LSA-NC Science /Implementation Task Group Session II Report and Recommendations
The Task Group met on February 19 , 1997 at the Holiday Inn
Express in St. Paul, MN. The group focused on the progress since
its last report and on those areas which may need enhancements
for the second Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period during the cold
season of 1997/98 (ESOP-98).
C.1 Background
The GCIP Implementation Plan (IGPO 1994a) identified the
following features of the LSA-NC as important to GCIP:
The results from the LSA-NC Detailed Design Workshop held in
October 1995 (IGPO 1995a) were used by the first meeting of the
LSA-NC Science/Implementation Task Group held in March 1996
(IGPO 1996a) to develop more specific recommendations for GCIP
activities in the LSA-NC during 1997 and 1998. The Task Group
recommendations primarily addressed those scientific issues that
relate to snow and frozen ground processes and that can take
advantage of the existing infrastructure and ongoing projects.
These scientific issues were organized around
three themes with specific activities recommended for each theme:
These three themes along with the specific activities
recommended for each theme and the status of these
recommendations are described in later sections.
C.2 LSA-NC Implementation
The Task Group received reports on the status of the
implementation of the LSA-NC activities with emphasis on the
specific activities recommended in the first report and listed in
the previous section.
The GCIP activities in the LSA-NC were initiated on 1
October 1996 as the beginning of the data collection period for
ESOP-97 and continuing through 31 May 1997. S. Loehrer summarized
the data collection and management plans for ESOP-97. Details are
available in the Draft Document entitled Tactical Data Collection
and Management Plan for the 1997 Enhanced Seasonal Observing
Period (ESOP-97) which was printed in September 1996. This
document will continue in draft form until the composite data set
is compiled at which time it will be converted to a summary
report on the ESOP-97 data set. The scheduled completion of the
ESOP-97 data set is June 1998.
R. Lawford reviewed a number of new developments in the GCIP
program and recent funding decisions that will affect the LSA-NC
program in FY97. Five new projects are being either fully or
partially funded in FY97. It is felt that these new initiatives,
when combined with research relevant to the LSA-NC in on-going
projects, will constitute a substantial research effort in the
LSA-NC during 1997, 1998 and into 1999.
The five projects that have been approved for FY97 will make
contributions to coupled model development and to the measurement
of solid precipitation. One project (PI: G. Liston) will use the
RAMS model over the LSA-NC area at 40-km resolution to test out a
new snow-cover sub-model. The new sub-model will include the
effects of sub-grid snow cover variability. This modeling study
which will produce runoff estimates as well as tracking snow
cover will complement other on-going work in cold season coupled
modeling by D. Lettenmaier and E. Wood using the VIC-2L model and
by Y. Xue using the SSiB model.
A related new project (PI: K. Kunkel) involves a study of
the heterogeneity of snow cover with an emphasis on its evolution
prior to and during snow melt events. The study will examine
patterns at spatial scales ranging from the field scale to
regional model grid scales and their associated scaling
relationships. The study will be based on measurements being
taken in Eastern Illinois.
Two studies will provide unique data sets for facilitating
analysis of the interactions between land surfaces and the
atmosphere during winter and early spring. The first study (PI:
J. Baker) will provide data sets from Rosemount, Waseca and
Lamberton, Minnesota which will be used to validate models of
vertical heat fluxes and the disposition of meltwater. The
second study (PI: K. Davis) will focus on observing and analyzing
regional scale exchanges of water and energy over agricultural
landscapes during winter and snowmelt. Considerable effort will
be directed at the Rosemount site with radiosonde and tethersonde
measurements being taken and modeling studies being carried out,
as needed, to fully understand the processes governing the
development of the planetary boundary layer.
A fifth study (PI: A. Super) will accelerate the development
of a snow accumulation algorithm for use with NEXRAD radars.
This funding will support real-time testing of an algorithm in
Minneapolis and the adaptation of this algorithm for application
to the "NIDS" 5 dBZ resolution product. This work is expected to
complement other data-related studies being carried out in the
LSA-NC by Steve and Tom Carroll to develop better algorithms for
estimating snow on the ground and work by G. Peck and P. Groisman
aimed at improving the estimates of snow amount derived from
climate station data.
