function [stat] = start_antenna_plots( direc, dispo ) % Start-up routine for antenna plots % direc = '/export/d2/rilling/DYN_test/cfradial/moments/sband'; % dispo = 'save'; if( ~exist('dispo')) % if dispo = 'save', plots are saved in subdir "figs" dispo = 'no'; end; instrument = 'SMART-R'; f_name = select_files(direc, '/cfrad*.nc'); % the wilson/sellis test: if( ~exist(deblank(f_name(1,:)),'file')) % need to bail-out stat = -1; fprintf('\n\nNo files selected.\n\nExit.\n\n'); return; end; klim = size(f_name); klim = klim(1); for kk=1:klim; mydat = read_pointing_info_h5( f_name(kk,:) ); plotstat = plot_pointing_info( instrument, mydat, dispo ); pause; end; stat = 1;