3.2 Water Resources Research in the LSA-E
The water resources working group at the LSA-E Detailed Design Workshop focused
on how GCIP LSA-E activities could contribute to GCIP's evolving goals with respect to
water resources. The working group focused its recommendations on those LSA-E activities
which would have the greatest "spinoff" benefits for water resource systems operations. It
was clear that improvements in short and long-range weather forecasting represent the
strongest tie between the GCIP research community and water resources operations, both
generally and for LSA-E in particular. As a means to direct the LSA-E water resources
activity in this direction, the an experimental water resources forecast capability for part or all
of LSA-E was recommended, as follows:
1) GCIP should develop an experimental streamflow forecast capability for the two major
river systems within LSA-E: The Tennessee-Cumberland, and the Ohio River
systems. It is important that this activity be implemented with parallel research and
operational pathways, the latter of which would incorporate the involvement of the two
RFCs that operate in LSA-E.
2) An ensemble approach to hydrologic forecasting is needed for several reasons. First,
PRYSM-type water resources systems models are designed to process ensembles of
events to evaluate the implications of alternative operating decisions when the future
reservoir inflows are not known exactly. In addition, ensemble prediction methods
allow uncertainty in future precipitation patterns throughout a river basin to be
analyzed in a way that is statistically consistent for all forecast points in the basin.
The TVA system would provide an excellent test site for evaluation of ensemble
hydrologic forecasts derived from coupled land-atmosphere models.
3) Opportunities for diagnosis of NWP models (especially NCEP/Eta, but longer range
forecast models as well as their land surface schemes are updated) soil moisture
should be exploited using the parallel simulations produced using observed forcings.
The potential for updating for NWP model soil moisture using streamflow prediction
errors should be evaluated as well.
4) Attention should be given to the role of biases in both meteorological forecasts
(forcings to hydrologic forecast models) and in the hydrologic models themselves.
Every hydrologic model includes at least some seasonal bias in the statistical
properties (e.g., means and variances) of model outputs when the models are operated
in a simulation mode using historical observations. Some method of correcting for
these biases is essential for water resource applications of the forecasts.