C.3 Land Surface Model Physics
This primarily includes frozen soil processes, snowpack
maturation and melt, and the energy budget at the snow-atmosphere
interface. The recommendations from the first meeting in March
1996 are identified with the notation Rx.y ,e.g. R3.1 is given
below together with a current status report.
R3.1--- During ESOP-97, the data sets for the variables
identified in Table C-1 should be collected at one or more sites.
Based on information presented at the first task group meeting,
the Rosemount Experimental site and the Bondville, Illinois
Climate Network site were identified as particularly suitable and
with minor improvements in measurement capabilities could meet
all of the data requirements given in Table C-1.
Status: J. Baker reported on the Status of the Rosemount
Site measurements for ESOP-97. The Rosemount Experiment Station
is located 24 km south of St. Paul. All measurements described
below are made in a 17 ha (40 acre) field located on the south
side of 160th Street, approximately 0.8 km east of the station
office. The field is currently planted with maize, and there is a
permanent mast installed in the center, so fetch exceeds 180 m in
all directions. Precipitation gauges are installed within a
Wyoming-type enclosure located 80 m north of the main mast. Data
are transmitted via buried cable to a computer housed in a nearby
building, and subsequently retrieved via telephone for archival
at the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota. Routine
meteorological data (averaged or summed on 30 minute intervals)
that are collected with automated instrumentation include the
following variables:
Air temperature (2m) Relative humidity (2m) Windspeed (0.4, 0.8, 1.4, and 2m) Solar Radiation (incoming and reflected) Longwave radiation (incoming and outgoing) Net radiation Precipitation quantity Precipitation quantity Snow depth | Vaisala HMP35 Vaisala HMP35 RM Young cup anemometers Kipp & Zonen pyranometers Eppley pyrgeometers REBS Q7.1 net radiometer Qualimetrics heated tipping bucket Belfort weighing gauge CSI Ultrasonic sensor |
The following soils data (averaged or sampled on 30 min intervals) are collected:
Soil heat flux (2.5cm) Soil temperature (8 depths from 2.5 cm to 1 m) Water content (8 depths, from 2.5 cm to 1 m) | REBS heat flux plate & thermocouple thermistors time-domain reflectometry |
The following data are collected manually (approximately weekly, more frequently as needed):
Turbulent flux data are also collected. Sensible and latent heat flux measurements were made during spring 1997 snowmelt by eddy covariance, with a CSI 1-D sonic anemometer and Krypton hygrometer. For winter 1997-1998, continuous measurements of each will be made by conditional sampling and/or eddy covariance.
S. Hollinger reported on the status of the Bondville Site measurements for ESOP-97 including the new surface flux measurement site near to the Bondville site. A Campbell Scientific snow depth sensor was installed at the Illinois Climate Network station near Bondville, IL in early January. There were three significant snow events, and two snow melts after the installation of the sensor. These were the major snow events of the winter of 1996-1997 in the region. The first snow event began on 10 January resulting in a snow accumulation of approximately 5 cm. A second snow event occurred on 15 January resulting in a final total snow pack of 16 cm. The snowmelt occurred as a result of a warm front and warm air rain. All of the snow was melted in a period beginning at 1200 on 20 January through 1200 on 22 January when the snow pack decreased from 15 cm to 0 cm. On 26 January the third snow event began resulting in a snow accumulation of approximately 2.5 cm. This snow cover remained until 31 January when it melted as a result of a bright sunny day when air temperatures increased to 5C. At the flux station located east of Bondville, soil temperatures were colder in the no-till soybean residue than at the Bondville site which was under a heavy grass cover.
R3.2 ---The above datasets should also be collected during ESOP-98 at the same sites. Other suitable sites such as the Walnut Creek and Shingobee River watersheds can be considered for additional data collection efforts.
Status: Plans are proceeding to include both the Rosemount and Bondville sites for special data collection efforts during ESOP-98.
