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period for a second GCIP cold season
data set in the Large Scale Area-NC (Upper Mississippi River Basin)
EAOP-98/ 1 Oct 1997 - 30 Sept 1998/ Consists of data collected during the Enhanced Annual Observing Period for an annual data set in the Large Scale-E (Ohio-Tennessee River Basin) |
On-line Subset on CD-ROM CD-ROM
On-line Subset on CD-ROM
On-line Subset on CD-ROM
UCAR/JOSS CODIAC System WWW: http://www.joss.ucar.edu/codiac or http://www.ogp.noaa.gov/gcip/ (select in situ data source module) UCAR/Joint Office for Science Support
Table 8-1 A summary of the status of GCIP data sets.