function mydat = read_pointing_info_h5( f_name ) % Pretty basic routine to read just the antenna pointing info from % a CfRadial file that uses HDF5 compression convention. % Extracts only the known variables related to pointing. These % variables are listed in the cell array Flds, and are then packed % into the structure "mydat" for return. % Written specifically for Matlab 7.12 (R2011a) and % CfRadial V1 draft 11 (document of 2011-01-18) % RAR July 2011 f_name = deblank(f_name); mydat = struct(); Flds = {'azimuth' 'elevation' 'fixed_angle' 'antenna_transition' 'sweep_mode' 'sweep_number' ... 'sweep_start_ray_index' 'sweep_end_ray_index' 'time' 'time_coverage_start' 'time_coverage_end' }; nlim = size(Flds); nlim = nlim(2); for nn=1:nlim mydat.(Flds{nn}) = h5read(f_name, ['/' Flds{nn}]); end;