D. Rosenberry reported on the status of the measurements at the Shingobee River watershed and the site at Bemidji, MN. Soil-temperature and soil-moisture sensors were installed January 31, 1997 at the Bemidji Toxic Substances Hydrology site in northern Minnesota to complete a data-collection package that represents soil conditions in the center of a 2 ha field in a jack pine forest. Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors and thermocouple thermometers already were installed at the Bemidji site in a related effort by the U.S. Geological Survey at depths of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 cm below land surface. The January installation of identical probes at depths of 10, 20 and 30 cm below land surface meets the needs of GCIP by providing shallow soil-moisture data. This also will allow documentation of soil-moisture changes as the snowpack melts this spring. TDR probes and thermocouple thermometers also will be installed this June at the U.S. Geological Survey Interdisciplinary Research Initiative (IRI) site 65 km south of the Bemidji Site. These sensors will be installed in a mixed coniferous-deciduous forest at depths of 5, 15, 25, 35, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 cm below land surface. In addition, a thermocouple will be installed at land surface at both the Bemidji and IRI sites. All sensors will be connected to Campbell Scientific dataloggers which will compute hourly and daily average values for soil moisture and soil temperature. TDR probes will be connected to a Tektronics cable testor, which when combined with the datalogger will process and convert TDR-probe signals to soil-moisture data. Calibrations will be made with a neutron soil-moisture probe inserted in neutron access tubes installed adjacent to the sensor strings, and with bulk-density measurements of nearby soil samples.
The measurements at the Walnut Creek watershed are made by the USDA/ Soil Tilth Laboratory. A NOAA wind profiler site is on the southern edge of this watershed. In addition, the Des Moines WSR-88D radar is nearby and could provide wind information. These data are part of the ESOP-97 data set. Further investigation is needed to determine whether all the critical measurements shown in Table C-1 will be available during ESOP-98.
R3.3 --- An evaluation of land surface models should be undertaken, possibly as part of a PILPS initiative, based on the data collected at all of the selected sites.
Status: No action has yet been taken on this recommendation.
Table C-1. Variables Required for Land/Hydrology Model Studies |
Forcing measurements (30 min res)
V component wind speed at 10 m Temperature at 2 m Specific humidity at 2 m Surface pressure Surface skin temperature Precipitation quantity and type Surface Radiation - downward shortwave Surface Radiation - downward longwave |
Surface Radiation - net radiation (measured) Streamflow Soil moisture (profiles) Soil temperature (profiles) Surface latent heat flux Surface sensible heat flux |
Set up for Experiment
Site Description Surface Radiation - upward shortwave (albedo) Soil characteristics Wilting point Rooting zone Field capacity |
C.4 Land Surface Modeling of SubGrid- Scale Heterogeneity Effects
During the cold season this is most relevant during
snowmelt when the change in albedo can exert a profound
influence on the surface-atmospheric energy exchange. Specific
activities recommended include:
R4.1---The GCIP should investigate the suitability of
several sites, including the Le Sueur and Cottonwood River
Basins, for a study of subgrid-scale variability.
Status: No action has yet been taken on this recommendation.
R4.2 ---During ESOP-98, the data collection effort for
studies of subgrid-scale variability should be undertaken with
an emphasis on the spring snowmelt period.
Status: ESOP-98 data collection plans were not available at
the time of the meeting.
R4.3 --- A second model intercomparison study focusing on
sub-grid scale heterogeneity should be conducted and validated
against areally-averaged values of relevant variables.
Status: No action has yet been taken on this
C.5 Monitoring of the Land-Surface State
Studies of the LSA-NC region as a whole require
accurate measurements of the condition of the land-surface,
particularly soil moisture, soil temperature, and snowpack
characteristics. Specific activities recommended include:
R5.1--- A corrected set of the cooperative observer
data of snowfall, snowdepth , and snow water equivalent (SWE)
should be developed for the LSA-NC both for ESOP-97 and ESOP-98
and for the historical record. It should be feasible to extend
it back to 1948. This set should be compatible with the
corrected Canadian snow data (i.e., contours should match at the
international boundary).
Status: It was noted that several activities
recommended at the first meeting of the Taskgroup dealt with the
issue of obtaining valid data about snowfall and the water
equivalent of the snowfall or the use of such data for research
and modeling studies.
GCIP supported an investigation by Gene Peck of the snow
measurement issue as it pertains to GCIP investigations and
provided recommendations to improve the measurement of snowfall.
