2-D | Two-Dimensional |
3-D | Three dimensional |
4-D | Four-Dimensional |
4DDA | Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation |
4-D VAR | 4-Dimensional Variational Assimilation System |
A | |
ABRFC | Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center |
ACARS | Aircraft Communication and Recording System |
AERI | Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer |
AES | Atmospheric Environmental Service |
AFGWC | Air Force Global Weather Central |
AIRS | Advanced Infrared Studies AIRS |
AM1 | First Earth Observing System Orbital Platform |
AMIP | Atmospheric Modeling Intercomparison Project |
AQP | Avionics Qualification Policy |
ARESE | ARM Enhanced Shortwave Experiment |
ARL | Air Resource Laboratory |
ARM | Atmospheric Radiation Measurement |
ARS | Agriculture Research Service |
ASCII | American National Standard Code for Information Exchange |
ASTER | Atmosphere Surface Turbulent Exchange Research facility |
ASOS | Automated Surface Observing System |
ATSR | Along-Track Scanning Radiometer |
AVHRR | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer |
AVIRIS | Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer |
AWDN | Automated Weather Data Network |
AWIPS | Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System |
AWON | Agricultural Weather Observation Network |
AWOS | Automated Weather Observing System |
B | |
BALTEX | Baltic Sea Experiment |
BATS | Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme |
BOREAS | Boreal Ecosystem Atmosphere Study |
BRDF | Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function |
BSRN | Baseline Surface Radiation Network |
BUFR | Binary Universal Form for Representation of meteorological data |
C | |
CAC | Climate Analysis Center |
CAPE | Convective Available Potential Energy |
CART | Clouds and Radiation Testbed |
CASES | Cooperative Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study |
CASH | Commercial Aviation Sensing Humidity |
CAWS | Commercial Agriculture Weather Station |
CCA | Canonical Correlation Analysis |
CD-ROM | Compact Disk, Read-Only Memory |
CDAS | Climate Data Assimilation System |
CERES | Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System |
CLAVR | Clouds from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer |
CLIVAR | Climate Variations |
CMC | Canadian Meteorological Centre |
CODIAC | Cooperative Distributed Interactive Atmospheric Catalog |
COE | Corps of Engineer |
CONUS | Continental United States |
CSA | Continental-Scale Area |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization |
D | |
DAAS | Data Acquisition and Archive Center |
DACOM | Data Collection and Management |
DEM | Digital Elevation Model |
DIAL | Differential Absorption Lidar |
DLG | Digital Line Graph |
DLR | Downward Longwave Radiation |
DMA | Defense Mapping Agency |
DMSP | Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
DMSS | Data Management and Service System |
DNR | Department of Natural Resources |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DOI | Department of Interior |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DPI | Derived Product Imagery |
DRADAP | Digital Radar Precipitation |
E | |
EBBR | Energy Balance Bowen Ratio |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting |
ECOR | Eddy Correlation |
EDA | Eta Data Assimilation |
EDAS | Eta Model Data Assimilation System |
EDC | EROS Data Center |
EMC | Environmental Modeling Center in NCEP |
EMEX | Equatorial Mesoscale Experiment |
EOP | Enhanced Observational Period |
EOS | Earth Observing System |
EOSDIS | EOS Data and Information System |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EROS | Earth Resources Observation Satellite |
ERL | Environmental Research Laboratories |
ERS | Earth Resources Satellite |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESDIM | Environmental Services Data and Information Management |
ESOP | Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period |
ESOP95 | Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period of 1995 |
ESOP96 | Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period of 1996 |
ESOP97 | Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period of 1997 |
ESP | Extended Streamflow Prediction |
ESTAR | Electronically Scanned Thinned Array Radiometer |
Eta | (Traditional name of an NMC model using Greek letter for the vertical coordinate) |
ETL | Environmental Technology Laboratory |
F | |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FIFE | First ISLSCP Field Experiment |
FNOC | Fleet Numerical Oceanographic Center |
FPAR | Fractional of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation |
FSL | Forecast Systems Laboratory |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
G | |
GAC | Global Average Coverage |
GARP | Global Atmospheric Research Program |
GATE | GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment |
GCDIS | Global Change Data and Information System |
