S1. Background
The World Climate Research Program in its Global Energy and Water Cycle
Experiment (GEWEX) has established Continental Scale Experiments to improve scientific
understanding and to model on a continental scale the coupling between the atmosphere and
the land surface hydrologic processes for climate prediction purposes. The GEWEX
Continental-scale International Project (GCIP) was established in the Mississippi River basin
in 1992 to take advantage of the extensive meteorological and hydrological networks
including the new Doppler radars, wind profilers, and automatic weather stations. GCIP is
contributing to the long-term goal of demonstrating skill in predicting changes in water
resources on time scales up to seasonal, annual, and interannual as an integral part of the
climate prediction system. The overall strategy framework for implementing GCIP is shown
in Figure S-1.
Figure S-1 Strategy Framework for Implementing GCIP.
The understanding and modeling of a continental scale watershed requires, from the
outset, consideration of nonlinear-scale interactions in the aggregation of smaller processes to
the larger scale and vice versa. GCIP research involves a systematic multiscale approach to
accommodate physical process studies, model development, data assimilation,
diagnostics,validation and data acquisition topics. GCIP research activities occur in a
phased timetable and emphasize a particular region with special characteristics for a period of
about two years. Four Large Scale Areas (LSAs) have been identified which encompass
major river sub-basins of the Mississippi River basin and which, in aggregate, cover most of
the GCIP domain, as shown in Figure S-2.
The time phasing of activities within each of
these areas is also shown in the figure. The GCIP Enhanced Observing Period started on 1
October 1995 and will continue for five years. Although the developmental activities are
being initiated in limited regions; a fundamental thrust of the GCIP implementation strategy is
that they lead toward an integrated continental-scale capability.
Figure S-2 The Mississippi River basin with boundaries defining the
Large Scale Areas (LSAs) for GCIP Focused Studies (top).
Temporal emphasis for each LSA from 1994 through 2000 (bottom).
S2. Coupled Hydrologic/Atmospheric Modeling
GCIP OBJECTIVE: Develop and evaluate coupled hydrologic/atmospheric models at
resolutions appropriate to large-scale continental basins.
Model development in GCIP has two paths as shown in
Figure S-1. A key strategy
adopted early in GCIP was to fully exploit the high resolution limited area models that were
being applied to regional weather prediction through various nesting procedures in the global
models. This strategy was implemented as part of the "operational" path to provide the model
assimilated and forecast data products for GCIP research as well as serving as a "proof of
concept" for components of a coupled hydro-climate model. The "research" path focuses on
the longer term activities needed for a coupled hydro-climate model.
Coupled Modeling Research Objective: Identify and understand the coupled
processes that influence predictability at temporal time scales ranging from diurnal to
seasonal and spatial scales relevant to water resources applications, and to develop a
coupled model or models which can be validated (at these scales) using data from the
Mississippi River basin.
S2.1 Near-Term Priorities for Coupled Modeling Research
In accordance with the overall goals of GCIP, the coupled modeling activities will
focus on regional mesoscale modeling activities, to include the imbedding of regional models
in global climate models. as an element in developing a capability to produce experimental
seasonal-to-interannual climate predictions for the North American continent and evaluate
these predictions relative to GCIP data. While recognizing that initially such experimental
forecasts are likely only to have limited skill, GCIP will initiate an exploratory investigation
of the potential value of such predictions in the context of water resource applications. This
initiative will also serve as a mechanism through which to understand and develop the
required interface between climate and weather predictions and their hydrological
The focus of interest within GCIP in the next two to three years will be on continued
development of improved representations of processes in coupled models with an emphasis on:
S2.2 Coupled Modeling Research: Long-term Items to be Initiated in the Next Two Years
To achieve the GCIP coupled modeling objective given at the beginning of Section 2,
some long term initiatives need to begin in the next two years.These include:
(1) Definition and implementation of a measure of success for hydrologic
predictions such as a "hydrologically relevant skill score".
(2) Characterization of hydrological storage in large-scale basins using tracer
techniques using hydrograph separation techniques and geologic methods.
(3) Evaluation of relative contributions of land and oceanic influences to
precipitation amounts in different seasons and in different regions of the North
American continent with initial focus on the Mississippi River basin.
(4) Initiation of a regional ground water element in GCIP, focused on deep aquifier
recharge and extraction.
