The NAS/NRC GEWEX Panel in its review of the GCIP Objectives recommended that more emphasis should be placed on data assimilation and should be included as one of the GCIP objectives:
Develop and evaluate atmospheric, land, and coupled data assimilation schemes that incorporate both remote and in-situ observations.
Improved understanding of the hydrological cycle depends critically on
atmospheric and surface fields which synthesize various observations in a manner
consistent with constraints inherent in the physical laws governing evolution of these
fields. Typically, these constraints are applied through the equations solved in a
state-of-the-art forecast model. This process of data synthesis is known as data
In operational numerical weather prediction (NWP), data assimilation has
become recognized, over the last 10 years, as nearly equivalent in importance to
model development for improvement of model forecasts of all time durations, from a
few hours to many days or weeks. Forecast error is understood now to be as often a
function of inadequate initial conditions as from model deficiencies.
The data assimilation challenges facing GCIP are essentially those facing
mesoscale meteorology, but are further complicated by the need to account for land
surface and hydrological processes. Atmospheric data assimilation techniques are
designed to minimize analysis error in an undetermined problem; that is, conditions
must be estimated at many grid points where no data exist. Furthermore, account
must be made for varying data error characteristics and irregular spatial and
temporal sampling in those observations. This problem of underdeterminacy is
particularly serious regarding surface fields, where observations are sparse and often
representative only of very local regions.
The basic shortcoming in the current observational database is a lack of
coincident data in time and space for estimating energy and water budget
components. Limitations arising from the diverse nature of observational platforms
and their associated algorithms are well known. Some variables, such as
precipitation, soil moisture, and runoff, can be observed adequately at point
locations but only with greater uncertainty at large spatial scales. Some variables
integrate in nature over time and space, e.g., streamflow, aerological determination
of evaporation, and precipitation difference, but are poorly related to instantaneous
point processes. Some variables, particularly the surface latent and sensible heat
fluxes and soil moisture , are not directly observable over large regions. In this case
4DDA methods become an essential strategic methodology for incorporating various
data into models that will be validated with GCIP data sets. On the other hand,
many characteristics of the surface do not change in time and data sets of these
variables are being gathered with increasing precision and spatial coverage.
Data assimilation is also important for GCIP to provide improved analyses of
moisture fields in the atmosphere. These moisture fields are a product of the full
dynamic/physical processes in the atmosphere and surface, so ultimately, GCIP must
be concerned with the full data assimilation process. Currently, research in data
assimilation is related to forward static techniques which use a forecast model only
in a forward sense, and to more fully 4-dimensional techniques which fit
observations to a model state integrated over some time period. In the forward
techniques, model forecasts are corrected at different points in time based on current
observations. These techniques include the commonly used optimal interpolation
statistical technique and 3-D variational techniques. The frequency with which
observations are incorporated can vary to as often as every model time step, in
which case the assimilation is sometimes called nudging. The 4-dimensional
variational techniques may have greater potential for improvement of initial
conditions, but are much more computationally expensive.
Another recent impetus to data assimilation research has been the availability
of new data sources, including wind profilers, commercial aircraft, Doppler radars
(reflectivity and radial winds), and improved satellite sensors. The variational
technique provides an improved framework for assimilation of these observations,
many of which are not explicitly forecast by the forecast model (e.g., satellite-
observed radiances). The use of raw observations rather than processed retrievals
(e.g., temperature and moisture soundings derived from satellite radiances) has been
recognized as providing improved information from these sources.
Based on these considerations, the principal areas in data assimilation for
GCIP are summarized as follows:
- improved algorithms that translate from observation variables to model
variables and vice versa (e.g., radiative transfer models, hydrological models);
- incorporation of new data sources (which must pass the test of providing
additional information over that already known from other sources and
the model forecast), and also process rates such as rainfall rate, streamflow,
and TOA radiative fluxes, and various soil-moisture measurements; and
- understanding of uncertainty in GCIP analyzed data sets.
The major components of the hydrological cycle are soil moisture, surface
evaporation, water vapor, clouds, rainfall, and runoff. The first two components are
not observed routinely over continental areas such as the GCIP domain. The GCIP
analyses of soil moisture and surface evaporation must therefore be products of a
4DDA system. For the long GCIP time period, such assimilations can be provided
conveniently only by on-line operational centers.
Modern 4-D data assimilation systems use objective analysis techniques
combined with advanced atmospheric forecast models to blend observations of
varying types, timeliness, accuracy, and spatial coverage into self-consistent
uniformly gridded fields of atmospheric and surface fields. For fields that are not
observed (or very sparsely observed), 4DDA systems rely on the atmospheric model
to generate realistic analyses based on the internal physical and dynamic coupling
within the model to those fields that are observed.
