The GEWEX Continental-scale International Project (GCIP) has
made tremendous strides in several of its science objectives
during the past five years while others, such as the water
resources objective, have not yet started. It is clear that a
more balanced effort is needed in the future if GCIP is to make
progress toward its long-term goal of demonstrating skill in
predicting changes in water resources on time scales up to
seasonal, annual, and interannual as an integral part of the
climate prediction system. GCIP also needs to develop its
strategy for contributing to the overall program for the GEWEX
Hydrometeorological Panel as well as contributing to the joint
GCIP/PACS studies of the variability of warm season precipitation
over North America.
A.1 GCIP Implementation and Progress
After the GCIP Project was conceived in 1990; its Science
Plan was published in 1992; and its implementation Plan was
completed in 1994. With primary funding from the NOAA's Office of
Global Programs, early research activities were undertaken in
1993 in analysis of observational and model output data and in
model development. Results of this research were published in a
special issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research of the
American Geophysical Union in March 1996.
A major phase of GCIP is the five-year Enhanced Observing
Period that started on 1 October 1995 and is scheduled to be
completed on 30 september 2000. This initiative is providing a
comprehensive observational database needed for GCIP research
and as a benchmark for future studies. GCIP research involves a
systematic multiscale approach to accommodate physical process
studies, model development, data assimilation, diagnostics, and
validation topics. These research activities occur in a phased
timetable and emphasize a particular region of the Mississippi
River Basin with special characteristics for a period of about
two years (see Figure A-1). Initial research emphasis has been on
warm season processes using data from the Arkansas-Red River
Basin in the southwestern part of the Mississippi River Basin.
Cold season processes using data from the Upper Mississippi River
Basin are being added to the ongoing research activities. These
research activities, although initiated in limited regions, are
leading toward an integrated continental-scale capability.
Contributions to GCIP by the NASA Mission to Planet Earth Program
are augmenting the level of GCIP research activities. Further
details are available on the GCIP Home Page at the URL address:
Figure A-1 The Mississippi River basin with boundaries defining
the Large Scale Areas (LSAs)
for GCIP Focused Studies (top). Temporal emphasis for each LSA from 1994 through 2000
A rewriting of the GCIP Objectives by the NAS/NRC Gewex
Panel in 1996 contributed to more focus of the GCIP research
activities and near-term plans (IGPO 1996a):
The GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel (GHP) was formed in 1995
and is the principal group within GEWEX for considering
scientific issues associated with water cycle processes involved
in the coupling of the atmosphere and the land surface, including
the distribution of water and potential impacts on water
resources. The main task of the GHP is to improve the collective
contribution of the GEWEX Continental Scale Experiments (CSEs)
and ensuring their regional results contribute to improvements in
global scale prediction models. The CSEs , in addition to GCIP,
consist of the Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX), the GEWEX Asian
Monsoon Experiment (GAME), the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere
experiment in Amazonia (LBA), and the Mackenzie River Basin GEWEX
Study (MAGS). The premise of the GHP is that the prediction of
regional precipitation and runoff anomalies over period of
several months is a possibility with improved understanding of
water cycle processes. In this regard, the GHP will work toward
the following scientific milestones:
GCIP and the Pan American Climate Studies(PACS) projects
recently developed a prospectus as an initial step toward an
integrated study of warm season predictability of precipitation
and temperature over North America. It is predicated on the
hypothesis that there is a deterministic element in the
year-to-year variability of summertime precipitation and temperature over
North America. The GCIP/PACS studies will address three major objectives:
1. Describe, explain and model the North American summer
climate regime and its associated hydrologic cycle in
the context of the evolving land surface- atmosphere-ocean annual cycle.
2. Describe, explain and model North American warm season
precipitation and temperature variability with emphasis on seasonal and interannual time scales.
3. Describe, explain and model the spatial variability of
summertime precipitation over North America on mesoscale to continental scale.