S2.3 Improvements to Operational Coupled Mesoscale Models
The "operational" path (Figure S-1)
provides the model assimilated and forecast output
products for GCIP research, especially for energy and water budget studies. The regional
mesoscale models also serve to test components of an imbedded regional climate model and
can provide output for the evaluation of a coupled hydrologic/atmospheric model during the
assimilation and early prediction time periods as a precursor to developing and testing a
coupled hydrologic/atmospheric climate model. The output from the Eta, Mesoscale Analysis
and Prediction System (MAPS), and Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) regional
mesoscale models is routinely compiled as part of the GCIP data set.
S2.3.1 Near-Term Priorities for Operational Coupled Mesoscale Models
(1) Use the GCIP special data sets to validate and evaluate the regional model
output. Concentrate on validation of surface energy fluxes, surface skin
temperature, soil moisture, cloud cover, precipitation, and diurnal planetary
boundary layer profiles of temperature and humidity.
(2) Produce plots and graphs of the monthly Mississippi River Basin water budget
components from the Eta, MAPS, and GEM model output. Compare with
similar but independently computed budget components from observations.
S2.3.2 Operational Coupled Mesoscale Models: Long-term Items to start in the Next Two Years
(1) Validate and evaluate the 4DDA and forecast runoff of the Eta, MAPS, and
GEM models (and later their companion land data assimilation systems), by
applying streamflow/river routing algorithms to the gridded runoff archives
from these systems.
(2) Investigate and develop algorithms for parameterizing sub-grid scale
fractional precipitation distribution for use in the surface infiltration algorithms
of coupled mesoscale models. Study the spatial and temporal distribution
characteristics of the precipitation fields from the Eta, MAPS, and GEM model
assimilation and forecast systems. Also, study the convective stability index
products from these three systems.
(3) Investigate and develop strategies for a priori continental-scale estimation of
key hydrological parameters, such as saturation hydraulic conductivity, soil
moisture capacity ("bucket depth"), rooting depth, soil porosity, active soil
column depth, and slope.
(4) Imbed coupled mesoscale models into global ocean/atmosphere models and
investigate the advantages of imbedding (if any) on the skill and utility of
seasonal and annual forecasts.
S3. Hydrological And Water Resources Modeling
GCIP Objective: Improve the utility of hydrologic predictions for water resources
management up to seasonal and interannual time scales.
In the context of GCIP, one of the eventual aims of the modeling effort is to generate
inputs for operational hydrological and water resources management models over a range of
time scales up to interannual. The approach will be to link the hydrological and water
resources research activities with the coupled modeling and data collection activities to
produce more accurate streamflow forecasts, and in turn, to develop methods for utilizing
those forecasts in water management decisions. The lead times to be emphasized will be
longer than the currently accepted upper limit of weather forecasts (which is currently about
one week), up to interannual.The near-term priorities are:
1) To develop procedures to allow GCIP hydrologic models to produce ensemble
streamflow forecasts, using ensemble climate forecast model surface fields as
forcing values. This will require, in particular, development of schemes to
remove bias in both the climate model surface fields, and hydrologic model
output; and,
2) to evaluate the worth of climate model ensemble forecasts for operation of one
or more water resources systems.
In the longer term (e.g., beyond 2000) it is expected that the research activities will
focus on water resources in the western U.S. The hydrologic processes of concern in the
West (such as, e.g., snow accumulation and ablation in mountainous regions) are, in some
respects, more amenable to improved hydrologic forecasting than are the water resource
systems of the Mississippi River basin. Also, linkages between seasonal-to-interannual
climate variations and tropical ocean processes (which currently appear to offer the best hope
for accurate seasonal to annual forecasts) are generally stronger in the West than in the
current GCIP region, so the West arguably offers a better water resources testbed for GCIP
models than does its current region. In any event, GCIP will place a higher priority on the
development of a demonstration application of seasonal forecast tools in at least one of the
major water resources systems.
S4. Data Assimilation
GCIP objective: Develop and evaluate atmospheric,
land, and coupled data assimilation
schemes that incorporate both remote and in-situ observations.
The priority areas for research activities in data assimilation are:
An additional future priority is the re-analysis of assimilated data sets using future
improvement in data assimilation. A plan for such a regional reanalysis should be started in
the immediate future.
S5. Diagnostic Studies
GCIP OBJECTIVE: Determine and explain the annual, interannual and spatial
variability of the water and energy cycles within the Mississippi River basin.
