function [ SWP ATT ] = nc_radar_read(theNetCDFFile) % Recover and struture information from EOL Radar NetCDF files % Creates two matlab structures: SWP and ATT. SWP contains numeric % values, including data values and calibration information. ATT % contains (almost exclusively) text-based information, such as the % variable long_name, and global attributes (non-text values in the % global attributes include the Year, Month, and Day, often as an % integer) % % Use of this routine simplifies information recovery, and % allows addressing of variables by internal name; you can list all % variable names, and address those variables using non-constants for % their names. Essentially, you can use the self-documenting feature % NetCDF in a more complete way. % % Use of this function allows opening of multiple radars or multiple % NetCDF files at the same time, just by changing the SWP and ATT % structure names. % % Copyright NCAR, 2009-2011 % Original routine by Scott Ellis and Chris Burghart % Extensive modification by R. Rilling % Aug 2011: modified to accept uncompressed netCDF4, with or % without beam clipping % Open the NetCDF file. ncid =,'NC_NOWRITE'); [ndims,nvars,ngatts,unlimdimid] = netcdf.inq(ncid); % Recover global attributes. For lack of a better place, put these % attributes in ATT if ngatts > 0 for i=1:ngatts gattname = netcdf.inqAttName(ncid,netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL'),i-1); ATT.(gattname) = netcdf.getAtt(ncid,netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL'),gattname); end; end; % Recover all variables and Attributes. % If data type is 5, treat as numeric, and store in SWP structure; % otherwise, assume text info, and store in ATT structure. % for i=1:nvars % Get the name of the variable. [varname, xtype, varDimIDs, varAtts] = netcdf.inqVar(ncid,i-1); % Get the variable ID of the variable, given its name. varid = netcdf.inqVarID(ncid,varname); % Get the value of the variable, given its ID. % First convert single precision (xtype=5) to double. if xtype==5 data = netcdf.getVar(ncid,varid,'double'); else data = netcdf.getVar(ncid,varid); end; % apply scale factor and offset if they are defined and convert to % double. scale_factor=0.0; add_offset=0.0; missing_value=-9e10; if( varAtts > 0) % Sometimes there are no attributes! Code breaks if you don't test. for j=1:varAtts attname=netcdf.inqAttName(ncid,varid,j-1); myname = regexprep( deblank(attname) , '^_', ''); % no blanks in name, and no leading _ ATT.(varname).(myname) = netcdf.getAtt(ncid,varid,attname); end; else; ATT.(varname) = 'unknown attributes'; end; if( isfield(ATT.(varname), 'FillValue')) missing_value = ATT.(varname).FillValue; % replace missing values with NaN; this also avoids the scaling of missing values clear ii ii=find(data == missing_value); data(ii) = NaN; end; if( isfield(ATT.(varname), 'scale_factor')) scale_factor = ATT.(varname).scale_factor; add_offset = ATT.(varname).add_offset; if (scale_factor ~= 0.0 | add_offset ~= 0.0) data=double(data); data = data*scale_factor + add_offset; end; end; % fill-in any clipped beams to create regular-sized beam arrays % do this only for radar parameters with time/range coordinates % and only when n_gates_vary is true if( (isfield(ATT,'n_gates_vary') && ~isempty(strmatch('true',ATT.n_gates_vary))) && ... ( isfield(ATT.(varname), 'coordinates') && ~isempty(strmatch('time range', ATT.(varname).coordinates, 'exact' )))) G = get_unscaled_nc_data( theNetCDFFile, {'ray_n_gates','ray_start_index', 'time'}); Gmax = max(G.ray_n_gates); Gmin = min(G.ray_n_gates,1); if( Gmax == Gmin ) mydat.(varname) = data; else nbeams = size(G.time,1); a(1:Gmax,1:nbeams) = NaN; for jj=1:nbeams; % note that the start index for the beams begins at zero. (C-style array index starts at 0) a(1:G.ray_n_gates(jj),jj) = data((G.ray_start_index(jj)+1):(G.ray_start_index(jj)+G.ray_n_gates(jj))); end; SWP.(varname) = a; end; else SWP.(varname) = data; end; end; netcdf.close(ncid);