The brief summary given above shows that the environment for
GCIP research has changed significantly over the past five years
since the GCIP Implementation Plan was written. Some changes
were foreseen while others were not and the Preface to Volume I
(IGPO 1993) states -- "These volumes of the implementation plan
will evolve during the course of the project and each will be
updated as required". It is apparent that updating should be
done to accommodate the knowledge gained during the past five
years. GCIP could benefit most from the updating of Volume II -
RESEARCH- portion of the GCIP Implementation Plan. This proposal
for a post-2000 implementation strategy is a first step in this
process. It is also provides a framework for updating the GCIP
Major Activities Plan for the period 1998, 1999 and Outlook for 2000.
A.2 Phased Objectives
GCIP is completing the first two research phases since the
Science Plan was published in 1992. The Buildup Period from 1992
to 1994, which was largely devoted to implementation planning and
the compilation of several initial data sets also included some
early research studies which culminated in 25 papers published in
a special issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research in March
1996. The Data Management Objective was emphasized in this early
stage because it was recognized in the GCIP Science Plan
(WMO 1992) that the success of the science objectives were
heavily dependent on the availability of suitable data sets for the GCIP investigators.
The beginning of the five-year EOP in 1995 also initiated a
three-year phase concentrated on budget studies and some early
experience with coupled mesoscale NWP models (IGPO 1995). The
early years of the Enhanced Observing Period through 1997 are
emphasizing the water budgets of the Mississippi River basin and
diagnostic studies of regional model output with emphasis on the
variables needed to compute water budgets.
The results of the research during the past five
years,especially the successes with the mesoscale NWP models show
that GCIP can now increase the time scale for predictions and
should focus on developing an initial version of a coupled
hydrologic/atmospheric climate model. Also, GCIP needs to
increase the priority of its efforts in water resources
applications to provide a contribution to the strategic objective
for the GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel.
A composite assessment of the priorities for each of the
five GCIP objectives (listed in Section A.1)
is shown in Table A-1. The ranking for the objectives during phases 0 and I are
based on the actual efforts expended during these six years. The
rankings for Phases II, III and IV indicate the relative
priorities that GCIP needs to give to each of the objectives
assuming that the GHP strategic objective for 2005 is also a
primary objective for GCIP. This assumption was used to design
the implementation strategy described in the remainder of this
paper. Consideration was also given to the GCIP/PACS prospectus described earlier.
Table A-1 GCIP Objectives Ranked in Project Phases.
The period from 1998 through the year 2000, identified as
phase III in Table A-1 will focus on process and budget studies,
some initial coupled modeling experiments and studies of
precipitation predictability during the warm season. This phase
of GCIP research will be entitled the Process, Early Coupled
Modeling and Predictability studies phase or PRECOMP .
The overall objective for the PRECOMP Phase is--- * By the
end of the year 2000 demonstrate an initial version of a regional
coupled hydrologic/atmospheric climate prediction model capable
of carrying out prediction experiments up to annual time scales.
The period after the year 2000 through the year 2003 will
focus on the applications of regional coupled models in climate
prediction. Emphasis will be on Embedded Regional Modeling and
Seasonal Prediction Experiments and will be given the shortened
name of the ERMOSPE phase. Successful completion of the overall
objective for the PRECOMP phase will enable GCIP to begin to
implement a more complete climate prediction system focusing on
water resources during the period 2001 through 2003. The overall
objective during the ERMOSPE Phase is proposed as --- * By the
end of the year 2003 demonstrate an initial climate prediction
system capable of carrying out experiments to predict
variabilities in water resources and soil moisture on time scales
of seasonal to annual.
The last phase will include the years 2004 and 2005 and will
concentrate on the applications of climate predictions in water
resources management. Emphasis during this phase will be on
Seasonal to Annual Water Resources Prediction EXperiments and
will be labeled the SAWRPEX phase . It is envisioned that GCIP
along with the other four CSEs (BALTEX, GAME, LBA and MAGS) will
all be focused on demonstrating a capability and successful
achievement of the GHP strategic objective --- * By the end of
the year 2005 predict changes in water resources and soil
moisture on time scales of seasonal to annual as an element of
the World Climate Research Program's goals for the climate
A.3 Critical Activities in the PRECOMP Phase
An increasing emphasis is needed on regional climate
modeling and predictability studies during the period 1998
through 2000 to provide the capability needed for the climate
prediction experiments after the year 2000. Some of the critical
activities during the PRECOMP Phase are summarized in terms of
accomplishments needed to achieve the overall PRECOMP objective
given in the previous section. A more specific description of
the plans for all of the Principal Research Areas in GCIP is
given in the GCIP Major Activities Plan for 1998, 1999 and
Outlook for 2000.