A report prepared by Gene Peck entitled "Review of Snowfall and
Snow Cover Measurement Programs in GCIP North Central Large Scale
Area" was sent to each participant prior to the meeting. A
special meeting on Snow Measurements Adjustments was held at the
NOAA Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center in Chanhassen,
MN on 18 February to consider the report . A second report by P.
Groisman entitled "The procedure to adjust the data in the NCEP
atlas of gridded hourly precipitation over the contiguous United
States for the period 1964-1993" was also considered at this
special meeting. The results of this special meeting resulted in
the recommendations by Peck being sorted into three action
(1) Actions to improve records during the two year period
for GCIP data collection in the LSA-NC.
(1.1) The relationship of Groisman's and
Peck's factors for determining the exposure effect of wind on a snow
measurement gauge should be investigated.
(1.2) Arrangements should be made to
adjust observed snowfall observations from selected
climatological stations in near-real time and both the observed and
adjusted values should be part of the archive record.
(1.3) Complete a test study to determine
the utility of using Eta model winds for adjusting snowfall
records at climatological stations and for evaluating the reliability
of wind records at synoptic stations in the LSA-NC.
(2) Actions to improve historical records
(2.1) Conduct a study to investigate the
relationship of the NWS airborne gamma radiation measurements of the
water equivalent of the snow cover with in-situ measurements of
adjusted precipitation and of the water equivalent of the snow cover.
(2.2) Develop isohyetal information in map and gridded
formats for the winter months and for the year for the northern part of the LSA-NC area. This
information should be developed using adjusted snowfall values for selected Hydroclimate
Network and synoptic stations.
(2.3) For at least those portions of
Canada within the LSA-NC, arrange for adjustment of Canadian synoptic
and climatological records on a daily basis and publish both the
observed and adjusted values.
(3) Action by GCIP and others to improve all US long-term
snowfall records
(3.1) Work with the operational agencies
responsible for snowfall measurements to have all snowfall
records in the US adjusted in real and near-real time on an
operational basis and publish both observed and adjusted records.
The discussion and conclusions of the Taskgroup resulted in
the follow-up recommendations given in Section C.6.
R5.2 --- Optimal methods to combine cooperative
observer, satellite, and airborne gamma radiation snow data
should be developed. These methods should produce snow fields
with acceptable accuracy both for research studies (when all data
can be used) and for operational applications (when only a subset
of cooperative observer data are available).
Status: T. Carroll gave the special meeting on
snowfall measurements adjustments a presentation and
demonstration of the operational procedures and the developments
in process to prepare maps of snowfall and snow water equivalent
from an integrated set of data.
R5.3 --- The GCIP office should investigate whether
more applicable radar algorithms like those to be used at the
Minneapolis WSR-88D radar can be implemented operationally
before ESOP-98 for those radar systems covering the LSA-NC.
Status: A report by A. Super and E. Holroyd III
entitled "Snow Accumulation Algorithm for WSR-88D, Version 1" was
sent to the participants at the Snow Measurement Adjustment
meeting.. In addition, A. Super participated in the special
meeting on snow measurement adjustments and presented a report on
his work. It was agreed that there was little or no chance that
a WSR-88D algorithm would be implemented operationally before
ESOP-98 in any portions of the WSR-88D operational network.
R5.4 --- WSR-88D radar data from the Minneapolis site
should be archived for ESOP- 97 and ESOP-98. Studies of snow
water variability using these and other relevant data should be
Status: The Level II data from each of the WSR-88D
sites in the operational network are routinely archived at the
NCDC in Asheville, NC. However, the cost to retrieve these data
is such that GCIP could only afford to retrieve limited samples from this archive.
The GCIP/Data Collection and Management (DACOM)
committee has taken the initiative to collect the data from the
operational NEXRAD Information Dissemination Service (NIDS) for
nine sites in the LSA-NC. However, there is some concern about
the utility of the reflectivity data to derive estimates of snowfall.
A. Super agreed to use some NIDS data samples from the
Minneapolis site to be supplied by S. Loehrer to derive estimates
of snowfall for cases in which such estimates were previously
derived from the full reflectivity data.
