(b) snowpack maturation and melt
(c) ground frost, soil temperature, and soil water movement. To foster
improvements in modeling, it is recommended that appropriate data sets be
collected at more than one site. The validation and development of land surface
process modeling will require the set of measurements shown in Table A-1.
Forcing measurements (30 minute resolution)
U component wind speed at 10 m
V component wind speed at 10 m
Temperature at 2 m
Specific humidity at 2 m
Surface pressure
Surface skin temperature
Surface Radiation - downward shortwave
Surface Radiation - downward longwave
Surface Radiation - upward longwave
Surface Radiation - net radiation (measured)
Soil moisture (profiles)
Soil temperature (profiles)
Surface latent heat flux
Surface sensible heat flux
Set up for Experiment
Vegetation type and characteristics Site
Site Description
Surface Radiation - upward shortwave (albedo)
Soil characteristics
Wilting point
Rooting zone
Field capacity
Specific activities that are recommended are:
(b) Another critical element is the surface energy budget. This is likely to depend on a
number of variables including snow cover, land use (forest vs. agriculture),
topography, soil moisture, etc. The per site cost of the installation and operation of
surface energy budget stations is high, effectively limiting the number of sites that can
be instrumented. However, it is likely that the dominant factors will be snow cover
(albedo) and soil moisture. The influence of the secondary factors can be minimized
by choosing a focus area of small topographic variability and one predominant use
(i.e., agriculture). In addition, soil moisture variability may have a minor effect on the
surface energy budget during the snowmelt phase because meltwater will maintain wet
conditions at the top of the soil profile. Thus, representative measurements of grid-
averaged surface energy budget properties may be possible by sampling one
snow-covered and one bare site during the partial snow cover stage. To accomplish
this, there should be two mobile systems. Immediately prior to the expected beginning
of the spring snow melt, one can be deployed in an area of high SWE and the other in
an area of low SWE.
(c) Soil moisture variability will have a major effect on the disposition of meltwater and
the threat of flooding. Airborne gamma radiation measurements may be the most
effective technique to sample soil moisture in a grid-scale area.
(b) satellite - Areal extent of snow cover and fractional cover within a pixel may be
feasible, but snow water equivalent is more difficult.
(c) airborne gamma radiation - these measurements cover only a small percentage of the
surface area and are not frequent in time. For soil moisture, data sources include
airborne gamma radiation measurements, experimental satellite estimates, and a few
ground based in-situ measurements. Since existing in situ measurements are few and
fiscal constraints will limit the number of additional sites that can be added or
upgraded, it will be necessary to rely heavily on remote sensing.
A.1. Introduction
The Task Group met on March 25-26, 1996 at the Illinois State Water Survey in
Champaign, Illinois. The group focused on the existing infrastructure and ongoing projects in
the LSA-NC. The recommendations primarily address those scientific issues that relate to
snow and frozen ground processes and that can take advantage of the existing infrastructure
and ongoing projects.
A.2. Relevant Issues
A series of presentations were given. These presentations highlighted a number of
issues that are pertinent to the recommendations. These issues are as follows:
A.3 Scientific Themes
The scientific issues raised in the two workshops can be organized around the following
themes, based on the strategy for experimental design.
A.3.1 Land Surface Model Physics
This includes frozen soil processes, snowpack maturation and melt, and the energy budget at
the snow-atmosphere interface. This could also include the issue of small (field)-scale snow
patchiness. In situ measurements of relevant variables at one or more sites during ESOP-97
and ESOP-98 can provide the basis for studies to improve model parameterizations and for
model intercomparison studies to identify model deficiencies.
A.3.2 Land Surface Modeling of SubGrid
Scale Heterogeneity Effects - this is most relevant during snowmelt when the change in
albedo can exert a profound influence on the surface-atmospheric energy exchange. The
modeling of the grid-averaged energy budget is a particularly challenging problem during
partial snow cover conditions when the albedo may vary from less than 0.20 to greater than
0.80 within a grid square. A model intercomparison study based on data collected in a focus
study area the size of a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model grid square (40 km x 40
km) can be envisioned. However, the limited financial resources that are available may make
it difficult to collect sufficient data to accurately characterize grid-averaged properties.
A.3.3 Monitoring of the Land-Surface State
Studies of the LAS-NC region as a whole will require accurate measurements of the condition
of the land-surface, particularly soil moisture, soil temperature, and snowpack characteristics.
NWP models will be able to capitalize on improvements in land-surface modeling only to the
extent that accurate operational monitoring of the land-surface condition is available to
initialize model runs. Appropriate studies under this theme include removal of biases that are
present in situ snow measurement datasets, improvement of satellite snow products, algorithm
development for improvement of NEXRAD products, and soil moisture initialization
A.4. Recommended Activities
The recommended activities are described the three general areas of land-surface
model physics, validation of land surface modeling of sub-grid scale heterogeneity.
A.4.1 Land-Surface Model Physics
The important cold season processes to be modeled include:
(a) radiative, sensible, and latent energy fluxes at the surface-atmosphere interface
Table A-1 Variables Required for Land Surface Model Intercomparison Studies
A.4.2 Validation of Land Surface Modeling of Subgrid-Scale Heterogeneity
The issue of heterogeneous snow cover, soil moisture, and land surface characteristics
should be addressed partially by the collection of data in a focus area of the approximate size
of a NWP model grid square (40 x 40 km). Two sites in southern Minnesota, the
Cottonwood basin and the Le Sueur Basin, may be suitable for such studies. Both are of an
appropriate size and shape and there are existing data collection efforts that can contribute to
GCIP goals. However, it will be necessary to collect substantial additional data to describe
the heterogeneity of the surface. A working group should be formed to establish specific
requirements for data collection. A challenge is to design an experiment to effectively study
subgrid-scale heterogeneity that is cost efficient. The following issues must be addressed in
order to meet relevant scientific objectives:
(a) One critical element is the measurement of the spatial distribution of SWE within the
focus area immediately prior to and at frequent intervals during the spring snowmelt.
Airborne gamma radiation measurements can supply data at a resolution of 300 m x
300 m by doing multiple passes over a flight line. However, flight lines cover only a
small fraction of any of the candidate focus areas. These will probably need to be
supplemented by ground-based in situ measurements of SWE. In addition, satellite
measurements of snow areal extent and fractional coverage within the focus area
should be obtained.
Specific activities that are recommended include:
A.4.3 Monitoring of the Land Surface State
Studies of the water and energy budgets during the cold season in the LSA-NC will require
detailed and accurate data on snow distribution and magnitude and on soil moisture.
Although WSR-88D precipitation estimates provide the desired high spatial resolution, the
operational algorithms used to relate radar return to precipitation rate are not valid for snow
events with the exception of the MSP radar. It may be possible to acquire the raw radar data
and reprocess through more appropriate algorithms for the ESOP-97 and ESOP-98 time
periods of interest. However, the cost of this is substantial and may exceed the limits of
expected funds. Thus, when considering the LSA-NC as a whole, data on snow may be
limited to in situ measurements by NWS cooperative observers, satellite observations, and
airborne gamma radiation measurements. Each of these sources of data has limitations as
(a) cooperative observer data - the most serious problem is the well-known low bias of
liquid water equivalent because of wind-sensitive under-catchment. A second
limitation is the low (compared to the scale of spatial heterogeneity) spatial resolution
of the network.
Specific activities that are recommended include: