The river is unique inasmuch as its path was largely defined by ice -- almost all of the terrain north and east of the Missouri River Valley has been extensively and repetitively glaciated during the past 1.6 million years. Most of the river's course marks ice margins of the last two glacial stages (Illinoisan and Wisconsin) along which melt waters scoured deep channels during warm periods. Consequently, for most of its course, the terrain, surficial geology and soils, ground and surface water hydrology, vegetation, and related microclimates change quite abruptly from one side of the river valley to the other.
Unlike the upper Mississippi River Basin, the upper part of the Missouri River Basin is drought prone while the lower part is flood prone. Also unlike the Mississippi River with its broad flood plains, the Missouri River is usually confined to a narrower, and generally steeper walled floodway in which bedload sediments are extensively reworked each spring by two flood pulses (late March and June) and transported downstream.
Figure 2-1. The LSA-NW Encompasses the Missouri River Basin.
Figure 2-2 Missouri River in the Context
of the Upper Mississippi River basin.
The largest single program affecting water management within the Missouri River Basin was established by the Flood Control Act of 1944 and is known as the Missouri River Basin Project. Administered by the Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the project originally called for the construction of 137 dams and reservoirs to produce hydroelectric power, to check soil erosion, and to store millions of acre feet of water for irrigation and flood control affecting more than 10,000,000 acres of land. The dams also serve to maintain water levels in the lower Missouri's engineered navigation channel during periods of low runoff. To date, seven mainstem dams have been completed: Canyon Ferry (MT), Fort Peck (MT), Garrison (ND), Oahe (SD), Big Bend (SD), Fort Randall (SD), Gavins Point (SD/NE). Downstream of these structures, narrow, but fertile, floodplains have been "protected" by systems of levees constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service, local governments, and private land owners.
The Missouri River Basin is physiographically, ecologically, and climatically diverse. Physiographic regions include portions of the Rocky Mountains Province (about 11% of the basin with 80 cm annual precipitation, mostly as snowfall) along the basin's western border, the Great Plains Province (about 70% of the basin with 45 cm annual precipitation) in the center, the Central Lowlands Province (about 17% of the basin with 75 cm annual precipitation) in the east and northeast, and the Interior Highlands Province (about 2% of the basin with 105 cm annual precipitation) in the extreme southeast.
Regional hydroclimatic processes and regimes within the basin are affected by many local variables, including topographic gradient and aspect; drainage pattern and density; soil texture, permeability, and water storage capacity; as well as land cover and associated land use and management practices. An important report (SAST, 1994) and WWW-based environmental database (URL: were prepared by the federally appointed Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team as two of many responses to the extensive flooding that occurred in the Midwest during the summer of 1993. This report summarizes characteristics of the Upper Mississippi River Basin (including the Missouri River Basin) as they relate to hydrology of mainstem floodplains and contributing upland areas and identifies several science issues that are germane to LSA-NW.
From the standpoint of surface hydrology, the Missouri River Basin is topographically characterized by two distinct kinds of landscapes based on their drainage networks: (1) open systems where runoff exits the basin by moving continuously from smaller streams to larger trunk streams, and (2) closed systems where runoff is temporarily trapped within closed depressions. Closed landscapes are genetically related to periglacial processes and spatially related to areas within the basin covered by younger glacial drift. These landscapes have not had sufficient time to develop an integrated network of streams and, consequently, trapped or ponded water must either evaporate or infiltrate. During large storms, however, smaller depressions may fill and spill over to lower level depressions or to segments of an integrated network of streams.
Before the widespread construction of open-ditch-type drainage ways for expanding agricultural practices within the basin, formerly closed landscapes acted as noncontributing areas with respect to surface water runoff. However, in several parts of the Missouri River Basin, artificially integrated systems function as open landscapes with respect to their influence on surface and ground water hydrology. Consequently, they need to be taken into consideration when modeling hydroclimatic processes and regimes within the basin. (SAST, 1994)
Soils are another hydroclimatically significant component of the Missouri River Basin because they act to store water and they affect rates of water runoff to streams, infiltration of water into the groundwater system, and the type, distribution, and success of vegetal land cover. Surface water storage in the basin is confined to the late-Wisconsinan glacial till area (the prairie pothole region) of North and South Dakota -- the rest of the basin consists of open systems with only minor areas that store water on the surface. By comparison, in other parts of the basin, estimates show 10 times more storage capacity in the soil than above ground. Subsoil storage is also important in the basin, but especially in open drained areas; subsoil storage is the major component and has relatively high capacities in Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Montana, Colorado, and Nebraska relative to other States.
The Missouri River Basin includes 13 of 79 Level III Ecoregions of the conterminous USA based on Omernik's schema (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1996). On the western edge of the basin, the Montana Valley and Foothill Prairies, Middle Rockies, Wyoming Basin, and Southern Rockies ecoregions host western coniferous forest, woodlands, and mixed forest dominated by pine, fir, aspen, juniper, sage, and annual grasses. In the northern, central, and southern portions of the basin, the Northwestern and Northern Glaciated Plains, Northwestern and Central Great Plains, Western High Plains, Nebraska Sand Hills, and Flint Hills ecoregions are dominated by savana grasslands and support both irrigated and dry land agriculture. On the eastern edge of the basin, the Western Corn Belt and Central Irregular Plains ecoregions are dominated by row crops, small grains, and mixed croplands and woodlands that include southeastern deciduous forest species. Throughout the basin, the associated vegetal species and their ecoregion context impose hydroclimatic effects related to evapotranspiration and related processes.
The challenges within LSA-NW arise from an in situ observation infrastructure that is less well developed than the other LSAs, particularly in the area of basin-wide surface energy and water vapor flux measurements. This problem must be addressed from three directions. First, improvements must be made to the existing infrastructure, through flux towers or other functionally similar observation strategies. Second, there will be an increased reliance on modeled quantities, which in turn relies heavily on model calibration and validation done in previous LSAs and the aforementioned pilot project. Finally, observations of surface and atmospheric processes will rely more heavily on remotely sensed data than was the case for the other LSAs.