R3.5 --- The development of methods to combine
remotely sensed and in situ soil moisture should be encouraged.
Of particular interest are methods that are accurate at the
beginning of the cold season, just before the soil freezes and
snow cover commences, and just after snow cover has disappeared.
Status: T. Carroll showed results of soil moisture
comparisons between aircraft and in-situ measurements made at the
beginning of the cold season. It was agreed that GCIP should
continue to encourage the development of methods to combine these
two types of measurements.
R3.6--- To the extent possible within fiscal
constraints, the GCIP should encourage and support routine soil
moisture measurements at several sites within LSA-NC.
Status: J. Leese reported on some GCIP activities to
support soil moisture measurements in the LSA-NC. Partial
support was provided to the Water Resources Division of the USGS
to install soil moisture sensors at the Shingobee River
watershed. The surface flux site installed near Bondville, IL
includes soil moisture sensors. J. Baker informed the meeting
about plans to install soil moisture sensors at Lamberton and Waseca, MN.
J. Leese also reported on the GCIP activity to
establish a North - South Transect of soil moisture and other
measurements along or near 96W longitude. He particularly noted
the contribution from the USDA/NRCS to make the data from their
Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature Pilot Project available to GCIP.
Noteworthy, for the N-S Soil Moisture Transect was the fact that
the NRCS Project replaced the soil moisture sensors for three
sites along the transect at a high priority in their schedule.
The N-S transect will start at Plainview , TX (~30N latitude )
and continue North to Shingobee Watershed (~47N latitude) .
Although sparse in the LSA-NC portion, the temporal variability
of the soil moisture and soil temperature profiles over the
course of an annual cycle should still be informative ,
especially during the cold period of the ESOP-98 from October
1997 to May 1998.
R 3.7 --- Satellite estimates of fractional snowcover
should be obtained for the surface sites of interest (Rosemont,
Bondville, Walnut Creek, Shingobee, etc.)
Status: Such estimates can be made from the operational
meteorological satellite data acquired from either the NOAA
polar-orbiting or the GOES satellites. However, the resolution
is likely not sufficient to derive estimates of fractional
snowcover for specific sites.
J. Leese reported on a Winter Cloud Experiment (WINCE)
conducted by W. Smith at the University of Wisconsin. WINCE made
use of the NASA ER-2 aircraft to fly the MODIS Airborne Simulator
(MAS) for calibration checks. Arrangements were made with W.
Smith to schedule some of the flights between Madison, Wisconsin
and Bondville, IL during a two-week period in February, 1997.
MAS data from the flights over Bondville are expected to become
available in the near future. The MAS is an airborne sensor
which has most of the remote sensing characteristics of the
Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer , or MODIS to be
flown aboard the EOS AM-1 satellite scheduled for launch in 1998.
The MODIS data could be important for GCIP in the later stages of
the five-year Enhanced Observing Period.
C.6 Recommendations
The following recommendations primarily address
collection and monitoring efforts to enhance ESOP-98 data sets,
and are identified as Recommendation 98-x.
C.6.1 Data Collection to Support Land-Surface Model Development.
Enhanced data collection efforts are planned for the
Rosemount and Bondville sites. This will provide a core set of
data for model development. However, there are opportunities for
enhancement. In particular, there are ongoing data collection
efforts in the Walnut Creek watershed that may meet many, if not
all, the requirements shown earlier in Table C-1. It may be
possible to meet all requirements with little effort and funds.
Its location, roughly intermediate in latitude between Rosemount
and Bondville, would provide a worthwhile enhancement to the GCIP data base.
Recommendation 98-1: The GCIP office should
investigate whether all of the critical measurements in Table C-1
will be available from the Walnut Creek watershed. If only minor
enhancements are needed to meet all requirements, we recommend
that the GCIP office explore options to achieve those enhancements.
C.6.2 Data Collection Efforts for Modeling of Subgrid-Scale Heterogeneity.
Enhanced data collection efforts to document subgrid-scale
heterogeneity are planned for Bondville, an area of
generally ephemeral cold season snow cover. It would be
desirable to also have suitable data collection efforts in the
northern portions of the basin with longer lasting snow cover.