A.3.1 Coupled Modeling
The function of the coupled modeling is to foster research
which creates, calibrates and applies coupled models of the
atmospheric and hydrologic system, with priority on research to
improve prediction of weather and climate at time scales from
days to seasons. The research focus is on determining ,
understanding and modeling those processes which are demonstrably
important in coupling atmospheric and hydrological systems,
rather than those processes which are separately important within
these two systems.
A.3.1.1 Coupled Climate Model Research
The research activities in coupled climate modeling will
focus on predictability studies for precipitation during
different seasons in the annual cycle. These will be concerned
with :
- Seasonal predictability and sensitivity to hydrologic-atmospheric coupling processes.
- Relative importance of hydrologic-atmospheric coupling in summer and winter
- Exploratory seasonal-to-interannual predictions
The exploratory work on seasonal to annual predictions
needs to be emphasized and carried through to the extent that
regional climate predictions can be produced in an on-line
operational mode as well as off-line hindcast experiments.
A.3.1.2 Macroscale Land Surface/Hydrology Models
The research activities relevant to land surface schemes
within the GEWEX Program have literally exploded during the past
five years. The ISLSCP Workshop held at Columbia, MD in 1992
created the impetus for these later activities within the GCIP,
ISLSCP and PILPS components of GEWEX. The PILPS Project is
focusing on evaluating and improving land surface schemes for
climate and weather prediction models and the results from the
early phases have been published (Henderson-Sellers et al.
1995). ISLSCP has published an Initiative I global data set for
land-atmosphere models formatted on a one by one degree grid and
covering a one-year period in 1987-88 (Sellers et al. 1996).
Support is now being sought for an ISLSCP Initiative II data set
covering the period 1986 to 1995. GCIP is supporting research on
land/hydrology models as well as compiling data sets for
experiments with such models (IGPO 1996). Research is also
underway in several of the other CSEs and is expected to become a
major emphasis area in the next several years within the GHP.
The results from the GCIP, ISLSCP and PILPS activities
during the past five years have enhanced the understanding of the
performance of land/hydrology models and just as critically have
made significant progress toward compiling more complete datasets
for initialization/boundary conditions, forcing and validation of land/hydrology models.
GCIP needs to focus its efforts in this area on evaluating,
selecting and implementing a macroscale land/hydrology model as a
critical element of its PRECOMP objective of demonstrating an
initial version of a regional coupled hydrologic/atmospheric
climate prediction model . In particular, this emphasis needs to
be placed on the land surface and hydrology components of a
climate model which is focused on providing predictions at the
seasonal to interannual time scale.
A.3.1.3 Regional Mesoscale Models
The implementation plan for GCIP(IGPO 1993) incorporated
the operational numerical weather prediction models and
associated 4DDA systems as fundamental systems for both the
description and modeling of the energy and water cycles. GCIP is
concentrating on three regional mesoscale models (IGPO 1995):
The regional mesoscale models are supporting GCIP research in the following manner:
- Provide model assimilated and forecast data products
for GCIP diagnostic studies including energy and water
budget studies. The progress over the past four years in the demonstrated
success by these three regional modeling efforts, especially with
the initial land-physics components implemented in each of the
models are enabling GCIP to accelerate its efforts in developing
and testing an initial version of a coupled hydrologic-atmospheric
climate model. It is anticipated that the three
functions listed above can be essentially completed by the end
of the PRECOMP phase. The requirements for model assimilated and
forecast data products after the year 2000 have not yet been
A.3.2 Water Resources
The overall objective in water resources is to improve the
utility of hydrologic predictions for water resources management
up to seasonal and interannual time scales. A recent coupled
modeling workshop "... revealed a lack of understanding of how
best to give seasonal-to-interannual predictions hydrological
interpretation and a failure in communication between the
atmospheric and hydrological communities on this issue." It was
concluded that research is required to determine what type of
hydrological prediction is possible from seasonal-to-interannual
meteorological predictions and at what spatial and temporal
scales hydrological interpretation can have worth while
credibility and utility (IGPO 1996b).
