Present operational systems in the Bureau of Reclamation use the NOAA- Missouri Basin River Forecast Center (MBRFC) forecasts for their daily and monthly operational planning and decision-making. Forecasts of streamflow at key points on the Madison, Jefferson, Milk and mainstem Missouri Rivers above Bureau of Reclamation facilities are used in operational decisions. Close coordination with the Natural Resource Conservation Service and the Army Corps of Engineers and the MBRFC and the Bureau of Reclamation's operations teams leads to a consensus decision on many forecasts. Enhancement of the current system that applies research tools and knowledge developed through the GCIP program will require close coordination among these agencies.
(i) Improved application of coupled model outputs and other forecast products. This would include studies to use a wide range of forecast products as input to hydrologic forecast models as well as related demonstration projects with water resources applications agencies.(ii) Improved hydrologic forecast models. This would include studies to evaluate present forecast models and to transfer what has been done to develop improved land surface parameterizations for atmospheric models for use in river forecasting.
(iii) Improved representation of precipitation in complex terrain. One of the main limitations in using both forecasts and precipitation observations as input to hydrologic models in the LSA-NW is that area average estimates over complex terrain are generally not very accurate, especially for short computational time steps.
To demonstrate reliability to end-users and the academic community, relative feasibility of retrospective runs and archival of runs should be examined. Before operational entities can rely on new techniques and models, they must be convinced that these are reliable and are an improvement over existing methods.
The application of coupled model outputs as inputs to hydrologic prediction models includes the operational applications to water supply forecasts and groundwater interaction from surface to aquifers for balanced water conservation measures.
Several basic questions need review and prioritization:
How good are the forecasts and how can we improve them?
How can we improve research model efficiency to make us more effective?
How can four dimensional data assimilation and explicit physical process models be integrated into the hydrologic runoff modeling to improve upon traditional regression analysis methods for rainfall runoff and streamflow analysis and forecasts?
A new research focus for the LSA-NW is in ground water and soil moisture's role in predictability of water supplies and coupling to atmospheric models. This has a bearing on climate and long term forecast issues. In the LSA-NW groundwater is an important water source for both domestic and agricultural usage. The ability to manage groundwater resources requires an understanding of recharge characteristics. It becomes important to identify recharge zones and associated recharge rates. Processes defining recharge rates are fundamental to groundwater/surface water interactions. The representation of these interactions needs to be improved in surface hydrologic/parameterization components of coupled models.
There are generally two pathways for recharge: (1) direct streamflow losses to aquifer outcrop zones, and (2) recharge over broad land surface areas. Direct streamflow losses must be considered in the context of routing schemes in surface hydrology. Groundwater recharge over broad land surfaces must be considered in the context of soil moisture balance process in surface hydrology/parameterization models. The movement of water through the soil zone complex to a zone of recharge affects the availability of moisture for ET. Thus, recharge processes can have an effect on moisture and energy fluxes between the land surface and atmosphere.
In complex terrain the basic precipitation measurements at individual gage sites are subject to similar, but often more difficult, siting and exposure considerations than in flat terrain. In addition, inference of areal precipitation amounts from those point measurements requires accounting for generally greater small-scale variability as well as systematic influences such as elevation or orientation with respect to ambient wind flow. In complex terrain a significant component of the small-scale variability may be anchored to specific topographic features and thus less susceptible to smoothing over time than is usually the case in flat terrain. Radar observations can contribute to improving the analysis of precipitation by revealing systematic patterns in the small-scale variability and in relation to the topography. Model simulations can also provide indications of terrain-related variability and in relation to the topography. Model simulations can also provide indications of terrain-related features in the precipitation patterns and indicate how they vary with wind direction and speed. A synthesis of radar observations and model results, indicating such systematic features of the precipitation patterns, with the relatively sparse gage observations in the LSA-NW (which may be subject to less uncertainty regarding quantitative values), should give a more accurate analysis of precipitation in the complex terrain.
We need to recognize the dominant role that mountain orographic precipitation plays in water supplies of the headwaters of the Missouri Basin. GCIP research plans for the LSA-NW need to include the following areas:
(a). Derive accurate water budgets from limited in-situ and remotely sensed data(b) Simulate local orographic effects using mesoscale models with high resolution of about one km to accurately depict local 3-dimensional flows and cloud and precipitation responses.
(c) Downscale atmospheric model precipitation to appropriate basin scale precipitation using physical and statistical methods
(d) Validation of the modeling, downscaling, and physical process models
(e) More applied research in the analysis of precipitation in complex terrain is needed that includes: observational in-situ and remotely sensed data and validation of models that use these data for initial conditions.