Such data collection efforts would need to be on the scale of
numerical weather prediction (NWP) grid and hydrologic model
scales. We recognize that this can be costly and difficult and
may not be possible within fiscal constraints. Nevertheless, its
importance in accurate modeling of the land-surface state is
sufficiently great that we make the following recommendation.
Recommendation 98-2: The GCIP office should
investigate options for the collection of data on the subgrid-scale
heterogeneity of snow cover at one or more sites in the
northern portions of the basin. It may be most economical to
utilize remotely sensed observations from satellites and
aircraft. However, for purposes of model development, it would
be advantageous to incorporate some high spatial resolution
ground-based measurements of snow cover and water equivalent.
C.6.3. Monitoring of Snow Water Equivalent
The report by Eugene Peck on the snow measurements
program in the LSA-NC included a number of recommendations. The
Taskgroup generally agrees with these recommendations. Thus, the
recommendations of the Taskgroup, largely adapted from the Peck
report, are as follows:
Recommendation 98-3.1: The GCIP program office should take
actions to improve snow records for ESOP-97 and ESOP-98. In
order of priority, these actions are as follows:
98-3.1.1. A comparison of the Groisman and Peck factors to
characterize site exposure should be undertaken. It would be
advantageous if the two approaches provided comparable results
because the Groisman approach only requires station history
information and can be applied to many more stations than the
Peck approach which requires a detailed knowledge of the site.
However, the Peck approach is presumably the more accurate.
98-3.1.2. An application of any method for making exposure
adjustments to snow records requires a reasonably accurate
estimate of the wind. This presents a serious problem for
climatological stations not near a synoptic station and may also
be a problem when a synoptic station's data quality is suspect,
an example of which is reported in the Peck report. The NOAA ETA
model provides wind movement at a 10 meter height at a grid
resolution of 40 km. This internally consistent wind data set at
an adequate spatial resolution provides a potential solution.
The Taskgroup recommends that GCIP support or arrange for a test
study that would use ETA
model winds to adjust snow records at climate stations and to
evaluate the reliability of wind records at synoptic stations in
the LSA-NC region.
98-3.1.3. The GCIP office should arrange that observed and
adjusted values of snowfall for selected climate stations in the
LSA-NC be released in near real-time.
98-3.1.4. The GCIP office should encourage activities to
improve mapping of snow depth, coverage, and water equivalent,
using a combination of airborne gamma and in situ measurements.
Recommendation 98-3.2. The GCIP project office should foster
actions to improve historical snow records in the following priority order:
98-3.2.1. The GCIP office should encourage the development
of isohyetal winter and annual maps of snowfall in map and
gridded data format for the northern portions of the LSA-NC.
Current maps are inadequate.
98-3.2.2. In order to provide for a consistent
record and avoid discontinuities at the international boundary,
it is recommended that the Canadian snow records be adjusted on a
daily basis using similar techniques. Both observed and adjusted
values should be published.
Recommendation 98-3.3. The problems associated with snow
records in the LSA-NC also affect records for other areas of the
U.S. The GCIP office is encouraged to work with the NWS, NCDC,
and other relevant organizations to improve all U.S. snowfall
records. Specifically, snowfall records should be adjusted in
near-real-time on an operational basis. Both observed and
adjusted values should be published.
C.6.4 Monitoring of Soil Moisture
Recommendation 98-4.1. The GCIP office should continue
to encourage the development of methods to combine remotely
sensed and in situ soil moisture measurements.
Recommendation 98- 4.2. The Taskgroup supports the
GCIP office's initiative to establish a north-south transect of
soil moisture monitoring sites and encourages its continued development.
C.6.5 Monitoring of Surface Albedo
Despite the importance of albedo in determining the
coupling between the land surface and the atmosphere and the
large albedo changes associated with snow accumulation and melt,
there are no operational plans to measure this variable on an
area-averaged basis, because of the high costs associated with
airborne platforms. However, this is an important component to
Recommendation 98-5. The GCIP office should
investigate opportunities to obtain large area observations of
albedo, such as was done during the ESOP-97 with ER-2 flights of
the MODIS Airborne Simulator.