United States Air Force (USAF) Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Data
Source and Information Links
General DMSP Data and Information
DMSP Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) Data and Information Links
- DMSP SSM/I Information (SAA)
- DMSP SSM/I Environmental
Data Records (EDR) Data (NOAA/NESDIS)
- DMSP SSM/I Sensor Data
Records (SDR) Data (NOAA/NESDIS)
- DMSP SSM/I Temperature Data
Records (TDR) Information (NOAA/NESDIS)
- DMSP SSM/I TDR Processing Software
- DMSP SSM/I Data Products (Remote Sensing
- Yesterday's SSM/I F13, F14 & F15 Radiances (NOAA)
- DMSP SSM/I Precipitation and Water Vapor Data and Products
- DMSP SSM/I Wind Data and Products
- DMSP SSM/I Multiple Data and Product Types
- SSM/I Processing (Water Vapor, Wind Speed, Rain Rate, Surface
Temperature, Surface Type, Snow Depth, Soil Moisture, Ice Concentration)
- DMSP SSM/I Global Gridded Products (Precipitation,
Snow Cover/Sea Ice, Total Precipitable Water, Cloud Liquid Water, and Oceanic Surface Wind Speed) (NOAA/NCDC)
- Precipitable Water, Rain Rate, 85 GHz Radiance, and Surface
Winds over Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico (NOAA/SSD)
- Precipitable Water, Rain Rate, 85 GHz Radiance, and Surface
Winds over East and Central Pacific (NOAA/SSD)
- DMSP SSM/I Daily Gridded and Swath Brightness Temperature, Cloud
Liquid Water, Integrated Water Vapor, and Oceanic Wind Speed (NASA/MSFC/GHRC)
- SSM/I Daily and Monthly Products (Rain Rate, Cloud Liquid Water,
TPW, Snow Cover, Ocean Surface Wind Speed, etc) (NOAA/NESDIS)
- Yesterday's SSM/I F13, F14 & F15 Products
(Precipitable Water, Cloud Liquid Water, Rain Rate, Sea Ice, and Snow Cover)
- FPDT Polar products from the DMSP Satellites
DMSP SSM Temperature Sounder 1 (SSM/T1) Data and Information Links
DMSP SSM/T2 Data and Information Links