DC3 Working Groups Meeting

December 12-16, 2011
NCAR, Boulder, Colorado

ReadyTalk Info

Working Group Monday, 12 Dec Tuesday, 13 Dec Wednesday, 14 Dec Thursday, 15 Dec Friday, 16 Dec
Communications 1:00 PM        
Data Management & Data Catalog   2:00 PM      
Forecasting and Modeling         9:00 AM
Ground Based Facilities   10:00 AM      
Aircraft Facilities     9:00 AM    
Aircraft Flight Patterns       9:00 AM  
Operations         1:00 PM
Operations Base or Logistics     1:00 PM    
Education and Outreach 10:00 AM        

Charges to the Working Groups

a) Develop procedures and policies for the Operations Plan of DC3

b) Develop scenarios to practice at the pre-field-campaign workshop

c) Address detailed requests and identify any other issues related to the topic

List of Working Groups and Sub-Groups

1.       Communications (review and refine communication needs between facilities and ops center)

2.       Data Management & Data Catalog (review and refine plans for acquiring, archiving, distributing and using DC3 data)

3.       Forecasting & Modeling (review and refine plans for weather forecasting and other types of numerical modeling)

4.       Ground-Based Facilities (review and refine plans for operation of ground-based facilities)

5.       Aircraft Facilities (review and refine plans for operation of aircraft facilities)

6.       Aircraft Flight Patterns (develop "play book" of flight patterns for all aircraft)

7.       Operations (review and refine overall operations plan)

8.       Operations Base (optimize use of operations base; establish connections with providers)

9.      GV Payload (finalize payload; develop ground-to-aircraft instrument communication)

10.   Websites (review and refine plans for content and connections between various websites

11.   Decision Making (review and refine decision making process)

12.   Project Management (review and refine overall project management)

13.  Workshops and Meetings

1. Communications

1) Develop policy to prioritize various communication needs (e.g. flight pattern change versus instrument check versus forecast update) given bandwidth limitations to aircraft
2) Develop backup procedures if primary communication pathway fails
3) Develop priorities for other (besides to and from aircraft) limited bandwidth pathways
4) Assess status of communications with FAA and ATC regional centers
5) Role of website/catalog in communications


Vidal Salazar, Mike Biggerstaff, Rick Shetter, Larry Carey, Steve Rutledge, Chris Cantrell, Schlager/Huntrieser/Hausold, Mary Barth, Conrad Ziegler, Don MacGorman


2. Data Management & Data Catalog

1) Identify the lead DC3 data manager and define his/her role.
2) Identify a data manager for each DC3 platform and define their roles.
3) Develop and refine the DC3 data policy, to advise the data managers, and to fill other roles.
4) Identify data management conflicts and offer possible solutions.
5) Identify person(s) in charge of producing data merges.  Identify the types of merges desired.
6) Develop optimal ways to use aircraft, ground-based, and satellite data to address DC3 goals.  If software tools are required, identify them and potential developers/programmers.
7) Roles of website/catalog in data management; additional features of website/catalog desired from data management standpoint and other project needs




Ken Pickering, Paul Krehbiel, Louisa Emmons, Gao Chen, Steve Williams, Greg Huey, Mark Zondlo, Greg Stossmeister, Eric Bruning, Andy Heymsfield, Heidi Huntrieser, John Ortega, Jose Meitin, Don MacGorman


3. Forecasting and Modeling

1) Describe the operations of the forecasting during DC3, e.g. lead forecaster, regional forecasters, chemical tracer forecasters
2) Determine the forecasting and modeling products needed to address DC3 goals and help flight planning
3) Identify any needed tools to improve the forecasts
4) Describe the role of the web-based field catalog in forecasting/modeling (incorporate lessons learned during the DC3 test phase)


Mary Barth, Morris Weisman, Owen Cooper, Ken Pickering, Louisa Emmons, Jose Meitin, Russ Schumacher, Gretchen Mullendore, Lamont Bain (UAH), Andreas Doernbrack/Andreas Schaefler, Volker Grewe/Patrick Joeckel, Don Burgess, Don MacGorman