The moisture cycle in models is largely determined by subgrid scale
parameterizations, which typically drive atmospheric models rather quickly to an
equilibrium between evaporation and precipitation, both of which are crucial to the
terrestrial water cycle. The model's moisture equilibrium may be realistic but upset
in assimilation by incorrect data; on the other hand, good data may be subverted in
the assimilation by systematic deficiencies and biases in the model.
In this context, Lorenc (1992) emphasized that the vast detailed information
generated when fitting the model to data in the assimilation process provides unique
tools to diagnose the model or data weaknesses. The extensive long-term GCIP
database will provide substantially enhanced opportunities to do just that for
components of the water and energy cycles not routinely observed, leading to
assimilation improvements, which, in turn, over the GCIP period will lead to more
realistic representations of these cycles. Hence, together, the special GCIP
observations and operational 4DDA systems (including their periodic upgrades
growing out of GCIP research) represent a synergistic opportunity to improve both
specification and simulation of the global energy and water cycles. To take
advantage of this opportunity, operational assimilation products will require
extensive diagnosis and validation by GCIP researchers.
For operational NWP and 4DDA systems, then, this operational plan,
coupled with the companion research plan in Volume II (IGPO, 1994a), must
achieve the following tasks:
(2) Identification of shortcomings by comparison with observations
(especially exploiting the long-term character of the GCIP
observation enhancements).
(3) Implementation of improvements, especially assimilation
improvements and physical parameterization improvements,
stemming from concurrent GCIP modeling research.
4.3 Observational Data For GCIP Data Assimilation
An inventory of possible data for assimilation includes the following:
While some investigation of single-sensor data and processing may be
appropriate in some circumstances, the emphasis for GCIP should be on assimilation
of different types of data together and doing so in the context of coupled models.
The success of various diagnostic budget studies of the hydrological cycle is critically
dependent on the quality of these analyses.
4.1 Background
- application of improved data assimilation techniques (e.g., 3-D variational
and 4-D variational) to coupled atmospheric/hydrologic models;
4.2 GCIP Needs For Model Assimilated Data Sets
(1) Detailed studies of the water and energy cycles in current
operational models and assimilation systems.
With today's advancements in computer power, it is widely accepted that the
separation between climate models and NWP models is becoming less pronounced.
Taking advantage of the long time scales and breadth of observations and model
output of GCIP, researchers can quantify the behavior of a range of operational
NWP systems over a range of spatial resolutions, physical complexity, and data
assimilation approaches to help identify those key water and energy cycle
components and scales that climate models must ultimately include to achieve a new
level of reliability.
a. Surface-related data
in situ soil moisture and soil temperature profiles
b. Atmospheric data
satellite-sensed skin temperature
GOES surface radiative fluxes
snow depth
snow water equivalent
vegetation - NDVI, leaf-area index (LAI), rooting depth
land surface characteristics
surface fluxes (e.g., SURFRAD)
aircraft microwave measurements of temperature and moisture
precipitable water (SSM/I, GOES)
direct radiances
cloud liquid water (SSM/I multi-spectral)
cloud and water vapor track wind estimates
GPS integrated precipitable water (combined satellite and
surface GPS site - near future)
precipitation rate product (WSR-88D)
radial winds
velocity azimuth display (VAD) horizontal winds
vertical velocity
vertically integrated liquid (VIL)
NOAA network
in situ
boundary-layer profilers
radio acoustic sounding system (RASS)
water vapor profiles
4.4 Data Assimilation Techniques Relevant To GCIP
a. Surface-related
- uncoupled, after the fact (off-line) assimilation based on
precipitation analyses (e.g., NCEP's proposed Land Data Assimilation System)
b. Atmosphere related
- uncoupled real-time assimilation based on predicted precipitation (e.g., FSL's
ongoing MAPS cycle with evolving soil moisture and temperature)
- infer soil moisture from rate of change in skin temperature (inversion of
soil/vegetation model)
- adjoint of soil/vegetation model within uncoupled or coupled model
- use of hydrological model and its adjoint to assimilate streamflow
- direct use of satellite-sensed skin temperature (e.g., via NASA's incremental
- assimilation of surface radiative fluxes
- 3-dimensional variational methods
c. Assessment of model and observational errors
- 4-dimensional variational methods
- cloud/moisture analysis
- initialization for stratiform and convective precipitating systems, consistent
with model parameterizations of those systems
- specification of latent heating within model integration
- application of different coordinate systems (e.g., quasi-horizontal
versus isentropic)