The research activities in the PRECOMP phase will focus on the
- Evaluation of regional model short term predictions
for utility as input to hydrological models. It is especially critical that GCIP develop a consensus
among interested investigators on an action plan for water
resources in time for inclusion in the GCIP Major Activities Plan
for 1998, 1999 and Outlook for 2000.
A.3.3 Data
A number of GCIP initial data sets (GIDS) were prepared to
provide the data services support during the build-up period
before the 5-year EOP. Preparation of the GIDS started in 1993,
and the data sets were compiled for on-line access by GCIP
investigators to the extent that is technically feasible. They
were also packaged and distributed on CD-ROMs for wide
distribution especially to international persons interested in
performing initial diagnostic, evaluation and modeling studies on
GCIP-related topics. The compiled and planned standard datasets
for GCIP research are summarized in Figure A-2. Further details
about each of these standard datasets are available
(IGPO 1996a)
Figure A-2 Compiled and Planned Standard Data Sets for GCIP
The major data collection and management activities during the
PRECOMP phase are:
- Complete the Compilation and Distribution of GCIP
Initial Data Sets
- Compile/Distribute LSA data sets with emphasis on
Enhanced Seasonal Observing Periods.
- Compile 5-yr data set for LSA-SW
- Assure available data are archived for CSA data during
first three years of the EOP (WY'96 - WY'98).
- Compile CSA data sets for last two years of Enhanced
Observing Period (WY'99 and WY2000).
The current plans for data collection and management need to
be reviewed and modified as needed in light of the developing
plans for GCIP research after the year 2000.
A.4. Strategy and Guidelines for ERMOSPE Phase
The coupled modeling and prediction experiments for
seasonal to annual time scales envisioned for the ERMOSPE phase
from 2001 through 2003 will entail closely coordinated efforts
among the five GEWEX CSEs and also closely coordinated/joint
experiments with CLIVAR/GOALS and particularly with the PACS
The specific nature of these activities will depend on
results achieved during the PRECOMP phase particularly with
reference to the question - To what extent is meteorological
prediction at daily to seasonal time scales sensitive to
hydrologic- atmospheric coupling processes? They will also
depend on the early result for the GCIP/PACS hypothesis that --
there is a deterministic element in the year-to-year variability
of summertime precipitation and temperature over North America.
The activities during the ERMOSPE phase are described in the
following section in terms of the GCIP objectives as was done
earlier for the PRECOMP phase.
A.4.1 Coupled Hydrologic-Atmospheric Modeling
It is envisioned that the coupled modeling activities during
the ERMOSPE phase will involve activities in the following areas:
A.4.1.1 General Approach for Climate Modeling and Prediction
The emphasis during the ERMOSPE phase will be on developing
and carrying out regional modeling and prediction experiments
with priority on the applications to water resources management.
The costs for such experiments, especially for computer time and
data sets needed, make it critical to lay out a GCIP strategy
that is both affordable and provides sufficient opportunity for
participation by interested investigators.
The implementation strategy will consist of a four-stage
scenario for regional climate modeling and applications as
summarized in Figure A-3:
I. Land/Hydrology component only to consolidate the efforts in this research
area through a GCIP - Modular Land/Hydrology Model Infrastructure (GCIP-MLH).
II. Hindcasts and simulations using a global reanalysis , such as the NCEP reanalysis to
provide "perfect boundary conditions" for embedded/coupled regional climate models.
III. Seasonal to Annual Predictions, primarily through the operational
facilities of NCEP.