GCIP | GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project |
GCIS | GCIP Central Information Source |
GCM | General Circulation Model |
GCMD | Global Change Master Directory |
GCSS | GEWEX Cloud Systems Study |
GCTP | Global Coordinate Transformation Package |
GEF | Global Finite Element |
GEM | Global Environmental Multiscale Model |
GEOS | Goddard Earth-Observing System |
GEWEX | Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment |
GFDL | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory |
GHCC | Global Hydrology Climate Center |
GHP | GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel |
GIDS | GCIP Initial Data Sets |
GIS | Geographic Information Systems |
GIST | GCIP Integrated Systems Test |
GMT | Greenwich Meridian Time |
GNEG | GEWEX Numerical Experimental Group |
GNEP | GEWEX Numerical Experiment Panel |
GOALS | Global Ocean Atmosphere Land Surface |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
GPCP | Global Precipitation Climatology Project |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRDC | Global Runoff Data Centre |
GREDS | GCIP Reference Data Set |
GRIB | Grid point values expressed in Binary form |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center |
GVI | Global Vegetation Index |
GVaP | GEWEX Water Vapor Project |
GVAR | GOES Variable data format |
H | |
HAPEX | Hydrological-Atmospheric Pilot Experiment |
HCDN | Hydrology Climate Data Network |
HH | Horizontal Send-Horizontal Receive |
HIRS | High-Resolution Infrared Sounder |
HPC | Hydrometeorology Prediction Center of NCEP |
HPCN | High Plains Climate Network |
HSCaRS | Hydrology, Soil Climatology, and Remote Sensing |
I | |
IAV | Interannual Variability |
ICN | Illinois Climate Network |
IDEM | Indiana Department of Environmental Management |
IFC | Intensive Field Campaign |
IGBP | International Geosphere Biosphere Project |
IGPO | International GEWEX Project Office |
IOP | Intensive Observing Period |
IR | Infrared |
IRI | Interdisciplinary Research Initiative |
ISA | Intermediate-Scale Area |
ISCCP | International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project |
ISLSCP | International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project |
ISWS | Illinois State Water Survey |
J | |
JERS | Japanese Earth Resources Satellites |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
L | |
LAI | Leaf Area Index |
Lake-ICE | Lake Induced Convection and Evaporation |
LBA | Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia |
LANDSAT | Land (Remote Sensing) Satellite |
LAPS | Local Analysis Prediction System |
LC | Longwave Cooling |
LDAS | Land Data Assimilation System |
LEAF | Land-Ecosystem-Atmosphere Feedback |
LFM | Limited Fine Mesh |
LLJ | Low-Level Jet |
LSA | Large-Scale Area |
LSA-E | Large-Scale Area-East |
LSA-NC | Large-Scale Area-Northcentral |
LSA-SW | Large-Scale Area-Southwest |
LSP | Land Surface Parameterization |
LTER | Long Term Ecological Research |
LW | Long Wave |
LWW | Little Washita Watershed |
M | |
MAC | Multi-Sensor Aircraft Campaign |
MAGS | Mackenzie GEWEX Study |
MAPS | Mesoscale Analysis and Prediction System |
MCC | Mesoscale Cloud Complex |
MCS | Mesoscale Convective Systems |
MFRSR | Multi-Filter Rotating Shawdowband Radiometers |
MIRBEX | Mississippi River Basin Experiment |
MISR | Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
MKE | Mesoscale Kinetic Energy |
MM4 | Mesoscale Model (NCAR) |
MM5 | Mesoscale Model (NCAR) |
MODIS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer |
MOLTS | Model Location Time Series |
MORDS | Model Output Reduced Data Set |
MOS | Model Output Statistics |
MPCA | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
MRF | Medium-Range Forecast |
MSEA | Management Systems Evaluation Areas |
MSFC | Marshall Space Flight Center |
MSP | Minneapolis St. Paul Airport |
MSS | Multi-Spectral Scanner |
MTPE | Mission to Planet Earth (NASA) |
N | |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NASDA | National Space Development Agency |
NASS | National Agricultural Statistics Service |
NATSGO | National Soil Geographic Database |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research |
NCDC | National Climate Data Center |
NCEP | National Centers for Environmental Prediction |
NCGIA | National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis |
NCRFC | North Central River Forecast Center |
NCSS | National Cooperative Soil Survey |
NDVI | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index |
NESDIS | National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service |
NESOB | Near Surface Observation |
NetCDF | Network Common Data Format |
NEXRAD | Next Generation Radar |
NFS | Forecast System for the Nile River |
NGM | Nested Grid Model |
NIC | National Ice Center |
NIP | Normal Incident Pyrheliometer |
NIR | Near Infrared |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOHRSC | National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center |
NPA | National Precipitation Analysis |