The ultimate aim of the Diagnostic Studies research is to contribute to further
improvements of seasonal to interannual climate predictions in support of water resource
management. Diagnostics Studies also provide a basis for evaluation of the atmospheric,
land, and coupled model data assimilation schemes as well as the forecasts produced from the
prediction models. The near term priority is to describe the water budgets over the
Mississippi River Basin and major GCIP-defined sub-basins through the use of observations
in conjunction with model analyses. Specific activities over the period covered in this Major
Activities Plan include investigation of the full four-dimensional water budgets based on
observations and model assimilated data with particular emphasis on the output from the
regional scale models producing the output for GCIP. Water budget components will be
examined over the Continental Scale Area as well as the Large,
Intermediate, and Small Scale Areas identified as focus study areas for GCIP. The effects of
spatial and temporal sampling on the evaluation of the water budgets will be examined as
well as the multi-year behavior of water balance components including storage.
Energy budgets pose a more complex problem since there are fewer direct measurements
of the individual components of the energy budgets available for comparison and evaluation.
The analyses are more dependent on model estimates of the energy budget terms in
conjunction with observations from GCIP-related projects such at the International Satellite
Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) and the International Satellite Land-Surface Climatology
Project (ISLSCP).
One of the primary goals of Diagnostics Studies is to provide a fuller understanding of
long-lasting hydrologic regimes associated with floods and droughts over the Mississippi
Basin. Diagnostics Studies aimed at improved understanding of the initiation and maintenance
of floods and droughts as well as conditions associated with their demise will be initiated.
S6. Critical Variables
A number of meteorologicalm hydrological and land surface variables are critical to
the success of GCIP and were designated as Research Areas for special emphasis in the early
stages of GCIP. The priority research activities for each are summarized in this section.
S6.1 Precipitation
Precipitation Objective: Achieve a better understanding and estimation
of the space-time structure of precipitation over the Mississippi River basin, including improvements
in atmospheric model representation of precipitation to support improved coupled modeling.
S6.1.1 Precipitation Research Activities
The near-term priority areas for research in precipitation include:
The longer term precipitation research activities which should be initiated in the next
two years include:
S6.1.2 Precipitation Measurement and Analysis
GCIP requires the best available precipitation products and recognizes the potential value
of the WSR-88D radars in meeting this requirement. It is a goal of GCIP to contribute
to the development of a derived product which combines WSR-88D, gauge, and satellite
estimates of precipitation resulting in a product with a 4-km spatial and hourly temporal
resolution. Such a goal is not expected to be achieved for a routine product until much later
in the five-year Enhanced Observing Period since it is dependent upon some of the
modernization improvements yet to be implemented by the NWS. GCIP has an
ongoing effort to provide precipitation data products for GCIP investigators. A precipitation
analysis is being produced routinely by the NOAA/NCEP and archived at UCAR. A
composite of precipitation observations from all available observing networks is produced and
archived as part of the GCIP data set in the in-situ data source module.
Associated with the measurement of precipitation caught by the gauge is the question of
representative exposure of the gauge and the effect of not having wind shields or the
characteristics of different shields on gauge catch, evaporation, etc. The systematic adjustment
of gauge errors is a necessary requirement for the development of good-quality precipitation
fields. GCIP is also supporting research activities to determine systematic errors in
precipitation measurements and to derive adjusted values for in-situ solid precipitation
measurements starting in the Upper Mississippi River basin. The results from the snowfall
measurement corrections applied to the Upper Mississippi River basin will be used in other
regions of the Mississippi River basin to compile corrected snowfall measurements, and thus
compile reasonably accurate in-situ precipitation measurements over the full annual
hydrologic cycle.
S6.2 Soil Moisture
Soil Moisture Objective: Improve understanding and estimation of the space-time
structure of soil moisture, the relationship between model estimates of soil moisture and
observations of soil moisture, and to produce soil moisture fields for the GCIP area to be
used as diagnostic and input data for modeling.
The near-term priority areas for soil moisture research activities include:
Long term activities that should be started within the next two or three years include:
S6.3 Land Surface Characteristics
Land Surface Objective: Improve the quantitative understanding of the
relationships between model parameterizations of land surface processes and land surface
characteristics, while also facilitating the development, availability, evaluation, and validation
of multiresolution land surface data sets required for land surface process research in GCIP.
S6.3.1 Near-Term Priorities for Land Surface Characteristics
S6.3.2 Land Surface Characteristics Long-Term Items to be Started in the Next Two
S6.4 Clouds and Radiation
Clouds and Radiation Objective: Improve the description and understanding
of the radiative fluxes that drive land-atmosphere interactions and their parameterization in
predictive models, while also facilitating the development, availability, evaluation, and
validation of multiresolution clouds and radiation data sets required for process studies and
coupled modeling research in GCIP.