IV. Applications of seasonal to annual hydrometeorological forecasts with emphasis
on water resources management.
Figure A-3 GCIP 4-Stage Scenario for Regional Climate Modeling
and Applications.
The general approach will consist of on-line realtime
predictions and off-line non-real time hindcasts and simulations.
The former will be carried out primarily through NCEP by making
use of both the operational regional climate model output and the
parallel (non-operational) regional climate model output.
The off-line non-realtime hindcasts and simulations will
consist of the following activity areas:
- Climate prediction experiments to the extent that Agency support permits. A.4.1.2 Infrastructure Guidelines
Figure A-4 provides a schematic of the infrastructure needed
to support a regional NWP or Climate model. GCIP will make use
of the following guidelines for infrastructure support during the ERMOSPE phase:
Figure A-4 Infrastructure for Regional Model (NWP or
A.4.1.3 Modular Land/Hydrology Model Infrastructure
A schematic depicting the role of land models coupled to
atmospheric models is shown in Figure A-5
(Sellers et al. 1996).
The current focus in GCIP is on the models used to calculate the
exchanges of water and energy between the land surface and the
atmosphere on different time scales from hours to seasons. These
components represent unique portions of a completely coupled
climate model which GCIP and the other CSEs in the Gewex
Hydrometeorology Panel are being asked to contribute to the
overall goal of the WCRP. The GCIP concentration in the
Mississippi River basin, with its varied climatic regimes
combined with a relatively data rich sets of
observations and model assimilated data sets available provides
an opportunity for GCIP to make a significant contribution to
global climate modeling and prediction by developing the
infrastructure needed to accelerate the research and development
of a community land/hydrology model. The infrastructure needed
for a potential GCIP - Modular Land/Hydrology Model
Infrastructure is depicted schematically in Figure A-6. Setting
up such an infrastructure in an appropriate institution will
provide an opportunity for interested investigators from
universities, national research laboratories and private research
laboratories to readily contribute to such an accelerated research effort.
Figure A-5 Schematic for Land and Atmosphere Models.
Figure A-6 Infrastructure for Potential GCIP-Modular Land/Hydrology Models (GCIP-MLH).
The significant advantages for a GCIP- MLH will accrue for
the activities outside the Mississippi River basin, especially in
carrying out the GCIP role within the GEWEX Hydrometeorology
Panel on transferability of results. In the context of GHP,
transferability is defined as : "The demonstration that
techniques (including models) developed in particular regions to
account for critical water and energy cycles will adequately
represent those of other regions without tuning when provided
with appropriate initial conditions and background fields".
Setting up the infrastructure needs to consider this as a
long-term effort that will extend beyond the life of the GCIP
Project. The elements of Land Models shown in Figure A-5
(Carbon, Biogeochemistry and Terrestrial Ecology) are not yet quantified
for inclusion in climate models in any meaningful way but are
projected to be part of the next advances in coupled climate
A.4.2 Water Resources
Some initial indications point to the GCIP water resources activities such as the following:
- Evaluation of climate predictions for annual periods as
input to annual operating plans for river basins and sub-basins. It is anticipated that the activities will become better
defined for water resources by the end of 1997 .
A.4.3 Data
It is envisioned that a few seasonal to annual prediction
experiments can be conducted with the operational centers such as
NCEP. However, it is assumed that the bulk of the coupled
modeling research and prediction experiments will necessarily
make use of historical data sets. A preliminary assessment
indicates that most of the data requirements can be met by using
the 25-year period from 1976 to 2000. This makes use of the
model reanalysis from the period when the global models were
first implemented for operations by the NOAA/NMC through the
buildup period for The Global Weather Experiment (1979) and will
provide the optimum global data set for the ERMOSPE phase.
A.5 Preparations for SAWRPEX Phase
It is envisioned that GCIP will be ready to conduct Seasonal
to Annual Water Resources Prediction Experiments (SAWRPEX) by the
year 2003. Achieving such a capability will entail some complex
preparatory research and analysis during the period 1998 to 2003.