NPN | NOAA Profiler Network |
NRC | National Research Council |
NRCS | National Resource Conservation Service |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NSL | National Sedimentation Laboratory |
NWIS | National Water Information System |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction |
NWS | National Weather Service |
NWSRFS | National Weather Service River Forecast System |
O | |
OFPS | Office of Field Project Support |
OH | Office of Hydrology |
OLAPS | Oklahoma Local Analysis and Prediction System |
OLDS | On-Line Demonstration System |
OLR | Outgoing Longwave Radiation |
ORFC | Ohio River Forecast Center |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
OSU | Oregon State University |
P | |
PACS | Pan American Climate Studies |
PAR | Photosynthetically Active Radiation |
PBL | Planetary Boundary Layer |
PILPS | Project for Intercomparison of Land Surface Parameterization Schemes |
POES | Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite |
PNE | Prototype Numerical Experiments |
PPS | Precipitation Processing System |
PPT | Precipitation |
PRA | Principal Research Area |
PRAC | Principal Research Area Coordinator |
PRE-STORM | Preliminary Regional Experiment for Storm-Central |
PRISM | Precipitation-development Regressions on Independent Slopes Model |
PRYSM | Power and Reservoir Model |
Q | |
QPF | Quantitative Precipitation Forecast |
R | |
RADARSAT | Radar Satellite |
RAMAN | Regional Atmospheric Monitoring and Analytical Network |
RAMS | CSU Regional Area Modeling System |
RASS | Radio Acoustic Sounding System |
RFC | River Forecast Centers |
RFE | Regional Finite Element |
RPCA | Rotated Principal Components Analysis |
RPN | Recherche en Prévision Numérique |
S | |
SAO | Surface Aviation Observations |
SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar |
SARB | Satellite Radiation Budget |
SAST | Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team |
ScaRab | French-Russian Scanner for Earth Radiation Budget |
SCAT | Scatterometer |
SEUS | Snow Water Estimations and Updating System |
SGP | Southern Great Plains |
SiB | Simple Biosphere |
SiB2 | Simple Biosphere Model 2 |
SIR | Shuttle Imaging Radar |
SMA | Soil Moisture Accounting |
SM/ST | Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature Project |
SNOTEL | SNOpack TELemetry |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio |
SOLRAD | Solar Radiation |
SPOT | System Pour l'Observation de la Terre |
SRB | Surface Radiation Budget |
SSA | Small-Scale Area |
SSG | Scientific Steering Group |
SSM/I | Special Sensor Microwave Imager |
SSTA | Space Science and Technology Alliance |
SSURGO | Soil Survey Geographic Database |
STATSGO | State Soil Geographic Database |
STC | Supplement Type Certificate |
STORM-FEST | Storm-Scale Operational and Research Meteorology-Fronts Experiment Systems Test |
SVAT | Soil Vegetation-Atmospheric Traveler |
SWATS | Soil Water and Temperature Systems |
SWE | Snow Water Equivalent |
SURFRAD | Surface Radiation Monitoring Network |
T | |
TBD | To Be Determined |
TBRG | Tipping Bucket Raingauge |
TDR | Time Delay Reflectometry |
TIGER | Terrestrial Initiative in Global Environment Reseach |
TIMS | Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner |
TM | Thematic Mapper |
TOA | Top-of-the-Atmosphere |
TOGA-COARE | Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment |
TOP | Topography-Based |
TOVS | TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder |
TRFC | Tulsa River Forecast Center |
TRMM | Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission |
TVA | Tennessee Valley Authority |
U | |
UAH | University of Alabama, Huntsville |
UAV | Unmanned Aerospace Vehicles |
UCAR | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research |
UK | United Kingdom |
UM | University of Minnesota |
UPS | United Parcel Service |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
U.S. | United States |
USACE | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
USGCRP | United States Global Change Research Program |
USGS | U.S. Geological Survey |
USRA | Universities Space Research Association |
USWRP | U.S. Weather Research Program |
UW | University of Wisconsin |
V | |
VAD | Velocity Azimuth Display |
VAS | VISSR Atmospheric Sounder |
VIL | Vertically Integrated Liquid |
VV | Vertical Send-Vertical Receive |
W | |
WARFS | Water Resources Forecasting System |
WARM | Illinois Water and Atmospheric Resources Monitoring Network |
WAVE | Weather Analysis and Verfication Experiment |
WBW | Walker Branch Watershed |
WCP | World Climate Programme |
WCRP | World Climate Research Programme |
WDT | Wisconsin Dense Till Project |
WFOV | Wide Field of View |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WPMM | Window Probability Matching Method |
WRD | Water Resources Division |
WSI | Weather Services International |
WSR-88D | Weather Service Radar 88-Doppler |
WVSS | Water Vapor Sensing System |
WY | Water Year |