As new and improved satellite products for GCIP are developed and brought
into production, it is necessary to validate and tune the algorithms to provide the most
consistently accurate quantities. This requires operating a parallel system that produces the
satellite products off line using the same data and the same algorithms, so that the algorithms
can be modified and tuned, and the results compared with ground truth. There are current
problems with the retrieval of cloud cover and insolation over a snow covered surface that
must be addressed through tuning with a parallel system.
Radiation budget components, cloud amounts and heights, and surface
temperatures from the regional scale Numerical Weather Prediction models must be compared
with satellite observations of the same quantities. Radiation and cloud output from the Eta
model will be collected from selected forecast times and remapped into the resolution and
map projection of the GOES satellite products and provided for comparison studies. The
degree of agreement, conditions under which the model output and the observations are quite
different (season, snow cover, bare soil, etc.), and the degree to which the diurnal cycle in
observed variables are replicated by model output are both needing evaluation.
The cloud and radiation components in the Eta and other regional models need
improvement and the research to upgrade them needs to be started in the next two years if
GCIP is to benefit from the research results. Such topics as the interaction of cloud and
radiation fields and surface variability within a grid box, use of better cloud parameterization,
and cloud resolving models are all appropriate for research. The specific area of research may
be dictated by the results of the comparison of model output with observations.
S6.5 Streamflow/Runoff
Streamflow data and runoff estimates are required both for the development
and for the testing and verification of coupled atmospheric/hydrological models. Streamflow
is determined from measurements of stream stage at a stream-gauging station. It is essential
that the gauge data used for testing and verification of models be essentially unaffected by
upstream regulation or diversion. Runoff is the spatially distributed supply of water to the
stream network which cannot be measured directly. Both surface and sub-surface components
are part of runoff.
Near-Term Priorities for Streamflow/Runoff:
S7. Data Collection and Management
GCIP OBJECTIVE: Provide access to comprehensive in-situ, remote sensing
and model output data sets for use in GCIP research and as a benchmark for future studies.
As noted in Figure S-2, the GCIP Enhanced Observing Period started on 1
October 1995 and will continue for five years. The data collected during each year will be
compiled into a number of standard and custom data sets. The data collection periods for the
GCIP standard data sets are shown in Figure S-3.
These data sets will be published on CD-ROMs for distribution, especially to international
scientists interested in GCIP. Increasingly,
the national GCIP investigators are making use of the on-line GCIP data services available
through the World Wide Web at the URL address:
Figure S-3 Compiled and Planned Standard Data Sets for GCIP
S7.1 Data Sets for Warm Periods
The initial focus of GCIP on the warm season processes in the annual
hydrological cycle has produced data sets for three different periods in the LSA-SW(see
Figure S-4).
The data collected during the Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period in 1996
(ESOP-96) is scheduled to be compiled into a standard data set by December 1997. The types
of data which comprise the ESOP-96 are described in the Tactical Data Collection and
Management Plan for the 1996 Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period (ESOP-96).
Figure S-4 The LSA-SW Encompasses the Arkansas-Red river basin.
GCIP Focus Study Areas in the LSA-SW Include the CART/ARM Site Operated by the Department of
Energy and the Little Washita Watershed Operated by the USDA/Agriculture Research Service.
S7.2 Data Sets for Cold Periods
The data collection activities for Water Years(WY) 1997 and 1998 include the
cold season in the Upper Mississippi River basin identified as the LSA-NC in
Figure S-2. The
details of the data to be collected during this period are given in the Tactical Data Collection
and Management Plan for the 1997 Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period (ESOP-97).
S7.3 Data Sets for the Annual Hydrologic Cycle
The data collection for the next two years covering the full annual cycle will
concentrate on the data needed for energy and water budget studies with some increasing
emphasis on coupled modeling validation and evaluation. In this regard a Near Surface
Observation (NESOB) Data set for at least one 12-month period beginning 1 April 1997 is
being compiled. This special dataset is intended to fulfill the data requirements for:
This integrated dataset is being compiled for the LSA-SW which includes the
ARM/CART site, the Little Washita Watershed and the Oklahoma Mesonet (if available) in
the Arkansas-Red River basin. The vertical dimension includes from 3000m above the surface
to 2m below the surface. The preparation of the archive data by the U.S. Geological Survey is
done on a Water Year basis. The streamflow data for the Water Year are archived the
following April and May. This will necessitate the compilation of the one-year Near Surface
Observation Dataset in two parts. The period from 1 April through 30 September 1997 can
be completed by June 1998 and the last six months of the one year dataset will be completed
by June 1999.
The data sets for the whole of the Mississippi River basin, as shown in
Figure S-3, are planned to be compiled beginning in 1999.