It was recognized during the implementation planning for
GCIP that the task of predicting the consequences of climatic
variability and change on regional hydrological and water
resources is a formidable one (IGPO 1994). At some point the
capability developed by GCIP to model water and energy cycle
variability needs to be integrated into models that gauge
societal impacts from climate variability and change. This
testing must demonstrate consistency in local and regional as
well as continental skill.
Presently, the uncertainty associated with estimates of how
managed and uncontrolled watersheds may respond to a variety of
climatic scenarios is enormous. What is called for, and what
GCIP has the opportunity to provide, is an evaluative framework
composed of methods and procedures for translating the output of
climate models to a form appropriate and meaningful for use in
water management models. Thus, GCIP water resource research
activities during the next five years needs be organized around
two distinct focuses:
(1) Diagnostic evaluation of coupled atmospheric and
hydrological model output as applied specifically in
watershed and water management models. Associated with
this is the development of methods for generating
climatic data streams using climate model-simulated
variations and changes in climate over the Continental
United States and Mississippi River basin.
(2) Development and testing of water resources models and
fully integrated data management systems designed to
help water resource managers and water users improve
the utilization of water and the management of water-related
infrastructure in the Mississippi River basin.
A.5.1 Diagnostic Evaluations for Water Resources
Although the body of information dealing with the
hydrological and water resource effects of climate variability
and change is growing rapidly (especially case studies of
hydrological impacts), few water resource policy and management
insights have been produced in these efforts. This lack of
intuitive knowledge is due largely to the reality that the
analyses are based on GCM outputs that simply do not provide the
information required for management and policy activities.
However, a concerted effort at understanding the principal
strengths as well as weaknesses of the different types of climate
models vis-à-vis water resources assessment has never been
undertaken. Clearly, GCIP research presents a unique opportunity
for identifying ways to make climate model output, especially at
the mesoscale, more useful as input to water resources
simulations and to water resources management decision-making.
Initial studies will focus on the larger space and longer
time scales and then work down to greater spatial and temporal
detail. Thus, the first activity will be to assess the
performance of operational models over the entire Mississippi
River basin domain at an annual time step. Subsequent efforts
will move to the LSAs and then to the smaller study areas, and
down to seasonal and then monthly time steps. Questions of
importance to water resources assessment and management to be
addressed in these evaluations include:
- Can the model reproduce the timing, amount, and
regional distribution of snow across the Mississippi River basin? A.5.2 Transfer of Research Results to Water Resource Managers
Another important consideration of the water management
element relates to the presence of an incongruity between the
research and modeling outputs of the GCIP effort and the
practical problems (e.g., organizational constraints and
liabilities) faced by water resources managers. This is not to
say that GCIP information is not of potential significant
benefit, but, rather, to note that such information cannot be
directly transformed or transferred into water management
activities without a lengthy process of institutional validation
and without reconstituting it into a complex series of models,
engineering regulations, manuals, and conventional practices.
Thus, while the water management community may immediately see
the long-range value of GCIP scientific information and products,
that value may not be readily translated into operational
payoffs. As a result, the practical benefits of the GCIP effort
should be viewed in a long-term context.
To ensure that GCIP scientific research output is
effectively evaluated and utilized in water management activities
within the Mississippi River basin, a coordination function with
the responsible regional and local water management organizations
will be established and maintained.
As part of this liaison activity several distinct actions
are planned. First, an implementation plan will be developed for
incorporating GCIP products into each management organization's
procedures. Second, the GCIP Water Resources PRA, or some
working group thereof, will undertake the coordination of ongoing
agency activities that complement GCIP objectives. Many
organizations will not be funded specifically to conduct GCIP
activities, but they do conduct operations that support GCIP
objectives. A mechanism for incorporating these related
activities is essential to the success of the water resource
assessment component of the overall project. Third, most water
management agencies also conduct research on the design of
hydrological models. It is appropriate, therefore, to ensure
that these modeling efforts, as well as the testing of existing
models using GCIP data, are incorporated into the overall
hydrological modeling component of the Mississippi River basin project.
