0800 | A11M-01. Overview of ARM observations during the ARM MJO Investigation Experiment (AMIE) - (Long) |
0815 | Overview of Aircraft Observations in DYNAMO: Emerging Science in MJO - (Chen) |
0830 | A11M-03. DYNAMO Convective System Structure During Active and Suppressed Phases of the MJO - (Jorgensen) |
0845 | A11M-04. Abrupt Cooling and the Oceanic Rossby Wave Observed during CINDY2011 - (Seiki) |
0900 | A11M-05. Radar analysis of precipitation influenced by tropical cyclone – Madden-Julian Oscillation interaction during DYNAMO - (Thompson) |
0915 | A11M-06. Evolution of Precipitating Convective Systems over the Equatorial Indian Ocean in Active Phases of the MJO - (Zuluaga) |
0930 | A11M-07. Evolution of convective systems in the different stages of the intraseasonal variability in the southern tropical Indian Ocean during CINDY2011 - (Katsumata) |
0945 | A11M-08. Properties of MJO Convection Diagnosed from DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE Sounding Arrays - (Johnson) |
1340 | A13A-0199. Moisture Variability over the Maritime Continent During the Coordinated MJO Field Campaign in 2011-12 - (Yoneyama) |
1340 | A13A-0200. The Precipitating Cloud Population of the MJO and its Relation to Large-Scale Atmospheric Conditions - (Barnes) |
1340 | A13A-0201. Comparison of Mean States and MJO Events during MISMO and DYNAMO Field Campaigns - (Benedict) |
1340 | A13A-0202. The diurnal cycle in the atmosphere and ocean during DYNAMO - (Flatau) |
1340 | A13A-0203. Daily simulation using a three-dimensional atmosphere-ocean regional coupled model, CReSS-NHOES over the CINDY/DYNAMO observation region - (Shinoda) |
1340 | A13A-0204. WRF Modeling of the Madden-Julian Oscillation during AMIE/DYNAMO Field Campaign - (Li) |
1340 | A13A-0205. Radar Observations of MJO/Wave Interactions During DYNAMO/CINDY2011/AMIE - (DePasquale) |
1340 | A13A-0206. Comparison of Mesoscale Convective Systems During DYNAMO - (Rowe) |
1340 | A13A-0207. The occurrence of thin cirrus clouds with short-period gravity waves over the tropical Indian Ocean during CINDY2011/DYNAMO - (Suzuki) |
1340 | A13A-0208. Internal versus boundary forced MJO variability in the DYNAMO region - (Thibaut) |
1340 | A13A-0209. Evaluation of Model Operational Analyses during DYNAMO - (Ciesielski) |
1340 | A13A-0210. Aircraft observations of convective characteristics throughout a Madden-Julian Oscillation event - (Guy) |
1340 | A13A-0211. Convective Cold Pool Structure and Boundary Layer Recovery in DYNAMO - (Savarin) |
1340 | A13A-0212. Satellite-Derived Cold Pool Activity, Convection and Moisture Evolution During MJO Initiation in the Indian Ocean - (Elsaesser) |
1340 | A13A-0213. Contribution of tropical cyclone for the preconditioning of the Madden-Julian Oscillation during CINDY2011 - (Jubota) |
1340 | A13A-0214. Seaglider Observations of Equatorial Ocean Rossby Wave Interactions With the Madden-Julian Oscillation During CINDY-DYNAMO - (Webber) |
1340 | A13A-0215. Understanding the temporal characteristics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation - (Toma) |
1340 | A13A-0216. Intraseasonal Variability in Coupled GCMs: The roles of ocean feedbacks, high-frequency SST variability, and cumulus parameterization - (DeMott) |
1340 | A13A-0217. Variability in surface meteorological variables and surface fluxes over the tropical Indian Ocean during the CINDY2011/DYNAMO campaign - (Yokoi) |
1340 | A13A-0218. Comparison of Oregon State University turbulent fluxes with COARE 3.0 bulk fluxes - (Marion) |
1340 | A13B-0219. Geographic differences in the vertical structure of the MJO from IGRA radiosonde data - (Straub) |
1340 | A13B-0220. An MJO Index for the Western Hemisphere: Identifying the MJO's Impacts over North America - (Schreck) |
1340 | A13B-0221. Real-time MJO Identification and Subseasonal Predictions - (Berry) |
1340 | A13B-0222. The MJO-Kelvin wave transition - (Sobel) |
1340 | A13B-0223. Mini MJO Events, or MJO-like Kelvin waves: A Discussion of Slow Eastward-Moving Convection in the Tropics - (Roundy) |
1340 | A13B-0224. Kinematic analysis of the MJO by wind partitioning - (Adames-Corraliza) |
1340 | A13B-0225. Formation and Development of Transient Eddies within an MJO - (Yasunaga) |
1340 | A13B-0226. Influence of Convective Momentum Transport on Tropical Waves - (Zhou) |
1340 | A13B-0227. Kelvin Waves and the Vertical Profile of Cumulus Entrainment - (Hannah) |
1340 | A13B-0228. An Operational Approach to Predicting the Global Circlulation Impacts of Simultaneous Interaction between the MJO and Equatorial Rossby Waves - (Schiraldi) |
1340 | A13B-0229. MJO and Kelvin Waves in Coherence Spectra of Moist Static Energy and Temperature and Their Sources - (Mykins) |
1340 | A13B-0230. MJO concept, eastward propagation, teleconnections, and South American rainfall - (Hirata) |
1340 | A13B-0231. The potential vorticity budget of the multi-scale models of the MJO - (Remmel) |
1340 | A13B-0233. The MJO and global warming: A CCSM-4 study - (Subramanian) |
1340 | A13B-0234. Exploring the Madden Julian Oscillation through superparameterized global hindcasts during the Year of Tropical Convection - (Pritchard) |
1340 | A13B-0235. Cloud-resolving simulation of convective ensemble during TOGA-COARE using imposed and parameterized large-scale dynamics - (Wang) |
1340 | A13B-0236. Air-sea Interaction Influence on the MJO propagation - (May) |
1340 | A13B-0237. Indian Ocean Cross-equatorial Heat Transport Associated with the MJO - (Guan) |
1340 | A13B-0238. Apparent Coupling between Atmospheric Convection and Oceanic Kelvin Waves - (Setzenfand) |
1340 | A13B-0239. Investigation of physical processes for the Northern Hemisphere wintertime temperature anomalies induced by the Madden-Julian oscillation - (Lee) |
1340 | A13O-01. Progress in Simulating Intraseasonal Variability in Climate Models (Invited) - (Sperber) |
1355 | A13O-02. The MJO of the Future (Invited) - (Randall) |
1410 | A13O-03. Simulations of the MJO events during the field campaign of 2011-12 by a global cloud-resolving model NICAM - (Miura) |
1425 | A13O-04. MJO Initiation within a Lagrangian Atmospheric Model - (Haertel) |
1440 | A13O-05. Stochastic and Deterministic Models for Tropical Convection - (Khouider) |
1455 | A13O-06. Intraseasonal Forecasting of the MJO during DYNAMO/CINDY Period - (Fu) |
1510 | A13O-07. Vertical Structure and Diabatic Processes of the MJO: Global Model Evaluation Project - (Waliser) |
1525 | A13O-08. Propagating vs. Non-propagating MJO - (Kim) |