Data policy and management
The DYNAMO data policy is in compliance with the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO) Resolution 40 on the policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related
data and products including guidelines on relationships in commercial meteorological activities:
"As a fundamental principle of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO),
and in
consonance with the expanding requirements for its scientific and technical expertise, the WMO
commits itself to broadening and enhancing the free and unrestricted international exchange of
meteorological and related data and products."
Additional DYNAMO data policy requires:
- A DYNAMO Data (field observations and associated satellite data, reanalyses, and model
output) Archive Center (DDAC) will be established and maintained by NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL).
- A real-time web-based Field Catalog will be implemented by EOL to assist the planning and
field operation with an overview of the missions carried out during the field campaign.
All participants to the DYNAMO field campaign are required to communicate with EOL on a daily basis
to report status of their real-time data collection and instruments, which will be included in the Field Catalog.
Near real-time Skew-T plots based on atmospheric sounding observations will be provided in the Field Catalog.
- Within six months following the end of the field campaign, all data shall be promptly provided
by DYNAMO investigators responsible for data acquisition to other DYNAMO investigators
upon request and notification of the intent of data use.
- All DYNAMO investigators participating in the field campaign are required to submit their
field data to the DDAC no later than six months following the end of the field campaign.
- During the first 12 months following the end of the field campaign, all DYNAMO data will be
accessible only to DYNAMO investigators to facilitate inter-comparison, quality control
checks and inter-calibrations, as well as an integrated interpretation of the combined data set.
No public release of the data (sharing with non-DYNAMO colleagues, conference
presentations, publications, commercial and media use, etc.) is allowed without the permission
of the DYNAMO PIs who are responsible for collecting the data.
- Quality control procedures should be carried out by DYNAMO investigators within 12 months
following the end of the field campaign, unless unforeseeable issues emerge. After that,
DYNAMO field data will be made available to the broader scientific community. Any
remaining data quality issues should be made clear in the data documentation files. Improving
DYNAMO data quality will be a continuous effort. The suitability of the released data for
scientific investigations and publications should be decided at the discretion of the DYNAMO
investigators responsible for field data collection and quality control and data users.
- The authorship decision for publications resulting from using DYNAMO data should follow
the ethic rules of the journals and professional organizations (e.g., AMS, AGU). DYNAMO
investigators responsible for field data collection are encouraged to make contributions to data
analysis and writing of manuscripts, in addition to providing the data, to be co-authors of
publications using DYNAMO data.
- The following acknowledgements are suggested to be included in all publications using
DYNAMO data: The xxxx data were collected as part of DYNAMO, which was sponsored by
NSF, NOAA, ONR, DOE, NASA, JAMSTEC, [Indian and Australian funding agencies]. The
involvement of the NSF-sponsored National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Earth
Observing Laboratory (EOL) is acknowledged. [The acquisition of the xxx data was carried
out by YYYY under the support by wwww (if YYYY is not a co-author)]. The data are
archived at the DYNAMO Data Archive Center maintained by NCAR EOL.
- There will be a CINDY2011 data center at JAMSTEC. The CINDY2011 data center and
DYNAMO data center at EOL will be linked and the accessibility to publicly released data at
either center will be transparent to users.