There is also a need to describe clearly what operational
improvements water resources managers should anticipate in what
timeframe. In this regard, it is instructive to consider the
water management perspective. Although a wide range of water
models is available, two generic types may be considered:
hydrological process models and water management models. The
former type is designed to understand how changes in
precipitation, the land surface, and soils affect runoff
(discharge) and recharge. The latter type, which includes such
schemes as simulation and optimization, tends to utilize
statistical series of precipitation and streamflow and focus on
resolving issues such as how to design, control, and distribute
the water supply.
In general, process models are not directly used in water
management operations, although certain features are incorporated
for special problems. Rather, a number of specialized models
have been developed for application to different decision needs,
such as operations, planning, and design. Some examples of these
models, along with the time scale at which they operate, appear in
Figure A-7.
Figure A-7 Models for Different Decision Needs in Water
Resources Management.
Shorter term needs (days to several months), focused on
operations, are depicted on the left side of the vertical dashed
line in Figure A-7. Longer term needs (several months to more
than 100 yr), aimed at planning and design, appear to the right
of this line. The types of models that support operational
issues include those designed to assist in decisions related to
flood warning and evacuation, reservoir operation, water supply
allocation, navigation, and the development of reservoir
operating rules. At the longer time scales, planning and
design-oriented models address issues such as interannual storage, safe
yield, supply reliability, hydropower, drought, design flood,
probable maximum flood, structural integrity, dam safety, and
project lifespan. GCIP needs to focus on the establishment of
an infrastructure for the improved management of water resources
in the Mississippi River basin, across the range of decision
needs, by ensuring that the gains in understanding hydrological
processes and modeling techniques are linked with the
appropriate water management organizations.
- Test and validate components needed to develop a
coupled hydrologic-atmospheric climate model.
- Demonstrate the validity and performance
characteristics of a coupled hydrologic - atmospheric
model during the assimilation and early prediction time
periods as a precursor to developing and testing a
coupled hydrologic-atmospheric climate model.
- Sensitivity studies on accuracy and precision
requirements for precipitation predictions as useful input to hydrological applications.
- Utility of probabilistic meteorological predictions to hydrological applications.
- Cooperative model transferability experiments with
other Continental Scale Experiments (CSEs) through the GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel.
- GCIP/PACS prediction experiments as mutually agreed by the two projects
and supported by the Agency Programs.
- Case studies for model component development, test and evaluation.
- Research and sensitivity experiments using modular
macroscale land surface/hydrology models infrastructure (GCIP-MLH ).
- GCIP Project will support the archiving of model output
data as provided by NCEP for meeting research requirements to the extent that agency resources are
provided for such purposes.
- Principal Investigators are responsible for any
reproduction charges by the archiving facility.
- GCIP Project will make provisions for an agreed upon
composite data set for input data and model monitoring
and evaluation data.
- GCIP Project will make provisions for an agreed upon
set of global model reanalysis data to conduct regional
climate model simulations.
- Principal Investigators are responsible for all the
other support requirements needed for their research.
- Principal Investigators will make model output data
available to GCIP as mutually agreed by the PI and the Project.
- Modular macroscale land surface/hydrology model
infrastructure support to be defined.
- Simulation and evaluation of alternative river basin
management scenarios emphasizing 25-year period from 1976 to 2000.
- Evaluation of ongoing experimental seasonal to
interannual climate predictions for hydrological applications.
- Compile and archive the composite data set
documentation for the five-year Enhanced Observing Period.
- Contribute to the compilation of 25-year data set for
the period 1976 to 2000 for use by GCIP/PACS and GHP
seasonal to interannual prediction studies.
- Contribute to compilation of custom data sets for
diagnostic studies and coupled modeling experiments.
- Compile a custom data set to support the GCIP -
Community Land/Hydrology modeling development, test and evaluation efforts.
- How well are snowmelt-generated spring flows simulated,
and how variable is model skill in simulating runoff
over monthly to annual time scales?
- Are there significant regional differences in model
skill at simulating runoff and related variables across
the Mississippi River basin?