4. Ground-Based Facilities

1) Specify/recommend types of radar scans and format for submitting real-time data
2) Specify/recommend format for near real-time lightning
3) Discuss deployment options for mobile facilities
4) Describe optimum geographic regions for aircraft operations, based on ground-based facility coverage
5) Describe secondary geographic regions for aircraft operations, with caveats on capabilities lost


Steve Rutledge (lead), Larry Carey, Don MacGorman, Paul Krehbiel, Mike Biggerstaff, Pat Kennedy, Eric Bruning, Bill Brown (EOL-MISS), Tim Lang, Hartmut Hoeller (DLR), Conrad Ziegler


5. Aircraft Facilities

1) Integrating the three aircraft platforms to address DC3 hypotheses and science goals
2) Making optimum use of aircraft flight hours
3) Establish protocols for intercomparisons between similar GV, DC-8, and Falcon instruments including when, where intercomparisons are held and the data handling from the intercomparisons
4) Identify pre-campaign flight needs


Chris Cantrell, Allen Schanot, Jim Crawford, Bill Brune, Frank Flocke, Sam Hall, Linnea Avallone, Hans Schlager


6. Aircraft Flight Patterns

1) Evaluate, revise and extend flight plans from original Experiment Design Overview document to include lessons learned during the DC3 test phase
2) Brainstorm on alternative plans; ideas for making quick adjustments for uncooperative weather and/or aircraft routing.
3) Test plans with data collected/forecasts conducted during DC3 test phase.
4) Bring DC-8 and Falcon teams into discussion with GV team.  Identify philosophical differences that could impact flight operations.
5) Develop DC-8 flight pattern segments
6) Identify ways in which the Falcon could complement and enhance the DC3 project.
7) Flight plan contingencies including alternate landing airports and philosophy on measurements outside of research radar lobes


Chris Cantrell (lead), Bill Brune, Jim Crawford, Frank Flocke, Allen Schanot, Jeff Stith, Tom Ryerson, Sam Hall, Laura Pan, Karl Froyd, Linnea Avallone, Jack Dibb, Ken Pickering, Andy Heymsfield, Heidi Huntrieser


7. Operations

1) Describe day to day activities and their purposes, including meetings (when, who, where), notifications, polling instrument groups and others in preparation for these activities
2) Describe roles of various components in operations:  Communications,
Decision making, Forecasting, Aircraft crew duty and other factors, Instrument maintenance and repair, and any other components
3) Incorporate output of other working groups (as appropriate)
4) Describe activities leading up to a future flight (on flight days or non-flight days) – assessing weather opportunities in the light of other constraints
5) Describe activities on non-flight days – specific activities not related to future flights that are performed on non-flight days
6) Describe activities on flight days and specifically during flights – specific activities not related to future flights on flight days and during actual flights


Steve Rutledge, Don MacGorman, Larry Carey, Jim Moore, Allen Schanot, Chris Cantrell, Mary Barth, Bill Brune, Rick Shetter, Frank Flocke, Hans Schlager


8. Operations Base

Issues to be addressed:

1) Poll aircraft teams of their projected needs at aircraft base; assess availability of resources to address these needs.  Included are needs for: Gases, dry ice, fittings; Hazardous material; Overnight deliveries; Storage; Lab space (wet or dry lab, ventilation, disposal of waste, etc.); Office space (internet, etc.); Air stairs for inlet access (regular vs occasional/on request); Emergency machining, repair;
and Electrical engineer assistance
2) Define meeting room needs (size, location, A/V, network, remote meeting); locate candidates
3) Assess hotel, air travel and rental car needs.  Negotiate discounts.  Reserve blocks.
4) Conduct advance communications with vendors to ease interactions during field phase.
5) Identify emergency numbers in case of accidents
6) Identify recreational opportunities in the vicinity of the Operations Center/Operations Base.


Andy Weinheimer, Jim Moore, Kent Schiffer, Rick Shetter, Rebecca Hornbrook, Hans Schlager/Andrea Hausold, Frank Cutler


9. Education and Outreach

1) Identify E&O activities by various DC3 groups 2) Develop E&O activities as outlined in the FPS statement of work


Alison Rockwell, Mary Barth, Rebecca Hornbrook, Hans Schlager

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